Adding & Using Favorites in Moovit

October 17, 2016
    At Moovit, our mission is to make every local journey smooth. And because the majority of rides occur between the same places, we added Favorites to the app.
    After you add favorite locations, all it takes is a single tap and you’ll get suggested routes to your favorite place from wherever you’re located.

    Adding Favorite Locations

    With Moovit 5.0, accessing your Favorites is even easier. On the Directions tab, you can easily add your Home, Work and any other favorite places from this screen. Tap “Home”. “Work” or “Add Location”.


    You can type in the specific location into the search bar and select the place you want to make a favorite.



    Check you have the right destination and hit save.
    After you tap Save, you’ll be taken to the suggested routes screen, showing you the best directions from your current location. As always, simply pick your ideal route and use Live Directions for a smooth journey. If you don’t need to take a trip right then, simply tap the back arrow in the upper left corner. You will now see that the new favorite is on your Directions tab.


    Suggested Favorites

    We try to be extra helpful, and if you type in the same destination more than once, we will give you the option to save it as a favorite with one tap.



    Adding a Favorite Line

    Go to the Stations tab and find “Nearby Stations”.


    Pick your usual bus line.


    Find the three dots next to the arrival times and tap “Add line to my favorites”.


    You can find your favorite lines in the Lines tab, under the Favorites menu.

    Moovit 5.0-Lines Tab-Favorite Lines

    At Moovit, we believe riding is better together, so if you have a friend that could benefit from a smoother journey on public transit, share this with them and let them buy you a coffee for the countless minutes you’ll save them throughout the year. Smooth travels!
