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How to get to Apple Inc. in Cupertino by Bus or Train?

See Apple Inc., Cupertino, on the map

Directions to Apple Inc. (Cupertino) with public transportation

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Apple Inc.

  • BusBus:

How to get to Apple Inc. by Bus?

Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

Bus stations near Apple Inc. in Cupertino

  • Homestead & Swallow,15 min walk,
  • Wolfe & Homestead,22 min walk,

Bus lines to Apple Inc. in Cupertino

  • 53,Santa Clara Transit Center,
  • 56,Monterey & Old Tully,
Questions & Answers
  • What are the closest stations to Apple Inc.?

    The closest stations to Apple Inc. are:

    • Homestead & Swallow is 1173 yards away, 15 min walk.
    • Wolfe & Homestead is 1784 yards away, 22 min walk.
  • Which Bus lines stop near Apple Inc.?

    These Bus lines stop near Apple Inc.: 23, 53

  • What’s the nearest bus stop to Apple Inc. in Cupertino?

    The nearest bus stop to Apple Inc. in Cupertino is Homestead & Swallow. It’s a 15 min walk away.

See Apple Inc., Cupertino, on the map

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Public Transit to Apple Inc. in Cupertino

Wondering how to get to Apple Inc. in Cupertino, United States? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Apple Inc. with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

Moovit provides free maps and live directions to help you navigate through your city. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to Apple Inc. in real time.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to Apple Inc.? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Homestead & Swallow; Wolfe & Homestead.


Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. Get directions from and directions to Apple Inc. easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make riding to Apple Inc. easy, which is why over 1.5 million users, including users in Cupertino, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.

For information on prices of Bus and Train, costs and ride fares to Apple Inc., please check the Moovit app.

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Location: Cupertino, San Francisco - San Jose, CA

Apple Inc., Cupertino
Apple Inc., CupertinoApple Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. It is considered one of the Big Tech technology companies, alongside Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook.The company's hardware products include the iPhone smartphone, the iPad tablet computer, the Mac personal computer, the iPod portable media player, the Apple Watch smartwatch, the Apple TV digital media player, the AirPods wireless earbuds and the HomePod smart speaker. Apple's software includes macOS, iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS operating systems, the iTunes media player, the Safari web browser, the Shazam music identifier, and the iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suites, as well as professional applications like Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro, and Xcode. Its online services include the iTunes Store, the iOS App Store, Mac App Store, Apple Music, Apple TV+, iMessage, and iCloud. Other services include Apple Store, Genius Bar, AppleCare, Apple Pay, Apple Pay Cash, and Apple Card. Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in April 1976 to develop and sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer, though Wayne sold his share back within 12 days. It was incorporated as Apple Computer, Inc., in January 1977, and sales of its computers, including the Apple II, grew quickly. Within a few years, Jobs and Wozniak had hired a staff of computer designers and had a production line. Apple went public in 1980 to instant financial success. Over the next few years, Apple shipped new computers featuring innovative graphical user interfaces, such as the original Macintosh in 1984, and Apple's marketing advertisements for its products received widespread critical acclaim. However, the high price of its products and limited application library caused problems, as did power struggles between executives. In 1985, Wozniak departed Apple amicably and remained an honorary employee, while Jobs and others resigned to found NeXT.As the market for personal computers expanded and evolved through the 1990s, Apple lost market share to the lower-priced duopoly of Microsoft Windows on Intel PC clones. The board recruited CEO Gil Amelio to what would be a 500-day charge for him to rehabilitate the financially troubled company—reshaping it with layoffs, executive restructuring, and product focus. In 1997, he led Apple to buy NeXT, solving the desperately failed operating system strategy and bringing Jobs back. Jobs regained leadership status, becoming CEO in 2000. Apple swiftly returned to profitability under the revitalizing Think different campaign, as he rebuilt Apple's status by launching the iMac in 1998, opening the retail chain of Apple Stores in 2001, and acquiring numerous companies to broaden the software portfolio. In January 2007, Jobs renamed the company Apple Inc., reflecting its shifted focus toward consumer electronics, and launched the iPhone to great critical acclaim and financial success. In August 2011, Jobs resigned as CEO due to health complications, and Tim Cook became the new CEO. Two months later, Jobs died, marking the end of an era for the company. In June 2019, Jony Ive, Apple's CDO, left the company to start his own firm, but stated he would work with Apple as its primary client. Apple is well known for its size and revenues. Its worldwide annual revenue totaled $265 billion for the 2018 fiscal year. Apple is the world's largest technology company by revenue and one of the world's most valuable companies. It is also the world's third-largest mobile phone manufacturer after Samsung and Huawei. In August 2018, Apple became the first publicly traded U.S. company to be valued at over $1 trillion and just two years later in August 2020 became the first $2 trillion U.S. company. The company employs 137,000 full-time employees and maintains 510 retail stores in 25 countries as of 2020. It operates the iTunes Store, which is the world's largest music retailer. As of January 2020, more than 1.5 billion Apple products are actively in use worldwide. The company also has a high level of brand loyalty and is ranked as the world's most valuable brand. However, Apple receives significant criticism regarding the labor practices of its contractors, its environmental practices and unethical business practices, including anti-competitive behavior, as well as the origins of source materials.
How to get to Apple Inc. with public transit - About the place

Public transit lines with stations closest to Apple Inc. in Cupertino

Bus lines with stations closest to Apple Inc. in Cupertino

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