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Bari Public Transit Trip Planner

The Most Popular Urban Mobility App in Bari
All local mobility options in one app

Get around Bari by public transit!

Traveling around Bari has never been so easy. See step by step directions as you travel to any attraction, street or major public transit station. View bus and train schedules, arrival times, service alerts and detailed routes on a map, so you know exactly how to get to anywhere in Bari.

When traveling to any destination around Bari use Moovit's Live Directions with Get Off Notifications to know exactly where and how far to walk, how long to wait for your line, and how many stops are left. Moovit will alert you when it's time to get off — no need to constantly re-check whether yours is the next stop.

Wondering how to use public transit in Bari or how to pay for public transit in Bari? Moovit public transit app can help you navigate your way with public transit easily, and at minimum cost. It includes public transit fees, ticket prices, and costs. Looking for a map of Bari public transit lines? Moovit public transit app shows all public transit maps in Bari with all Metro, Train, Bus, Ferry and Gondola routes and stops on an interactive map.

Bari has 5 transit type(s), including: Bus, Train, Metro, Ferry, Gondola, operated by several transit agencies, including Ferrotramviaria spa, Trenitalia, Ferrovie Appulo Lucane, AMTAB, A.S.A. S.c.r.l., Autolinee Scoppio, Ferrotramviaria S.p.A Direzione Generale Trasporto, Autolinee Sabato Viaggi, M.T.M. - mobilità e trasporti Molfetta, Marino Autolinee, Alidaunia, SU San Severo, SU Manfredonia, SU San Giovanni Rotondo (Autolinee Centra), Puglia Airbus

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