How to get from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA by bus?
From Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA by bus
Take one direct bus from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA in Stanton: take the 50 bus from Katella-Anaheim station to Katella-Beach station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min. The ride fare is $2.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKatella-AnaheimID 281210 yd • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus50Long Beach - Cal State Long Beach
- 3Ride to bus stationKatella-BeachID 713326 min
- 4Walk toStanton, CA120 yd • 2 min
Alternative route from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA by bus via 83 and 529
To get from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA in Stanton, take the 83 bus from Katella-Anaheim station to Fullerton Park and Ride Dock 5 station. Next, take the 529 bus from Fullerton Park and Ride Dock 11 station to Beach-Katella station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 54 min. The ride fare is $2.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKatella-AnaheimID 281210 yd • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus83Fullerton Park and Ride
- 3Ride to bus stationFullerton Park and Ride Dock 5ID 196914 min
- 4Walk to bus stationFullerton Park and Ride Dock 11ID 1975120 yd • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus529Golden West Transp Center
- 6Ride to bus stationBeach-KatellaID 710820 min
- 7Walk toStanton, CA90 yd • 1 min
Public transit directions from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA
Public transit stations close to Haster-Katella
Haster-Katella is located at Haster-Katella, Stanton and the nearest public transit station is Haster / Unknown.
Train stations close to Haster-Katella:
- Anaheim-Artic Metrolink Station
Bus stations close to Haster-Katella:
- Haster / Unknown
- Katella-Haster
- Katella-Anaheim
Public transit stations close to Stanton, CA, Stanton
Stanton, CA is located at Stanton, CA, Stanton and the nearest public transit station is Beach-Orangewood.
Bus stations close to Stanton, CA:
- Beach-Orangewood
- Katella-Dale
- Katella-Western
Related Routes
- Wilshire / Crescent Heights to Stanton, CA
- Haster-Orangewood to Stanton, CA
- Anaheim-Palais to Stanton, CA
- Anaheim-Ball to Stanton, CA
- Anaheim-South to Stanton, CA
- Anaheim-North to Stanton, CA
- Anaheim-Wilhelmina to Stanton, CA
- Anaheim-Lincoln to Stanton, CA
- Anaheim-Cerritos to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Knott to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Masters to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Beach to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Brookhurst to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Euclid to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Loara to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Harbor to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Anaheim to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Sunkist to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Lemon to Stanton, CA
- Ball-Walnut to Stanton, CA
Alternative route from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA by bus via 83 and 529
To get from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA in Stanton, take the 83 bus from Katella-Anaheim station to Fullerton Park and Ride Dock 5 station. Next, take the 529 bus from Fullerton Park and Ride Dock 11 station to Beach-Katella station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 54 min. The ride fare is $2.00.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationKatella-AnaheimID 281210 yd • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus83Fullerton Park and Ride
- 3Ride to bus stationFullerton Park and Ride Dock 5ID 196914 min
- 4Walk to bus stationFullerton Park and Ride Dock 11ID 1975120 yd • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus529Golden West Transp Center
- 6Ride to bus stationBeach-KatellaID 710820 min
- 7Walk toStanton, CA90 yd • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA?
The fastest way takes 31 minutes, using Bus line 50.
What is the alternative route to get from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA?
The alternative route takes 54 minutes, using Bus line 83, Bus line 529.
Is there a direct bus between Haster-Katella and Stanton, CA?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Haster-Katella in Los Angeles to Stanton, CA in Stanton in 31 min.
Which bus line goes from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA?
The 50 bus line goes from Katella-Anaheim station near Haster-Katella in Los Angeles to Long Beach - Cal State Long Beach station near Stanton, CA in Stanton.
How long does it take to travel from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA by bus?
The total travel time between Haster-Katella in Los Angeles and Stanton, CA in Stanton by bus is about 31 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Haster-Katella to get to Stanton, CA?
Get on the 50 bus from the Katella-Anaheim stop near Haster-Katella in Los Angeles.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Haster-Katella and Stanton, CA?
Get off the bus at the Long Beach - Cal State Long Beach stop, which is closest to Stanton, CA in Stanton.
When is the last bus from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA?
The last bus from Haster-Katella in Los Angeles to Stanton, CA in Stanton is the Long Beach - Orange line. It leaves the Katella-Anaheim stop at 11:31 PM.
How much is the bus fare from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA?
The ride from Haster-Katella to Stanton, CA costs $2.00.