How to get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 by bus?
From T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 by bus
To get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau, take the 33 bus from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa station to M172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A) station. Next, take the 71 bus from M172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C) station to T552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min. The ride fare is MOP12.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationT330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
- 2Wait for bus33筷子基總站 Fai Chi Kei / Terminal
- 3Ride to bus stationM172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A)3 min
- 4Walk to bus stationM172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C)40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus71澳門大學總站 Universidade De Macau/ Terminal
- 6Ride to bus stationT552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau)15 min
- 7Walk to澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座橫琴澳門大學校園區270 m • 4 min
Alternative route from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 by bus via 22 and 71
To get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau, take the 22 bus from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa station to M172/11 亞馬喇前地 (G車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane F) station. Next, take the 71 bus from M172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C) station to T552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min. The ride fare is MOP12.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationT330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
- 2Wait for bus22祐漢第二街 Rua 2 Iao Hon
- 3Ride to bus stationM172/11 亞馬喇前地 (G車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane F)3 min
- 4Walk to bus stationM172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C)50 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus71澳門大學總站 Universidade De Macau/ Terminal
- 6Ride to bus stationT552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau)15 min
- 7Walk to澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座橫琴澳門大學校園區270 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
Public transit stations close to T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa is located at T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa, Macau and the nearest public transit station is T350 廣東大馬路/馬會 Av.Kwong Tung/ Jockey Club.
Bus stations close to T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa:
- T350 廣東大馬路/馬會 Av.Kwong Tung/ Jockey Club
- T307 宋玉生博士圓形地 Rotunda Dr.Carlos A. C. P. Dassumpção
- T351 布拉干薩街 Rua Bragança
Public transit stations close to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座, Macau
澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 is located at 橫琴澳門大學校園區, Macau and the nearest public transit station is T555 澳大/綜合體育館 Um / Complexo Desportivo, Um / Sports Complex.
Bus stations close to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座:
- T555 澳大/綜合體育館 Um / Complexo Desportivo, Um / Sports Complex
- E11 - 科技學院 Faculty Of Science And Tecnology, Faculdade De Ciencias E Tecnologia
- T556 澳大/行政樓 Um / Edifício Administrativo, Um / Administration Building
Related Routes
- M107 聖心學校 Esc. S. C. Jesus, Sacred Heart Canossian College to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M106 雅廉訪/聖心 Ouvidor Arriaga/ Esc. S. C. Jesus to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M105 望廈炮台 Forte Mong-Há, Mong-Ha Fort to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M104 觀音堂 Templo Kun Iam, Kun Iam Tong Temple to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M109 提督/高士德 Almirante Lacerda / Horta E Costa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T323 黑橋/地堡街 Ponte Negra/R. Do Regedor to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/2 湖畔大廈 (A車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane A) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/1 湖畔大廈 (A車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane A) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T330/3 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M103 聖方濟各老人院 Asilo S. Francisco to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T327 賽馬會 Jockey Club to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/6 湖畔大廈 (C車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane C) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/5 湖畔大廈 (C車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane C) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M102 船澳街 Rua Da Doca Seca to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M101 幸運閣 Edf. Hang Wan Kok to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/9 湖畔大廈 (E車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane E) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M7/3 關閘馬路 Istmo F. Amaral to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T408/8 湖畔大廈 (D車道) Edifício Do Lago (Via / Lane D) to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- M7/2 關閘馬路 Istmo F. Amaral to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
- T332/1 南新花園 Edf. Nam Sun to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座
Alternative route from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 by bus via 22 and 71
To get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau, take the 22 bus from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa station to M172/11 亞馬喇前地 (G車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane F) station. Next, take the 71 bus from M172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C) station to T552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 24 min. The ride fare is MOP12.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationT330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa
- 2Wait for bus22祐漢第二街 Rua 2 Iao Hon
- 3Ride to bus stationM172/11 亞馬喇前地 (G車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane F)3 min
- 4Walk to bus stationM172/7 亞馬喇前地 (C車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane C)50 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus71澳門大學總站 Universidade De Macau/ Terminal
- 6Ride to bus stationT552 澳大/中央教學樓 Um / Sala De Aulas:Edifício Central, Um / Central Teaching Building (E4-劉少榮樓 Anthony Lau Building, Edifício Anthony Lau)15 min
- 7Walk to澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座橫琴澳門大學校園區270 m • 4 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座?
The fastest way takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 33, Bus line 71.
What is the alternative route to get from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座?
The alternative route takes 24 minutes, using Bus line 22, Bus line 71.
Is there a direct bus between T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa and 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 24 min.
Which bus line goes from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau?
The 33 bus line goes from 筷子基總站 Fai Chi Kei / Terminal station near T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to M172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till M172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A) station near 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau
How long does it take to travel from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau by bus?
The total travel time between T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa and 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau by bus is about 24 min.
Where do I get on the bus near T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to get to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau?
Get on the 33 bus from the 筷子基總站 Fai Chi Kei / Terminal stop near T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa in Macau.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa and 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau?
Get off the bus at the M172/1 亞馬喇前地 (A車道) Praça Ferreira Amaral (Via / Lane A) stop, which is closest to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 in Macau.
How much is the bus fare from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座?
The ride from T330/1 蘇利安圓形地 Rotunda Leonel Sousa to 澳門大學橫琴校區中央教學樓東四座 costs MOP12.00.