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2-8 - Expreso 170 Oriental Schedule

Weekdays Schedule

StationDeparture #1Departure #2Departure #3Departure #4Departure #5Departure #6Departure #7Departure #8
Portal Del Norte5:005:306:006:307:007:308:008:30
Br. Santa Teresa (Kr 8g - Ac 170)5:025:326:026:327:037:338:038:33
Br. San Cristóbal Norte (Ak 9 - Cl 165a)5:045:346:046:347:047:348:048:34
Br. Pradera Norte (Ak 9 - Cl 168)5:055:356:056:357:067:368:068:36
Colegio De La Salle (Ac 170 - Kr 12)5:065:366:066:367:077:378:078:37
Br. La Alameda (Ac 170 - Kr 15)5:085:386:086:387:107:408:108:40
Colegio the English School (Ac 170 - Kr 17a)5:095:396:096:397:117:418:118:41

Buses Alimentadores SITP schedule - 2-8 (Expreso 170 Oriental)

The Buses Alimentadores SITP schedule for the 2-8 route, Expreso 170 Oriental, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Portal Del Norte station to Colegio the English School (Ac 170 - Kr 17a) station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.

You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the SITP schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date Buses Alimentadores schedule.

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