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21 - Vellore - Af Schedule

Weekdays Schedule

StationDeparture #1Departure #2Departure #3Departure #4Departure #5Departure #6Departure #7Departure #8Departure #9Departure #10Departure #11Departure #12Departure #13Departure #14
Rutherford Rd / Canada's Wonderland1:37 PM2:04 PM2:25 PM2:56 PM3:21 PM3:47 PM4:12 PM4:37 PM5:02 PM5:21 PM5:48 PM6:12 PM6:36 PM7:02 PM
Rutherford Rd / Vellore Woods Blvd1:39 PM2:06 PM2:27 PM2:58 PM3:23 PM3:50 PM4:15 PM4:39 PM5:04 PM5:24 PM5:51 PM6:15 PM6:39 PM7:05 PM
Rutherford Rd / Weston Rd1:40 PM2:07 PM2:28 PM2:59 PM3:24 PM3:51 PM4:16 PM4:40 PM5:05 PM5:25 PM5:52 PM6:16 PM6:40 PM7:06 PM
Weston Rd / Hawkview Blvd1:41 PM2:08 PM2:29 PM3:00 PM3:25 PM3:52 PM4:17 PM4:41 PM5:06 PM5:26 PM5:53 PM6:16 PM6:40 PM7:06 PM
Weston Rd / Comdel Blvd1:41 PM2:08 PM2:29 PM3:00 PM3:25 PM3:53 PM4:18 PM4:41 PM5:06 PM5:27 PM5:54 PM6:17 PM6:41 PM7:07 PM
Davos Road / Fiorentina Av1:44 PM2:11 PM2:32 PM3:03 PM3:28 PM3:56 PM4:21 PM4:44 PM5:09 PM5:30 PM5:57 PM6:20 PM6:44 PM7:10 PM
Davos Rd / Fossil Hill Rd1:44 PM2:11 PM2:32 PM3:03 PM3:28 PM3:57 PM4:22 PM4:44 PM5:09 PM5:30 PM5:57 PM6:21 PM6:45 PM7:11 PM
Davos Rd / Kingsview Rd1:45 PM2:12 PM2:33 PM3:04 PM3:29 PM3:57 PM4:22 PM4:45 PM5:10 PM5:31 PM5:58 PM6:21 PM6:45 PM7:11 PM
Davos Rd / Vellore Av1:46 PM2:13 PM2:34 PM3:05 PM3:30 PM3:58 PM4:23 PM4:46 PM5:11 PM5:32 PM5:59 PM6:22 PM6:46 PM7:12 PM
Vellore Av / Amy Wood Rd1:47 PM2:14 PM2:35 PM3:06 PM3:31 PM3:59 PM4:24 PM4:47 PM5:12 PM5:33 PM6:00 PM6:23 PM6:47 PM7:13 PM
Vellore Av / Maria Antonia Rd1:47 PM2:14 PM2:35 PM3:06 PM3:31 PM4:00 PM4:25 PM4:47 PM5:12 PM5:33 PM6:00 PM6:24 PM6:48 PM7:14 PM
Vellore Av / Via Toscana1:48 PM2:15 PM2:36 PM3:07 PM3:32 PM4:01 PM4:26 PM4:48 PM5:13 PM5:34 PM6:01 PM6:25 PM6:49 PM7:15 PM
Vellore Av / Major Mackenzie Dr1:49 PM2:16 PM2:37 PM3:08 PM3:33 PM4:02 PM4:27 PM4:49 PM5:14 PM5:35 PM6:02 PM6:26 PM6:50 PM7:16 PM
Poetry Dr / Flourish St1:49 PM2:16 PM2:37 PM3:08 PM3:33 PM4:02 PM4:27 PM4:49 PM5:14 PM5:35 PM6:02 PM6:26 PM6:50 PM7:16 PM
Poetry Dr / Garyscholl Rd1:50 PM2:17 PM2:38 PM3:09 PM3:34 PM4:03 PM4:28 PM4:50 PM5:15 PM5:36 PM6:03 PM6:27 PM6:51 PM7:17 PM
Poetry Dr / Gallant Pl1:51 PM2:18 PM2:39 PM3:10 PM3:35 PM4:04 PM4:29 PM4:50 PM5:15 PM5:36 PM6:03 PM6:27 PM6:51 PM7:17 PM
Poetry Dr / Stormont Tr1:51 PM2:18 PM2:39 PM3:10 PM3:35 PM4:04 PM4:29 PM4:51 PM5:16 PM5:37 PM6:04 PM6:28 PM6:52 PM7:18 PM
Poetry Dr / Stanton Av1:52 PM2:19 PM2:40 PM3:11 PM3:36 PM4:05 PM4:30 PM4:51 PM5:16 PM5:37 PM6:04 PM6:28 PM6:52 PM7:18 PM
Stanton Av / Silver Sterling Cres1:52 PM2:20 PM2:41 PM3:12 PM3:37 PM4:05 PM4:30 PM4:52 PM5:17 PM5:38 PM6:05 PM6:29 PM6:53 PM7:19 PM
Stanton Av / Virtue Cres1:53 PM2:20 PM2:41 PM3:12 PM3:37 PM4:06 PM4:31 PM4:53 PM5:18 PM5:39 PM6:06 PM6:30 PM6:54 PM7:20 PM
Stanton Av / Trammel Dr1:54 PM2:22 PM2:43 PM3:14 PM3:39 PM4:07 PM4:32 PM4:54 PM5:19 PM5:40 PM6:07 PM6:31 PM6:55 PM7:21 PM
Stanton Av / Weston Rd1:55 PM2:23 PM2:44 PM3:15 PM3:40 PM4:08 PM4:33 PM4:55 PM5:20 PM5:41 PM6:08 PM6:32 PM6:56 PM7:22 PM
Canada Dr / Vellore Park Av1:56 PM2:24 PM2:45 PM3:16 PM3:41 PM4:09 PM4:34 PM4:55 PM5:20 PM5:41 PM6:08 PM6:32 PM6:56 PM7:22 PM
Canada Dr / Summit Dr1:57 PM2:25 PM2:46 PM3:17 PM3:42 PM4:10 PM4:35 PM4:56 PM5:21 PM5:42 PM6:09 PM6:33 PM6:57 PM7:23 PM
Canada Dr / Cityview Blvd1:57 PM2:25 PM2:46 PM3:17 PM3:42 PM4:10 PM4:35 PM4:57 PM5:22 PM5:43 PM6:10 PM6:34 PM6:58 PM7:24 PM
Cityview Blvd Stop # 57331:58 PM2:26 PM2:47 PM3:18 PM3:43 PM4:11 PM4:36 PM4:57 PM5:22 PM5:43 PM6:10 PM6:34 PM6:58 PM7:24 PM
Cityview Blvd / Lormel Gate1:59 PM2:26 PM2:47 PM3:18 PM3:43 PM4:12 PM4:37 PM4:58 PM5:23 PM5:44 PM6:11 PM6:35 PM6:59 PM7:25 PM
Cityview Blvd / Retreat Blvd2:00 PM2:28 PM2:49 PM3:20 PM3:45 PM4:13 PM4:38 PM4:59 PM5:24 PM5:45 PM6:12 PM6:36 PM7:00 PM7:26 PM
Cityview Blvd Stop #70862:01 PM2:29 PM2:50 PM3:21 PM3:46 PM4:14 PM4:39 PM5:00 PM5:25 PM5:46 PM6:13 PM6:37 PM7:01 PM7:27 PM
Cityview Blvd / Major Mackenzie Dr2:02 PM2:30 PM2:51 PM3:22 PM3:47 PM4:15 PM4:40 PM5:01 PM5:26 PM5:47 PM6:14 PM6:38 PM7:02 PM7:28 PM
Vellore Woods Blvd / Robins Nest Dr2:02 PM2:31 PM2:52 PM3:23 PM3:48 PM4:15 PM4:40 PM5:01 PM5:26 PM5:47 PM6:14 PM6:38 PM7:02 PM7:28 PM
Vellore Woods Blvd / Hawstone Rd2:03 PM2:31 PM2:52 PM3:23 PM3:48 PM4:16 PM4:41 PM5:02 PM5:27 PM5:48 PM6:15 PM6:39 PM7:03 PM7:29 PM
Vellore Woods Blvd / Scarlett Trl2:04 PM2:32 PM2:53 PM3:24 PM3:49 PM4:17 PM4:42 PM5:02 PM5:27 PM5:49 PM6:16 PM6:40 PM7:04 PM7:30 PM
Vellore Woods Blvd / Bucksaw Dr2:05 PM2:33 PM2:54 PM3:25 PM3:50 PM4:17 PM4:42 PM5:03 PM5:28 PM5:49 PM6:16 PM6:40 PM7:04 PM7:30 PM
Vellore Woods Blvd / Ashberry Blvd2:05 PM2:34 PM2:55 PM3:26 PM3:51 PM4:18 PM4:43 PM5:03 PM5:28 PM5:50 PM6:17 PM6:41 PM7:05 PM7:31 PM
Ashberry Blvd / Oland Dr2:06 PM2:35 PM2:56 PM3:27 PM3:52 PM4:19 PM4:44 PM5:04 PM5:29 PM5:51 PM6:18 PM6:42 PM7:06 PM7:32 PM
Ashberry Blvd / Weston Rd2:07 PM2:36 PM2:57 PM3:28 PM3:53 PM4:19 PM4:44 PM5:05 PM5:30 PM5:51 PM6:18 PM6:42 PM7:06 PM7:32 PM
Weston Rd / Davos Rd2:07 PM2:36 PM2:57 PM3:28 PM3:53 PM4:20 PM4:45 PM5:05 PM5:30 PM5:51 PM6:18 PM6:43 PM7:07 PM7:33 PM
Weston Rd / La Rocca Av2:08 PM2:37 PM2:58 PM3:29 PM3:54 PM4:21 PM4:46 PM5:06 PM5:31 PM5:52 PM6:19 PM6:44 PM7:08 PM7:34 PM
Weston Rd / Hawkview Blvd2:09 PM2:38 PM2:59 PM3:30 PM3:55 PM4:22 PM4:47 PM5:07 PM5:32 PM5:53 PM6:20 PM6:45 PM7:09 PM7:35 PM
Rutherford Rd / Weston Rd2:10 PM2:39 PM3:00 PM3:31 PM3:56 PM4:22 PM4:47 PM5:07 PM5:32 PM5:54 PM6:21 PM6:45 PM7:09 PM7:35 PM
Rutherford Rd / Vellore Woods Blvd2:11 PM2:40 PM3:01 PM3:32 PM3:57 PM4:23 PM4:48 PM5:08 PM5:33 PM5:55 PM6:22 PM6:46 PM7:10 PM7:36 PM
Rutherford Rd / Sweetriver Blvd2:14 PM2:44 PM3:05 PM3:36 PM4:01 PM4:26 PM4:51 PM5:10 PM5:35 PM5:57 PM6:24 PM6:49 PM7:13 PM7:39 PM
Vaughan Mills Terminal1:34 PM2:01 PM2:22 PM2:53 PM3:18 PM3:44 PM4:09 PM4:34 PM4:59 PM5:18 PM5:45 PM6:09 PM6:33 PM6:59 PM

York Region Transit bus schedule - 21 (Vellore - Af)

The York Region Transit bus schedule for the 21 route, Vellore - Af, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Vaughan Mills Terminal station to Vaughan Mills Terminal station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.

You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date York Region Transit schedule.

This page, including the bus schedule table, is designed for easy downloading and printing. Save the bus schedule as a PDF or in another format for offline access. You can also print a hard copy to take with you on the go for convenient reference

21 Alternative Directions Schedules