How to get from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки by metro?
From Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки by metro
To get from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки in Moscow, take the 2 metro from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) station to Театральная (Teatralnaya) station. Next, take the 1 metro from Охотный Ряд (Okhotny Ryad) station to Университет (Universitet) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 44 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationКантемировская (Kantemirovskaya)
- 2Wait for metro2Ховрино (Khovrino)
- 3Ride to metro stationТеатральная (Teatralnaya)19 min
- 4Wait for metro1Коммунарка (Kommunarka)
- 5Ride to metro stationУниверситет (Universitet)17 min
- 6Walk toРаменки50 m • 1 min
From Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки by bus and metro
To get from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки in Moscow, take the 2 metro from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) station to Каширская (Kashirskaya) station. Next, take the Е29 bus from Метро "Каширская" station to Метро "Университет" station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationКантемировская (Kantemirovskaya)
- 2Wait for metro2Ховрино (Khovrino)
- 3Ride to metro stationКаширская (Kashirskaya)4 min
- 4Walk to bus stationМетро "Каширская"140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busЕ29Пл. Ромена Роллана
- 6Ride to bus stationМетро "Университет"34 min
- 7Walk toРаменки370 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки
Public transit stations close to Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya)
Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) is located at Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya), Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Метро "Кантемировская".
Bus stations close to Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya):
- Метро "Кантемировская"
- Пролетарский просп., 33
- Кантемировская улица
Shuttle stations close to Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya):
- Метро Кантемировская (Пролетарский проспект)
- Пролетарский проспект д.33
- Кавказский бульвар (Пролетарский проспект)
Public transit stations close to Раменки, Moscow
Раменки is located at Раменки, Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Цирк.
Metro stations close to Раменки:
- Университет (Universitet)
Bus stations close to Раменки:
- Цирк
- Метро "Университет"
- Улица Лебедева
Related Routes
- Хамовники to Раменки
- Раменский Район to Раменки
- Тверской to Раменки
- Южнопортовый to Раменки
- Отрадное to Раменки
- Очаково-Матвеевское to Раменки
- Перово to Раменки
- Царицыно to Раменки
- Богородское to Раменки
- Печатники to Раменки
- Подольск to Раменки
- Черёмушки to Раменки
- Черкизово to Раменки
- Крюково to Раменки
- Щербинка to Раменки
- Видное to Раменки
- Власиха to Раменки
- Внуково to Раменки
- Ясенево to Раменки
- Северное Тушино to Раменки
From Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки by bus and metro
To get from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки in Moscow, take the 2 metro from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) station to Каширская (Kashirskaya) station. Next, take the Е29 bus from Метро "Каширская" station to Метро "Университет" station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationКантемировская (Kantemirovskaya)
- 2Wait for metro2Ховрино (Khovrino)
- 3Ride to metro stationКаширская (Kashirskaya)4 min
- 4Walk to bus stationМетро "Каширская"140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for busЕ29Пл. Ромена Роллана
- 6Ride to bus stationМетро "Университет"34 min
- 7Walk toРаменки370 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки?
The fastest way takes 44 minutes, using Bus line 2, Bus line 1.
What is the alternative route to get from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки?
The alternative route takes 49 minutes, using Bus line 2, Bus line Е29.
Is there a direct metro between Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) and Раменки?
No, you’ll have to take 2 metro lines in total. The total travelling time is 44 min.
Which metro line goes from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки?
The 2 metro line goes from Ховрино (Khovrino) station near Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) in Царицыно to Театральная (Teatralnaya) station. From there you’ll have to take one metro line till Театральная (Teatralnaya) station near Раменки in Moscow.
How long does it take to travel from Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to Раменки by metro?
The total travel time between Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) in Царицыно and Раменки in Moscow by metro is about 44 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) to get to Раменки?
Get on the 2 metro from the Ховрино (Khovrino) station near Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) in Царицыно.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Кантемировская (Kantemirovskaya) and Раменки?
Get off the metro at the Театральная (Teatralnaya) station, which is closest to Раменки in Moscow.