千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local]
JR East
JR East 総武本線 SOBU LINE Metro Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro (千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local]) has 22 stations departing from 銚子 Choshi and ending at 千葉 Chiba.
Choose any of the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro stations below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: 千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local] (22 stops)
銚子 Choshi
松岸 Matsugishi
猿田 Saruda
倉橋 Kurahashi
飯岡 Iioka
旭 Asahi
干潟 Higata
八日市場 Yokaichiba
飯倉 Iigura
横芝 Yokoshiba
松尾 Matsuo
成東 Naruto
日向 Hyuga
八街 Yachimata
榎戸 Enokido
南酒々井 Minami-Shisui
佐倉 Sakura
物井 Monoi
四街道 Yotsukaido
都賀 Tsuga
東千葉 Higashi-Chiba
千葉 Chiba
What time does the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro start operating?
Services on the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro start at 04:55 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
What time does the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro stop working?
Services on the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro stop at 23:46 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
What time does the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro arrive?
When does the 千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local] metro line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the 千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local] metro line that is closest to your location.
Is there a 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro station near me?
Click here to view the nearest 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro station.
JR East Metro Service Alerts
See all updates on 総武本線 SOBU LINE (from 銚子 Choshi), including real-time status info, metro delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 総武本線 SOBU LINE (千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local]) and track the metro as it moves on the map. Download the app for all JR East info now.
総武本線 SOBU LINE line metro fare
JR East 総武本線 SOBU LINE (千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local]) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about JR East tickets costs please check the Moovit app or JR East’s official website.
総武本線 SOBU LINE (JR East)
The first stop of the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro route is 銚子 Choshi and the last stop is 千葉 Chiba. 総武本線 SOBU LINE (千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local]) is operational during everyday.
Additional information: 総武本線 SOBU LINE has 22 stations and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 55 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you JR East suggested routes, real-time metro tracker, live directions, line route maps in Tokyo, and helps to find the closest 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro stations near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and metro schedule for the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro to take on your trip.
Line 総武本線 SOBU LINE Real Time metro Tracker
Track line 総武本線 SOBU LINE (千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local]) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro tracker or a live JR East metro tracker app and never miss your metro.
Use the app as a trip planner for JR East or a trip planner for metro or bus to plan your route around Tokyo. The trip planner shows updated data for JR East and any metro, including line 総武本線 SOBU LINE, in Tokyo
総武本線 SOBU LINE - Alternative Directions
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 東京 [快速] Tokyo [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 品川 [快速] Shinagawa [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 成田 [快速] Narita [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 大船 [快速] Ofuna [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 大船 [特急] Ofuna [Limited Express] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 成田空港 [快速] Narita Airport Terminal 1 [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 成田空港 [特急] Narita Airport Terminal 1 [Limited Express] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 成東 [普通] Naruto [Local] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 成田 [通勤快速] Narita [Commuter Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 池袋 [特急] Ikebukuro [Limited Express] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 横須賀 [快速] Yokosuka [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 大船 [通勤快速] Ofuna [Commuter Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 成東 [特急] Naruto [Limited Express] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 千葉 [快速] Chiba [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 東京 [特急] Tokyo [Limited Express] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 成田空港 [普通] Narita Airport Terminal 1 [Local] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 逗子 [快速] Zushi [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 久里浜 [快速] Kurihama [Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 逗子 [通勤快速] Zushi [Commuter Rapid] / Schedule
- 総武本線 SOBU LINE - 鹿島神宮 [普通] Kashimajingu [Local] / Schedule
JR East Lines in Tokyo
- 東海道線 TOKAIDO LINE - 東京 - 熱海 Tokyo - Atami/ Schedule
- 湘南新宿ライン SHONAN-SHINJUKU LINE - 大船 - 大宮 Ofuna - Omiya/ Schedule
- 宇都宮線 UTSUNOMIYA LINE - 東京 - 黒磯 Tokyo - Kuroiso/ Schedule
- 八高線 HACHIKO LINE - 八王子 - 高崎 Hachioji - Takasaki/ Schedule
- 中央線快速 CHUO RAPID LINE - 東京 - 高尾 Tokyo - Takao/ Schedule
- 京浜東北線・根岸線 KEIHIN-TOHOKU-NEGISHI LINE - 大宮 - 大船 Omiya - Ofuna/ Schedule
- 成田線我孫子支線 NARITA ABIKO BRANCH LINE - 我孫子 - 成田 Abiko - Narita/ Schedule
- 京葉線 KEIYO LINE - 東京 - 蘇我 Tokyo - Soga/ Schedule
- 相模線 SAGAMI LINE - 茅ケ崎 - 橋本 Chigasaki - Hashimoto/ Schedule
- 山手線 YAMANOTE LINE - 大崎 - 大崎 Osaki - Osaki/ Schedule
- 成田線 NARITA LINE - 佐倉 - 銚子 Sakura - Choshi/ Schedule
- 中央・総武各駅停車 CHUO SOBU LOCAL LINE - 千葉 - 三鷹 Chiba - Mitaka/ Schedule
- 成田線空港支線 NARITA AIRPORT BRANCH LINE - 成田 - 成田空港 Narita - Narita Airport Terminal 1/ Schedule
- 相鉄直通線 SOTETSU DIRECT CONNECTION LINE - 大崎 - 羽沢横浜国大 Osaki - Hazawa-Yokohama-Kokudai/ Schedule
- 鹿島線 KASHIMA LINE - 佐原 - 鹿島サッカースタジアム Sawara - Kashima Soccer Stadium/ Schedule
- 東金線 TOGANE LINE - 大網 - 成東 Oami - Naruto/ Schedule
- 常磐線各駅停車 JOBAN LOCAL LINE - 綾瀬 - 取手 Ayase - Toride/ Schedule
- 横須賀線 YOKOSUKA LINE - 東京 - 久里浜 Tokyo - Kurihama/ Schedule
- 内房線 UCHIBO LINE - 千葉 - 安房鴨川 Chiba - Awa-Kamogawa/ Schedule