How to get from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central by bus?
From Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central by bus
Take one direct bus from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina: take the 402 bus from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante station to Praça Do Fripisa | Zona Leste station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 43 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTerminal Da Vila Bandeirante
- 2Wait for bus402Vila Bandeirante / Pl. Ininga - Via N. S De Fátima
- 3Ride to bus stationPraça Do Fripisa | Zona Leste41 min
- 4Walk toIfpi - Campus Teresina CentralRua Quintino Bocaiúva80 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central by bus via 403
Take one direct bus from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina: take the 403 bus from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante station to Praça Do Fripisa | Zona Leste station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTerminal Da Vila Bandeirante
- 2Wait for bus403Vl. Bandeirante / Satélite / Av. Dom Severino
- 3Ride to bus stationPraça Do Fripisa | Zona Leste38 min
- 4Walk toIfpi - Campus Teresina CentralRua Quintino Bocaiúva80 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
Public transit stations close to Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante
Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante is located at Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante, Teresina and the nearest public transit station is Av Brasil, 5745 |Oposto À Assembleia De Deus.
Bus stations close to Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante:
- Av Brasil, 5745 |Oposto À Assembleia De Deus
- Av Brasil, 5470 | Assembleia De Deus
- Av Brasil, 5494
Public transit stations close to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central, Teresina
Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central is located at Rua Quintino Bocaiúva, Teresina and the nearest public transit station is Praça Do Fripisa | Zona Norte E Timon.
Metro stations close to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central:
- Alberto Silva / Praça Da Bandeira
- Frei Serafim / Parque Da Cidadania
- Matinha
Bus stations close to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central:
- Praça Do Fripisa | Zona Norte E Timon
- Praça Do Fripisa | Zonas Sul E Sudeste
- Rua Areolino De Abreu, 1366
Ferry stations close to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central:
- Cais Do Rio Parnaíba - Timon
- Cais Do Rio Parnaíba
Related Routes
- Rua Jorge Luiz Alves Junior, 70 to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Rua Dr. Sanathyel Vaz, 3723 | Quadra P to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Rua Tancredo Neves to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Avenida Goitacaz, 3105 to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Rua Tres, 2728 | Centro De Produção Do Monte Horebe to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Rodoviária Campo Maior to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Vila Firmino Filho-Quadra C, 05 to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Res. Manoel Evangelista-Quadra 31, 21 to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Rua Caxambu, 5719 to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Rua Cesar De Negreiros Barros, 3331 to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Rodoviária De José De Freitas to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Avenida João Xxiii, 6805 | Ladeira Do Uruguai (Desembarque Intermunicipal) to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Av. Jornalista Lindbergh Leite, 151 | Res. Torquato Neto, Quadra Ab to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Rua Pernambuco, 767-827 to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Escola Municipal Santa Filomena to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Br 316 | Drogaria Jm (Sent. Norte) to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Universal | Av. João XXIII - Sentido Bairro to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Dnit | Av. João XXIII - Sentido Centro to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Cidade Nova | Av. Gil Martins - Sentido Bairro to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
- Avenida Jóquei Clube, 111 | Ed. Eurobusiness to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central
Alternative route from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central by bus via 403
Take one direct bus from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina: take the 403 bus from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante station to Praça Do Fripisa | Zona Leste station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationTerminal Da Vila Bandeirante
- 2Wait for bus403Vl. Bandeirante / Satélite / Av. Dom Severino
- 3Ride to bus stationPraça Do Fripisa | Zona Leste38 min
- 4Walk toIfpi - Campus Teresina CentralRua Quintino Bocaiúva80 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central?
The fastest way takes 43 minutes, using Bus line 402.
What is the alternative route to get from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central?
The alternative route takes 40 minutes, using Bus line 403.
Is there a direct bus between Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante and Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina in 43 min.
Which bus line goes from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina?
The 402 bus line goes from Vila Bandeirante / Pl. Ininga - Via N. S De Fátima station near Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Praça Do Fripisa | Zona Leste station near Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina.
How long does it take to travel from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina by bus?
The total travel time between Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante and Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina by bus is about 43 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to get to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina?
Get on the 402 bus from the Vila Bandeirante / Pl. Ininga - Via N. S De Fátima stop near Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante in Teresina.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante and Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina?
Get off the bus at the Praça Do Fripisa | Zona Leste stop, which is closest to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina.
When is the first bus from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina?
The first bus from Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante to Ifpi - Campus Teresina Central in Teresina is VILA BANDEIRANTE / SATÉLITE / SÃO CRISTOVÃO. It leaves the Terminal Da Vila Bandeirante stop at 2:30 AM.