140 Line
Sitabuldi - Kharbi T Point
Aapli Bus Nagpur
Aapli Bus Nagpur 140 Bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The 140 bus (Kharbi T Point) has 37 stops departing from Sitabuldi and ending at Kharbi T Point.
Choose any of the 140 bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: Kharbi T Point (37 stops)
Morris College T Point
Morris College T Point
Loha Pool / Manas Chowk
Cottan Market
Agyaramdevi Chowk
Model Mill
Tukdoji Putala Ganesh Peth Colony
Tilak Putla
Chitnis Park Mahal
Narsing Talkies
Badkas Chowk
Ayachit Mandir
Natraj Talkies Mahal
Shivaji Nagar Gate
Gangabai Ghat
Jagande Square
Nandanvan Chowk
New Nandanvan
Womens College New Nandanvan
New Nandanvan Layout
Ishwar Nagar Square
Ramna Maruti Mandir
Ramna Maruti Square
Hasanbaug Square
Sheesh Nagar Kharbi
Shakti Mata Nagar No.1
Shakti Mata Nagar No. 2
Diamond Nagar
Kharbi Chowk
Lata Mangeshkar Nagar
Chamat Hall Kharbi
Mata Mandir
Kharbi T Point
140 FAQ
What time does the 140 bus start operating?
Services on the 140 bus start at 07:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
What time does the 140 bus stop working?
Services on the 140 bus stop at 21:40 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
What time does the 140 bus arrive?
When does the Sitabuldi - Kharbi T Point bus line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the Sitabuldi - Kharbi T Point bus line that is closest to your location.
Does the Aapli Bus Nagpur 140 bus line run on Christmas?
The 140 bus's operating hours on Christmas may change. Check the Moovit app for latest changes and live updates.
Is there a 140 bus stop near me?
Click here to view the nearest 140 bus stop.
Aapli Bus Nagpur Bus Service Alerts
See all updates on 140 (from Sitabuldi), including real-time status info, bus delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 140 (Kharbi T Point) and track the bus as it moves on the map. Download the app for all Nagpur Mahanagar Parivahan Limited (NMPL) info now.
140 line bus fare
Aapli Bus Nagpur 140 (Kharbi T Point) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about Aapli Bus Nagpur tickets costs please check the Moovit app or Nagpur Mahanagar Parivahan Limited (NMPL)’s official website.
140 (Aapli Bus Nagpur)
The first stop of the 140 bus route is Sitabuldi and the last stop is Kharbi T Point. 140 (Kharbi T Point) is operational during everyday.
Additional information: 140 has 37 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 49 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you Aapli Bus Nagpur suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, live directions, line route maps in Nagpur, and helps to find the closest 140 bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 140 bus to take on your trip.
Line 140 Real Time bus Tracker
Track line 140 (Kharbi T Point) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 140 bus tracker or a live Aapli Bus Nagpur bus tracker app and never miss your bus.
Use the app as a trip planner for Aapli Bus Nagpur or a trip planner for metro or bus to plan your route around Nagpur. The trip planner shows updated data for Aapli Bus Nagpur and any bus, including line 140, in Nagpur
140 - Alternative Directions
Aapli Bus Nagpur Lines in Nagpur
- 359 - Maharaja Baug Terminal - Tondakhairi/ Schedule
- 347 - Maharaja Baug Terminal - Bahadura Gaon/ Schedule
- 2STL - Patwardhan Depot - Sitabuldi/ Schedule
- 201 - Sitabuldi - Matkazari/ Schedule
- 114 - Dikshabhumi - Ambazari T-Point/ Schedule
- 264 - Belatrodi - Pipla Phata/ Schedule
- 72 - Maharaja Baug Terminal - Surabardi Dam/ Schedule
- 194 - Gandhi Baug Maidan - Godhani/ Schedule
- 258 - Hajari Pahad - Pipla Phata/ Schedule
- 261 - Sitabuldi - Pipla Phata/ Schedule
- 61 - Panchasheel Chowk (Dhantoli) - Butibori M.I.D.C.Gate/ Schedule
- 371B - Panchasheel Chowk - Rui Khairi/ Schedule
- 309 - Koradi Depot - Nara/ Schedule
- 82 - Panchasheel Chowk (Dhantoli) - Belatrodi/ Schedule
- 107 - Panchasheel Chowk (Dhantoli) - Indorama Gate No. 7/ Schedule
- 207 - Panchasheel Chowk (Dhantoli) - Takalghat/ Schedule
- 313 - Jaiprakash Nagar Metro Station - Malgi Nagar/ Schedule
- 175 - Sitabuldi - Pardi/ Schedule
- 291 - Sadar Police Station - K.T.P.S.Colony Gate No.2/ Schedule
- 159 - Sitabuldi - Bhandewadi Railway Station/ Schedule