How to get from Медведково (Medvedkovo) to Менделеево by bus and metro?
From Медведково (Medvedkovo) to Менделеево by bus and metro
To get from Медведково (Medvedkovo) to Менделеево in Moscow, you’ll need to take 2 metro lines and one bus line: take the 6 metro from Медведково (Medvedkovo) station to Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 2 metro and finally take the 400Э bus from Метро "Ховрино" station to 1-й Торговый центр station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 31 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationМедведково (Medvedkovo)
- 2Wait for metro6Новоясеневская (Novoyasenevskaya)
- 3Ride to metro stationТретьяковская (Tretyakovskaya)30 min
- 4Walk to metro stationНовокузнецкая (Novokuznetskaya)
- 5Wait for metro2Ховрино (Khovrino)
- 6Ride to metro stationХоврино (Khovrino)26 min
- 7Walk to bus stationМетро "Ховрино"210 m • 3 min
- 8Wait for bus400ЭАвтокомбинат
- 9Ride to bus station1-й Торговый центр45 min
- 10Walk toМенделеево2.94 km • 38 min
Public transit directions from Медведково (Medvedkovo) to Менделеево
Public transit stations close to Медведково (Medvedkovo)
Медведково (Medvedkovo) is located at Медведково (Medvedkovo), Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Метро "Медведково".
Bus stations close to Медведково (Medvedkovo):
- Метро "Медведково"
- Ул. Грекова, 16
- Широкая ул., 5
Shuttle stations close to Медведково (Medvedkovo):
- Метро Медведково
Public transit stations close to Менделеево, Moscow
Менделеево is located at Менделеево, Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Алабушево.
Train stations close to Менделеево:
- Алабушево
Related Routes
- Южнопортовый to Менделеево
- Хорошёвский to Менделеево
- Царицыно to Менделеево
- Крюково to Менделеево
- Внуково to Менделеево
- Лобня to Менделеево
- Рязанский to Менделеево
- Савёловский to Менделеево
- Марьина Роща to Менделеево
- Сокол to Менделеево
- Зеленоградский to Менделеево
- Митино to Менделеево
- Алексеевский to Менделеево
- Строгино to Менделеево
- Ново-Переделкино to Менделеево
- Химки to Менделеево
- Одинцово to Менделеево
- Южное Бутово to Менделеево
- Южное Медведково to Менделеево
- Щелковская (Schelkovskaya) to Менделеево
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Медведково (Medvedkovo) to Менделеево?
The fastest way takes 151 minutes, using Bus line 6, Bus line 2, Bus line 400Э.
Is there a direct metro between Медведково (Medvedkovo) and Менделеево?
No, you’ll have to take 2 metro lines and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 31 min.
Which metro line goes from Медведково (Medvedkovo) to Менделеево?
The 6 metro line goes from Новоясеневская (Novoyasenevskaya) station near Медведково (Medvedkovo) in Северное Медведково to Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) station. From there you’ll have to take one metro line and one bus line till Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) station near Менделеево in Moscow.
How long does it take to travel from Медведково (Medvedkovo) to Менделеево by metro and bus?
The total travel time between Медведково (Medvedkovo) in Северное Медведково and Менделеево in Moscow by metro and bus is about 2 hr 31 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Медведково (Medvedkovo) to get to Менделеево?
Get on the 6 metro from the Новоясеневская (Novoyasenevskaya) station near Медведково (Medvedkovo) in Северное Медведково.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Медведково (Medvedkovo) and Менделеево?
Get off the metro at the Третьяковская (Tretyakovskaya) stop, which is closest to Менделеево in Moscow.