How to get from Zona 1 to Zona 9 by bus?
From Zona 1 to Zona 9 by bus
Take one direct bus from Zona 1 to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala: take the 82 bus from 4a Avenida, 14-72 station to 2a Calle, 332 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 12 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationZona 1
- 2Wait for bus82Terminal
- 3Ride to bus station2a Calle, 33211 min
Alternative route from Zona 1 to Zona 9 by bus via 83
Take one direct bus from Zona 1 to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala: take the 83 bus from 4a Avenida, 14-72 station to 6a Avenida, 2 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationZona 1
- 2Wait for bus83Santa Fe Zona 13
- 3Ride to bus station6a Avenida, 211 min
- 4Walk toZona 9220 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Zona 1 to Zona 9
Public transit stations close to Zona 1
Zona 1 is located at Zona 1, Ciudad de Guatemala and the nearest public transit station is La 15.
Bus stations close to Zona 1:
- La 15
- 3a Avenida Y 15 Calle A
- Peleterias
Public transit stations close to Zona 9, Ciudad de Guatemala
Zona 9 is located at Zona 9, Ciudad de Guatemala and the nearest public transit station is 1a Calle, 5-01.
Bus stations close to Zona 9:
- 5a Avenida, 449
- Terminal
- 3a Calle / 5a Avenida A
Related Routes
- Zona 16 to Zona 9
- Zona 17 to Zona 9
- Zona 19 to Zona 9
- Zona 2 to Zona 9
- Zona 4 to Zona 9
- Zona 6 to Zona 9
- Zona 8 to Zona 9
- Mixco to Zona 9
- San Lucas Sacatepéquez to Zona 9
- Santa Catarina Pinula to Zona 9
- Villa Canales to Zona 9
- Villa Nueva to Zona 9
- Zona 11 to Zona 9
- Zona 1 to Zona 16
- Zona 1 to Zona 17
- Zona 1 to Zona 18
- Zona 1 to Zona 3
- Zona 1 to Zona 4
- Zona 1 to Zona 5
- Zona 1 to Zona 6
Alternative route from Zona 1 to Zona 9 by bus via 83
Take one direct bus from Zona 1 to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala: take the 83 bus from 4a Avenida, 14-72 station to 6a Avenida, 2 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 15 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationZona 1
- 2Wait for bus83Santa Fe Zona 13
- 3Ride to bus station6a Avenida, 211 min
- 4Walk toZona 9220 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Zona 1 to Zona 9?
The fastest way takes 12 minutes, using Bus line 82.
What is the alternative route to get from Zona 1 to Zona 9?
The alternative route takes 15 minutes, using Bus line 83.
Is there a direct bus between Zona 1 and Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Zona 1 to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala in 12 min.
Which bus line goes from Zona 1 to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala?
The 82 bus line goes from Terminal station near Zona 1 to 2a Calle, 332 station near Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala.
How long does it take to travel from Zona 1 to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala by bus?
The total travel time between Zona 1 and Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala by bus is about 12 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Zona 1 to get to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala?
Get on the 82 bus from the Terminal stop near Zona 1 in Ciudad de Guatemala.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Zona 1 and Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala?
Get off the bus at the 2a Calle, 332 stop, which is closest to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala.
When is the first bus from Zona 1 to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala?
The first bus from Zona 1 to Zona 9 in Ciudad de Guatemala is Colonia La Reynita Zona 6 - Terminal. It leaves the 4a Avenida, 14-72 stop at 2:12 AM.