區間 Line
3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli
Taiwan Railways Administration
Taiwan Railways Administration 區間 Train Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The 區間 train (3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli) has 73 stations departing from 潮州 Chaozhou and ending at 后里 Houli.
區間 train time schedule overview for the upcoming week: It departs once a day at 07:58. Operating days this week: everyday.
Choose any of the 區間 train stations below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: 3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli (73 stops)
潮州 Chaozhou
竹田 Zhutian
西勢 Xishi
麟洛 Linluo
歸來 Guilai
屏東 Pingtung
六塊厝 Liukuaicuo
九曲堂 Jiuqutang
後庄 Houzhuang
鳳山 Fongshan
正義 Zhengyi
科工館 Science And Technology Museum
民族 Minzu
高雄 Kaohsiung
三塊厝 Sankuaicuo
鼓山 Gushan
美術館 Museum Of Fine Arts
內惟 Neiwei
左營 Zuoying
新左營 Xinzuoying
楠梓 Nanzi
橋頭 Qiaotou
岡山 Gangshan
路竹 Luzhu
大湖 Dahu
中洲 Zhongzhou
仁德 Rende
保安 Bao'An
臺南 Tainan
大橋 Daqiao
永康 Yongkang
新市 Xinshi
南科 Nanke
善化 Shanhua
拔林 Balin
隆田 Longtian
林鳳營 Linfengying
柳營 Liuying
新營 Xinying
後壁 Houbi
南靖 Nanjing
水上 Shuishang
嘉義 Chiayi
嘉北 Jiabei
民雄 Minxiong
大林 Dalin
石龜 Shigui
斗南 Dounan
斗六 Douliu
石榴 Shiliu
林內 Linnei
二水 Ershui
田中 Tianzhong
社頭 Shetou
永靖 Yongjing
員林 Yuanlin
大村 Dacun
花壇 Huatan
彰化 Changhua
成功 Chenggong
新烏日 Xinwuri
烏日 Wuri
大慶 Daqing
五權 Wuquan
臺中 Taichung
精武 Jingwu
太原 Taiyuan
松竹 Songzhu
頭家厝 Toujiacuo
潭子 Tanzi
栗林 Lilin
豐原 Fengyuan
后里 Houli
區間 FAQ
What time does the 區間 train start operating?
Services on the 區間 train start at 07:58 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
What time does the 區間 train stop working?
Services on the 區間 train stop at 07:58 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
What time does the 區間 train arrive?
When does the 3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli train line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the 3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli train line that is closest to your location.
Is there a 區間 train station near me?
Click here to view the nearest 區間 train station.
Taiwan Railways Administration Train Service Alerts
See all updates on 區間 (from 潮州 Chaozhou), including real-time status info, train delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 區間 (3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli) and track the train as it moves on the map. Download the app for all 臺鐵 Taiwan Railway info now.
區間 line train fare
Taiwan Railways Administration 區間 (3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about Taiwan Railways Administration tickets costs please check the Moovit app or 臺鐵 Taiwan Railway’s official website.
區間 (Taiwan Railways Administration)
The first stop of the 區間 train route is 潮州 Chaozhou and the last stop is 后里 Houli. 區間 (3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli) is operational during everyday.
Additional information: 區間 has 73 stations and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 348 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you Taiwan Railways Administration suggested routes, real-time train tracker, live directions, line route maps in Taipei - New Taipei, and helps to find the closest 區間 train stations near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and train schedule for the 區間 train to take on your trip.
Line 區間 Real Time train Tracker
Track line 區間 (3158 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 區間 train tracker or a live Taiwan Railways Administration train tracker app and never miss your train.
Use the app as a trip planner for Taiwan Railways Administration or a trip planner for metro, light rail, train, gondola or bus to plan your route around Taipei - New Taipei. The trip planner shows updated data for Taiwan Railways Administration and any train, including line 區間, in Taipei - New Taipei
區間 - Alternative Directions
- 區間 - 4122 - 和平 Heping - 花蓮 Hualien / Schedule
- 區間 - 4215 - 瑞芳 Ruifang - 樹林 Shulin / Schedule
- 區間 - 2269 - 苗栗 Miaoli - 二水 Ershui / Schedule
- 區間 - 4552 - 南澳 Nan'Ao - 玉里 Yuli / Schedule
- 區間 - 1708 - 新竹 Hsinchu - 六家 Liujia / Schedule
- 區間 - 1705 - 六家 Liujia - 新竹 Hsinchu / Schedule
- 區間 - 1803 - 內灣 Neiwan - 新竹 Hsinchu / Schedule
- 區間 - 3137 - 彰化 Changhua - 潮州 Chaozhou / Schedule
- 區間 - 3305 - 新左營 Xinzuoying - 枋寮 Fangliao / Schedule
- 區間 - 4182 - 樹林 Shulin - 蘇澳 Su'Ao / Schedule
- 區間 - 1192 - 新竹 Hsinchu - 基隆 Keelung / Schedule
- 區間 - 1742 - 新竹 Hsinchu - 六家 Liujia / Schedule
- 區間 - 2264 - 嘉義 Chiayi - 七堵 Qidu / Schedule
- 區間 - 3140 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 新左營 Xinzuoying / Schedule
- 區間 - 3775 - 臺南 Tainan - 沙崙 Shalun / Schedule
- 區間 - 1276 - 樹林 Shulin - 基隆 Keelung / Schedule
- 區間 - 1239 - 七堵 Qidu - 北湖 Beihu / Schedule
- 區間 - 3262 - 潮州 Chaozhou - 后里 Houli / Schedule
- 區間 - 2632 - 臺中 Taichung - 大甲 Dajia / Schedule
- 區間 - 2922 - 車埕 Checheng - 二水 Ershui / Schedule