How to get from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola by bus and train?
From Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola by bus and train
To get from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola in Venice, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 141 bus from Soffratta station to Conegliano Aut. station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the R train and finally take the 58RE bus from Liberta' Porto Marghera station to Treponti Lovo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMareno Di Piave
- 2Wait for bus141Conegliano Aut.
- 3Ride to bus stationConegliano Aut.20 min
- 4Walk to train stationConegliano180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainRVenezia Santa Lucia
- 6Ride to train stationVenezia Porto Marghera57 min
- 7Walk to bus stationLiberta' Porto MargheraID 138140 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for bus58RECavarzere
- 9Ride to bus stationTreponti LovoID 207437 min
- 10Walk toCorrezzola3.49 km • 44 min
Alternative route from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola by bus and train via 141, RV and 58RE
To get from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola in Venice, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 141 bus from Soffratta station to Conegliano Aut. station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RV train and finally take the 58RE bus from Piazzale Roma (Corsia B8) station to Treponti Lovo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMareno Di Piave
- 2Wait for bus141Conegliano Aut.
- 3Ride to bus stationConegliano Aut.20 min
- 4Walk to train stationConegliano180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainRVVenezia Santa Lucia
- 6Ride to train stationVenezia Santa Lucia50 min
- 7Walk to bus stationPiazzale Roma (Corsia B8)ID 517450 m • 6 min
- 8Wait for bus58RECavarzere
- 9Ride to bus stationTreponti LovoID 207444 min
- 10Walk toCorrezzola3.49 km • 44 min
Public transit directions from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola
Public transit stations close to Mareno Di Piave
Mareno Di Piave is located at Mareno Di Piave, Venice and the nearest public transit station is Soffratta.
Bus stations close to Mareno Di Piave:
- Soffratta
- Vazzola Bernardi
- Vazzola Case Operaie
Related Routes
- Castello Di Godego to Correzzola
- Cittadella to Correzzola
- Conegliano to Correzzola
- Campagna Lupia to Correzzola
- Camposampiero to Correzzola
- Caorle to Correzzola
- Eraclea to Correzzola
- Pontelongo to Correzzola
- Treviso to Correzzola
- Loreo to Correzzola
- Pettorazza Grimani to Correzzola
- Stra to Correzzola
- Mestre Centro B7 to Correzzola
- Mogliano Veneto to Correzzola
- Stazione Mestre FS C3 to Correzzola
- Aeroporto Marco Polo to Correzzola
- Dolo Centro to Correzzola
- Rizzardi Carrer to Correzzola
- Lido Di Jesolo - Autostazione to Correzzola
- Mareno Di Piave to Villorba
Alternative route from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola by bus and train via 141, RV and 58RE
To get from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola in Venice, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the 141 bus from Soffratta station to Conegliano Aut. station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the RV train and finally take the 58RE bus from Piazzale Roma (Corsia B8) station to Treponti Lovo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationMareno Di Piave
- 2Wait for bus141Conegliano Aut.
- 3Ride to bus stationConegliano Aut.20 min
- 4Walk to train stationConegliano180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainRVVenezia Santa Lucia
- 6Ride to train stationVenezia Santa Lucia50 min
- 7Walk to bus stationPiazzale Roma (Corsia B8)ID 517450 m • 6 min
- 8Wait for bus58RECavarzere
- 9Ride to bus stationTreponti LovoID 207444 min
- 10Walk toCorrezzola3.49 km • 44 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola?
The fastest way takes 239 minutes, using Bus line 141, Bus line R, Bus line 58RE.
What is the alternative route to get from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola?
The alternative route takes 239 minutes, using Bus line 141, Bus line RV, Bus line 58RE.
Is there a direct bus between Mareno Di Piave and Correzzola in Venice?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 3 hr 59 min.
Which bus line goes from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola in Venice?
The 141 bus line goes from Conegliano Aut. station near Mareno Di Piave to Conegliano Aut. station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line till Conegliano Aut. station near Correzzola in Venice
How long does it take to travel from Mareno Di Piave to Correzzola in Venice by bus and train?
The total travel time between Mareno Di Piave and Correzzola in Venice by bus and train is about 3 hr 59 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Mareno Di Piave to get to Correzzola in Venice?
Get on the 141 bus from the Conegliano Aut. stop near Mareno Di Piave in Venice.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Mareno Di Piave and Correzzola in Venice?
Get off the bus at the Conegliano Aut. stop, which is closest to Correzzola in Venice.