533LTD Line
Agarkar Chowk (Andheri-E) - Vashi Sector No.19
BEST bus
BEST bus 533LTD Bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)
The 533LTD bus (Vashi Sector No.19) has 66 stops departing from Agarkar Chowk (Andheri E) and ending at Vashi Sector No.19.
Choose any of the 533LTD bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.
Direction: Vashi Sector No.19 (66 stops)
Agarkar Chowk (Andheri E)
Vishal Hall / Prakash Studio
Natraj Studio (Andheri E)
Chakala / WEH Metro Station
Chakala (Satam Vadi)
Reserve Bank Colony
Charatsingh Colony
J.B Nagar (Andheri-E)
Marol Pipeline
Marol Lions Club
Marol Naka / Mata Ramabai Ambedkar Chowk
Mittal Estate
Saki Naka / Dr.Datta Samant Chowk
Dr. Datta Samant Chowk / Saki Naka
Vijay Printing Press
Safed Pool
Jari Mari
Bail Bazar (Kurla W)
Mukund Company Kamani
Guru Nanak Nagar (Ghatkopar W)
Narayan Nagar (Ghatkopar)
Chirag Nagar
Ghatkopar Police Station
Ghatkopar Pipe Line
Sarvodaya Hospital
Gopal Bhavan
Nityanand Nagar Ghatkopar (W)
Laxmi Nagar (Ghatkopar-E)
Ghatkopar Bus Station
Ghatkopar Depot
Ramabai Nagar (Ghatkopar)
Nalanda Society Ghatkopar
R.T.O / Kamraj Nagar (Ghatkopar)
Jijamata Bhosale Marg Junction
P.W.D Ground
Indian Oil Nagar
Mhada Colony
Shivaji Nagar Junction
Shivaji Nagar Junction
Dyansampada High School
Baiganwadi Junction
B.M.C Compost Plant
Annabhau Sathe Nagar
Railway Sankalp Colony
Mohite Patil Nagar
Maharashtra Nagar (Mankhurd)
Mankhurd Octroi Naka
Khadi Pul / Toll Naka
Vashi Village
Vashi Sector 17 / Apna Bazar
Navratna Hotel Vashi
Vashi Bus Station
Saint Lawrence High School (Vashi)
Kanda Batata Market
A.P.M.C Market (Vashi)
A.P.M.C Fruit & Vegetables Market
Mathadi Bhavan
Mathadi Bhavan / Commodity Exchange
State Bank / Saurashtra Bank
Dana Bazar Gate No.2
R.T.O Office Sector 26
Sector 26 Vashi
Vashi Sector No.19
What time does the 533LTD bus start operating?
Services on the 533LTD bus start at 06:55 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
What time does the 533LTD bus stop working?
Services on the 533LTD bus stop at 21:45 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
What time does the 533LTD bus arrive?
When does the Agarkar Chowk (Andheri-E) - Vashi Sector No.19 bus line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the Agarkar Chowk (Andheri-E) - Vashi Sector No.19 bus line that is closest to your location.
Does the BEST bus 533LTD bus line run on Christmas?
The 533LTD bus's operating hours on Christmas may change. Check the Moovit app for latest changes and live updates.
Is there a 533LTD bus stop near me?
Click here to view the nearest 533LTD bus stop.
BEST bus Bus Service Alerts
See all updates on 533LTD (from Agarkar Chowk (Andheri E)), including real-time status info, bus delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 533LTD (Vashi Sector No.19) and track the bus as it moves on the map. Download the app for all BEST (Brihanmumbai Electricity Supply & Transport) info now.
533LTD line bus fare
BEST bus 533LTD (Vashi Sector No.19) prices may change based on several factors. For more information about BEST bus tickets costs please check the Moovit app or BEST (Brihanmumbai Electricity Supply & Transport)’s official website.
533LTD (BEST bus)
The first stop of the 533LTD bus route is Agarkar Chowk (Andheri E) and the last stop is Vashi Sector No.19. 533LTD (Vashi Sector No.19) is operational during everyday.
Additional information: 533LTD has 66 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 70 minutes.
On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transit app. Moovit gives you BEST bus suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, live directions, line route maps in Mumbai, and helps to find the closest 533LTD bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 533LTD bus to take on your trip.
Line 533LTD Real Time bus Tracker
Track line 533LTD (Vashi Sector No.19) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 533LTD bus tracker or a live BEST bus bus tracker app and never miss your bus.
Use the app as a trip planner for BEST bus or a trip planner for metro, light rail, bus, train or ferry to plan your route around Mumbai. The trip planner shows updated data for BEST bus and any bus, including line 533LTD, in Mumbai
533LTD - Alternative Directions
BEST bus Lines in Mumbai
- 87LTD - Bandra Colony Bus Station - Mantralaya/ Schedule
- 251 - Andheri Bus Station (W) - Vesave Village/ Schedule
- 478LTD - Vikhroli Depot - Borivali Railway Station (E)/ Schedule
- 139 - Colaba Depot (Electric House) - Geetanagar (Colaba)/ Schedule
- 707LTD - Goregaon Depot (Oshiwara Depot) - Bhayander Railway Station (E)/ Schedule
- 44 - Worli Depot - Shrawan Yashwante Chowk (Kala Chowky)/ Schedule
- 15 - Pratiksha Nagar Depot - Mantralaya/ Schedule
- C-718 - Dindoshi Depot - Bhayander Railway Station (E)/ Schedule
- 604 - Bhandup Station (W) - Kanjurmarg Station (W)/ Schedule
- 332 - Kurla Station (W) - Agarkar Chowk (Andheri E)/ Schedule
- 606 - Bhandup Station (W) - Nardas Nagar/ Schedule
- 428 - Sadbhakti Mandir - Shivaji Talao (Bhandup-W)/ Schedule
- 83 - Santacruz Depot - Colaba Bus Station/ Schedule
- C-71 - Mahim Bus Station - Mira Road Railway Station (E)/ Schedule
- 243 - Malad Railway Station (W) - Jankalyan Nagar/ Schedule
- 122 - Ballard Pier - J.Mehta Marg/ Schedule
- 416 - Ghatkopar Station (W) - Amrut Nagar (Vikhroli W)/ Schedule
- 225 - Bandra (W) Bus Station - Dindoshi Bus Station/ Schedule
- 418 - Vikhroli Station (W) - Hiranandani Powai Bus Station/ Schedule