4 - Carrefour De L'Estrie Schedule Monday Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Departure #9 Departure #10 Departure #11 Departure #12 Departure #13 Departure #14 Departure #15 Departure #16 Departure #17 Departure #18 Departure #19 Departure #20 Departure #21 Departure #22 Departure #23 Departure #24 Departure #25 Departure #26 Departure #27 Departure #28 Departure #29 Departure #30 Departure #31 Departure #32 Departure #33 Departure #34 Departure #35 Departure #36 Departure #37 Departure #38 Departure #39 Departure #40 Departure #41 Departure #42 Departure #43 Allard / Galvin - 06:39 07:01 - 07:17 07:40 - - 08:20 - - - - - 09:59 - 10:56 11:21 11:56 - 12:57 - 13:57 14:56 - 15:26 - 16:24 - 16:54 - - 17:33 17:56 18:24 19:11 19:36 20:02 20:34 21:11 - - - Parc Gilles-Charland - 06:39 07:01 - 07:17 07:40 - - 08:20 - - - - - 09:59 - 10:56 11:21 11:56 - 12:57 - 13:57 14:56 - 15:27 - 16:25 - 16:55 - - 17:34 17:57 18:24 19:11 19:36 20:02 20:34 21:11 - - - Galvin / Raby - 06:40 07:02 - 07:18 07:41 - - 08:21 - - - - - 10:00 - 10:57 11:22 11:57 - 12:58 - 13:58 14:57 - 15:27 - 16:25 - 16:55 - - 17:34 17:57 18:25 19:12 19:37 20:03 20:35 21:12 - - - Galvin / Lucien-Brunelle - 06:41 07:03 - 07:19 07:42 - - 08:22 - - - - - 10:01 - 10:58 11:23 11:58 - 12:59 - 13:59 14:58 - 15:28 - 16:26 - 16:56 - - 17:35 17:58 18:26 19:13 19:38 20:04 20:36 21:13 - - - Parc Desranleau - 06:42 07:04 - 07:20 07:43 - - 08:23 - - - - - 10:02 - 10:59 11:24 11:59 - 13:00 - 14:00 14:59 - 15:30 - 16:28 - 16:58 - - 17:37 18:00 18:27 19:14 19:39 20:05 20:37 21:14 - - - Du Conseil / Galt Est - 06:42 07:04 - 07:20 07:43 - - 08:23 - - - - - 10:02 - 10:59 11:24 11:59 - 13:00 - 14:00 14:59 - 15:30 - 16:28 - 16:58 - - 17:37 18:00 18:27 19:14 19:39 20:05 20:37 21:14 - - - Du Conseil (No.1500) - 06:42 07:04 - 07:20 07:43 - - 08:23 - - - - - 10:02 - 10:59 11:24 11:59 - 13:00 - 14:00 14:59 - 15:30 - 16:28 - 16:58 - - 17:37 18:00 18:27 19:14 19:39 20:05 20:37 21:14 - - - Du Conseil / Du Verger - 06:43 07:05 - 07:21 07:44 - - 08:24 - - - - - 10:03 - 11:00 11:25 12:00 - 13:01 - 14:01 15:00 - 15:31 - 16:29 - 16:59 - - 17:38 18:01 18:28 19:15 19:40 20:06 20:38 21:15 - - - Du Conseil / Jean-Talon - 06:43 07:05 - 07:21 07:45 - - 08:25 - - - - - 10:03 - 11:00 11:25 12:00 - 13:01 - 14:01 15:00 - 15:31 - 16:29 - 16:59 - - 17:38 18:01 18:28 19:15 19:40 20:06 20:38 21:15 - - - Du Conseil / De Normandie - 06:44 07:06 - 07:22 07:46 - - 08:26 - - - - - 10:04 - 11:01 11:26 12:01 - 13:02 - 14:02 15:01 - 15:32 - 16:30 - 17:00 - - 17:39 18:02 18:29 19:16 19:41 20:07 20:39 21:16 - - - Du Conseil / 13e Av. Sud - 06:45 07:07 - 07:23 07:47 - - 08:27 - - - - - 10:05 - 11:02 11:27 12:02 - 13:03 - 14:03 15:02 - 15:33 - 16:31 - 17:01 - - 17:40 18:03 18:30 19:17 19:42 20:08 20:40 21:16 - - - 12e Av. Sud / Chalifoux - 06:45 07:07 - 07:23 07:47 - - 08:27 - - - - - 10:05 - 11:02 11:27 12:02 - 13:03 - 14:03 15:02 - 15:33 - 16:31 - 17:01 - - 17:40 18:03 18:30 19:17 19:42 20:08 20:40 21:17 - - - Boul. Lavigerie / Woodward - 06:46 07:08 - 07:24 07:48 - - 08:28 - - - - - 10:06 - 11:03 11:28 12:03 - 13:04 - 14:04 15:03 - 15:34 - 16:32 - 17:02 - - 17:41 18:04 18:31 19:18 19:43 20:09 20:41 21:18 - - - Woodward / 10e Av. Sud - 06:47 07:09 - 07:25 07:49 - - 08:29 - - - - - 10:07 - 11:04 11:29 12:04 - 13:05 - 14:05 15:04 - 15:35 - 16:33 - 17:03 - - 17:42 18:05 18:32 19:19 19:44 20:10 20:42 21:18 - - - Parc Philippe-Desranleau - 06:48 07:10 - 07:26 07:50 - - 08:30 - - - - - 10:08 - 11:05 11:30 12:05 - 13:06 - 14:06 15:05 - 15:36 - 16:34 - 17:04 - - 17:43 18:06 18:33 19:20 19:45 20:11 20:43 21:19 - - - Murray / Woodward - 06:48 07:10 - 07:26 07:50 - - 08:30 - - - - - 10:08 - 11:05 11:30 12:05 - 13:06 - 14:06 15:05 - 15:36 - 16:34 - 17:04 - - 17:43 18:06 18:33 19:20 19:45 20:11 20:43 21:19 - - - Murray (Chus - Hôtel-Dieu) - 06:49 07:11 - 07:27 07:51 - - 08:31 - - - - - 10:09 - 11:06 11:31 12:06 - 13:07 - 14:07 15:06 - 15:37 - 16:35 - 17:05 - - 17:44 18:07 18:34 19:21 19:46 20:12 20:44 21:20 - - - Parc Antonio-Montour - 06:49 07:11 - 07:27 07:51 - - 08:31 - - - - - 10:09 - 11:06 11:31 12:06 - 13:07 - 14:07 15:06 - 15:37 - 16:35 - 17:05 - - 17:44 18:07 18:34 19:21 19:46 20:12 20:44 21:20 - - - Murray / Du Conseil - 06:50 07:12 - 07:28 07:53 - - 08:32 - - - - - 10:10 - 11:07 11:32 12:07 - 13:08 - 14:08 15:08 - 15:39 - 16:36 - 17:06 - - 17:45 18:08 18:35 19:22 19:47 20:13 20:45 21:21 - - - Murray (No.162) - 06:51 07:13 - 07:29 07:54 - - 08:33 - - - - - 10:12 - 11:09 11:34 12:09 - 13:10 - 14:10 15:09 - 15:40 - 16:38 - 17:07 - - 17:46 18:09 18:36 19:23 19:48 20:14 20:46 21:22 - - - King Est / Murray - 06:52 07:14 - 07:30 07:55 - - 08:34 - - - - - 10:13 - 11:10 11:35 12:10 - 13:11 - 14:11 15:10 - 15:41 - 16:39 - 17:08 - - 17:47 18:10 18:37 19:24 19:49 20:15 20:47 21:23 - - - King Est / Curtis - 06:52 07:14 - 07:30 07:56 - - 08:34 - - - - - 10:13 - 11:10 11:35 12:10 - 13:11 - 14:11 15:11 - 15:42 - 16:39 - 17:08 - - 17:47 18:10 18:37 19:24 19:49 20:15 20:47 21:23 - - - Complexe Saint-Vincent-De-Paul - 06:53 07:15 - 07:31 07:57 - - 08:35 - - - - - 10:14 - 11:11 11:36 12:11 - 13:12 - 14:12 15:12 - 15:43 - 16:40 - 17:09 - - 17:48 18:11 18:38 19:25 19:50 20:16 20:48 21:24 - - - Du Cégep / Mont-Plaisant - 06:54 07:16 - 07:32 07:58 - - 08:36 - - - - - 10:15 - 11:12 11:37 12:12 - 13:13 - 14:13 15:13 - 15:44 - 16:41 - 17:10 - - 17:49 18:12 18:39 19:26 19:51 20:17 20:49 21:25 - - - Édifice Expo-Sherbrooke - 06:54 07:16 - 07:32 07:59 - - 08:37 - - - - - 10:15 - 11:12 11:37 12:12 - 13:13 - 14:13 15:13 - 15:44 - 16:41 - 17:10 - - 17:49 18:12 18:39 19:26 19:51 20:17 20:49 21:25 - - - Station Du Cégep 06:35 06:59 07:21 07:10 07:37 08:04 07:48 08:12 08:42 08:22 08:30 08:55 09:05 09:40 10:20 10:40 11:17 11:42 12:18 12:40 13:19 13:38 14:19 15:19 15:00 15:50 16:07 16:47 16:33 17:16 17:05 17:25 17:55 18:17 18:44 19:31 19:58 20:23 20:54 21:30 21:48 22:37 23:38 Plateau Sylvie-Daigle 06:35 06:59 07:21 07:10 07:37 08:04 07:48 08:12 08:42 08:22 08:30 08:55 09:05 09:40 10:20 10:40 11:17 11:42 12:18 12:41 13:19 13:39 14:19 15:19 15:01 15:50 16:08 16:47 16:34 17:16 17:06 17:26 17:55 18:17 18:44 19:31 19:58 20:23 20:54 21:30 21:48 22:37 23:38 Terrill / Du Cégep 06:36 07:00 07:22 07:11 07:38 08:05 07:49 08:13 08:43 08:23 08:31 08:56 09:06 09:41 10:21 10:41 11:18 11:43 12:19 12:42 13:20 13:40 14:20 15:20 15:02 15:51 16:09 16:48 16:35 17:17 17:07 17:27 17:56 18:18 18:45 19:32 19:59 20:24 20:55 21:30 21:48 22:37 23:38 Kennedy Nord / Terrill 06:37 07:01 07:23 07:12 07:39 08:06 07:50 08:14 08:44 08:24 08:32 08:57 09:07 09:42 10:22 10:42 11:19 11:44 12:20 12:43 13:21 13:41 14:21 15:21 15:03 15:52 16:10 16:49 16:36 17:18 17:08 17:28 17:57 18:19 18:46 19:33 20:00 20:25 20:56 21:31 21:49 22:38 23:39 De Montréal / Dufferin - - - - - 08:07 - 08:15 08:45 08:25 08:33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Musée Des Beaux-Arts De Sherbrooke - - - - - 08:07 - 08:15 08:45 08:25 08:33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parc James-S.-Mitchell 06:37 07:01 07:23 07:12 07:40 - 07:51 - - - - 08:58 09:08 09:43 10:23 10:43 11:20 11:45 12:21 12:44 13:22 13:42 14:22 15:22 15:04 15:53 - 16:50 16:37 17:19 17:09 17:29 17:57 18:19 18:46 19:33 20:00 20:25 20:56 21:31 21:49 22:38 23:39 Moore (No.361) 06:38 07:02 07:24 07:13 07:40 - 07:51 - - - - 08:58 09:08 09:43 10:23 10:43 11:20 11:45 12:21 12:44 13:22 13:42 14:22 15:22 15:04 15:53 - 16:50 16:37 17:19 17:09 17:29 17:58 18:20 18:47 19:34 20:01 20:26 20:57 21:32 21:50 22:39 23:40 École Mitchell-Montcalm - Pavillon Mitchell 06:38 07:02 07:24 07:13 07:41 - 07:52 - - - - 08:59 09:09 09:44 10:24 10:44 11:21 11:46 12:22 12:45 13:23 13:43 14:23 15:23 15:05 15:54 - 16:51 16:38 17:20 17:10 17:30 17:58 18:20 18:47 19:34 20:01 20:26 20:57 21:32 21:50 22:39 23:40 Pont Gilbert-Hyatt - - - - - 08:08 - 08:16 08:46 08:26 08:34 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Musée De La Nature Et Des Sciences De Sherbrooke - - - - - 08:08 - 08:16 08:46 08:26 08:34 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frontenac / Belvédère Nord - - - - - 08:09 - 08:17 08:47 08:27 08:35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boul. De Portland / Belvédère Nord - - - - - 08:09 - 08:17 08:47 08:27 08:35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boul. De Portland / Belvédère Nord 06:39 07:03 07:25 07:14 07:42 08:10 07:53 08:18 08:48 08:28 08:36 09:00 09:10 09:45 10:25 10:45 11:22 11:47 12:23 12:46 13:24 13:44 14:24 15:24 15:06 15:55 16:16 16:52 16:39 17:21 17:11 17:31 17:59 18:21 18:48 19:35 20:02 20:27 20:58 21:33 21:51 22:40 23:41 Parc Du Domaine-Howard 06:40 07:04 07:27 07:15 07:44 08:12 07:55 08:20 08:50 08:30 08:38 09:01 09:11 09:46 10:26 10:46 11:23 11:48 12:24 12:47 13:25 13:45 14:25 15:25 15:07 15:56 16:17 16:53 16:40 17:22 17:12 17:32 18:00 18:22 18:49 19:36 20:03 20:28 20:59 21:34 21:52 22:41 23:42 Serres Du Parc Du Domaine-Howard 06:40 07:04 07:27 07:15 07:44 08:12 07:55 08:20 08:50 08:30 08:38 09:01 09:11 09:46 10:26 10:46 11:23 11:48 12:24 12:47 13:25 13:45 14:25 15:25 15:07 15:56 16:17 16:53 16:40 17:22 17:12 17:32 18:00 18:22 18:49 19:36 20:03 20:28 20:59 21:34 21:52 22:41 23:42 Csss-Iugs Pavillon Argyll 06:41 07:05 07:28 07:16 07:45 08:13 07:56 08:21 08:51 08:31 08:39 09:01 09:11 09:46 10:26 10:46 11:23 11:48 12:24 12:47 13:25 13:45 14:26 15:26 15:08 15:57 16:18 16:54 16:41 17:22 17:12 17:32 18:00 18:22 18:49 19:36 20:03 20:28 20:59 21:34 21:52 22:41 23:42 Boul. Jacques-Cartier Nord / Boul. De Portland 06:42 07:06 07:29 07:17 07:46 08:14 07:57 08:22 08:52 08:32 08:40 09:02 09:12 09:47 10:27 10:47 11:24 11:49 12:25 12:48 13:26 13:46 14:27 15:27 15:09 15:58 16:19 16:55 16:42 17:23 17:13 17:33 18:01 18:23 18:50 19:37 20:04 20:29 21:00 21:35 21:53 22:42 23:43 Boul. De Portland / Wood 06:42 07:06 07:29 07:17 07:46 08:14 07:57 08:22 08:52 08:32 08:40 09:02 09:12 09:47 10:27 10:47 11:24 11:49 12:25 12:48 13:26 13:46 14:27 15:27 15:09 15:58 16:20 16:55 16:42 17:23 17:13 17:33 18:01 18:23 18:50 19:37 20:04 20:29 21:00 21:35 21:53 22:42 23:43 École Mitchell-Montcalm - Pavillon Montcalm 06:42 07:06 07:29 07:17 07:47 08:15 07:58 08:23 08:53 08:33 08:41 09:02 09:12 09:47 10:28 10:48 11:25 11:50 12:26 12:49 13:27 13:47 14:28 15:28 15:10 15:59 16:21 16:56 16:43 17:24 17:14 17:34 18:02 18:24 18:51 19:37 20:04 20:29 21:00 21:35 21:53 22:42 23:43 Boul. De Portland / Farwell 06:43 07:07 07:30 07:18 07:48 08:16 07:59 08:24 08:54 08:34 08:42 09:03 09:13 09:48 10:28 10:48 11:26 11:51 12:27 12:50 13:27 13:47 14:28 15:29 15:10 16:00 16:22 16:57 16:44 17:24 17:15 17:34 18:02 18:24 18:51 19:38 20:05 20:30 21:01 21:36 21:54 22:43 23:44 Boul. De Portland / Meilleur 06:43 07:08 07:31 07:19 07:49 08:18 08:00 08:26 08:55 08:36 08:43 09:04 09:14 09:49 10:29 10:49 11:27 11:52 12:28 12:51 13:28 13:48 14:29 15:30 15:11 16:02 16:24 16:58 16:45 17:25 17:16 17:35 18:03 18:25 18:52 19:39 20:06 20:30 21:01 21:36 21:54 22:43 23:44 Boul. De Portland / Lauzon 06:44 07:08 07:31 07:19 07:50 08:19 08:01 08:27 08:56 08:37 08:44 09:04 09:14 09:49 10:30 10:50 11:28 11:53 12:29 12:52 13:29 13:49 14:30 15:31 15:12 16:03 16:25 16:59 16:46 17:26 17:17 17:36 18:04 18:26 18:53 19:39 20:06 20:31 21:02 21:37 21:55 22:44 23:45 Boul. De Portland / Wilson 06:44 07:09 07:32 07:20 07:51 08:20 08:02 08:28 08:57 08:38 08:46 09:05 09:15 09:50 10:31 10:51 11:29 11:54 12:30 12:53 13:30 13:50 14:31 15:32 15:13 16:04 16:26 17:00 16:47 17:27 17:18 17:37 18:05 18:27 18:54 19:40 20:07 20:31 21:02 21:37 21:55 22:44 23:45 Boul. De Portland / Boul. Lionel-Groulx 06:45 07:10 07:33 07:21 07:52 08:22 08:03 08:30 08:58 08:40 08:47 09:06 09:16 09:51 10:32 10:52 11:30 11:55 12:31 12:54 13:31 13:51 14:32 15:33 15:14 16:06 16:28 17:01 16:48 17:28 17:19 17:38 18:06 18:28 18:55 19:41 20:08 20:32 21:03 21:38 21:56 22:45 23:46 Saaq 06:46 07:11 07:34 07:22 07:53 08:23 08:04 08:31 08:59 08:41 08:48 09:07 09:17 09:52 10:33 10:53 11:31 11:56 12:32 12:55 13:32 13:52 14:33 15:34 15:15 16:08 16:30 17:02 16:50 17:29 17:20 17:39 18:07 18:29 18:56 19:42 20:09 20:33 21:04 21:39 21:57 22:46 23:47 Boul. De Portland (No.3025) 06:46 07:11 07:34 07:22 07:53 08:23 08:04 08:31 08:59 08:41 08:48 09:07 09:17 09:52 10:33 10:53 11:31 11:56 12:32 12:55 13:32 13:52 14:33 15:34 15:15 16:09 16:31 17:03 16:51 17:30 17:21 17:40 18:07 18:29 18:56 19:42 20:09 20:33 21:04 21:39 21:57 22:46 23:47 Carrefour De L'Estrie 06:49 07:14 07:37 07:25 07:56 08:26 08:07 08:34 09:02 08:44 08:51 09:10 09:20 09:55 10:36 10:56 11:34 11:59 12:35 12:58 13:35 13:55 14:36 15:37 15:18 16:13 16:35 17:06 16:55 17:33 17:24 17:43 18:10 18:32 18:59 19:45 20:12 20:36 21:07 21:42 22:00 22:49 23:49
Tuesday to Friday Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Departure #9 Departure #10 Departure #11 Departure #12 Departure #13 Departure #14 Departure #15 Departure #16 Departure #17 Departure #18 Departure #19 Departure #20 Departure #21 Departure #22 Departure #23 Departure #24 Departure #25 Departure #26 Departure #27 Departure #28 Departure #29 Departure #30 Departure #31 Departure #32 Departure #33 Departure #34 Departure #35 Departure #36 Departure #37 Departure #38 Departure #39 Departure #40 Departure #41 Departure #42 Departure #43 Departure #44 Allard / Galvin - 06:39 07:01 - 07:17 07:35 07:40 - - 08:20 - - - - - 09:59 - 10:56 11:21 11:56 - 12:57 - 13:57 14:56 - 15:26 - 16:24 - 16:54 - - 17:33 17:56 18:24 19:11 19:36 20:02 20:34 21:11 - - - Parc Gilles-Charland - 06:39 07:01 - 07:17 07:35 07:40 - - 08:20 - - - - - 09:59 - 10:56 11:21 11:56 - 12:57 - 13:57 14:56 - 15:27 - 16:25 - 16:55 - - 17:34 17:57 18:24 19:11 19:36 20:02 20:34 21:11 - - - Galvin / Raby - 06:40 07:02 - 07:18 07:36 07:41 - - 08:21 - - - - - 10:00 - 10:57 11:22 11:57 - 12:58 - 13:58 14:57 - 15:27 - 16:25 - 16:55 - - 17:34 17:57 18:25 19:12 19:37 20:03 20:35 21:12 - - - Galvin / Lucien-Brunelle - 06:41 07:03 - 07:19 07:37 07:42 - - 08:22 - - - - - 10:01 - 10:58 11:23 11:58 - 12:59 - 13:59 14:58 - 15:28 - 16:26 - 16:56 - - 17:35 17:58 18:26 19:13 19:38 20:04 20:36 21:13 - - - Parc Desranleau - 06:42 07:04 - 07:20 07:38 07:43 - - 08:23 - - - - - 10:02 - 10:59 11:24 11:59 - 13:00 - 14:00 14:59 - 15:30 - 16:28 - 16:58 - - 17:37 18:00 18:27 19:14 19:39 20:05 20:37 21:14 - - - Du Conseil / Galt Est - 06:42 07:04 - 07:20 07:38 07:43 - - 08:23 - - - - - 10:02 - 10:59 11:24 11:59 - 13:00 - 14:00 14:59 - 15:30 - 16:28 - 16:58 - - 17:37 18:00 18:27 19:14 19:39 20:05 20:37 21:14 - - - Du Conseil (No.1500) - 06:42 07:04 - 07:20 07:38 07:43 - - 08:23 - - - - - 10:02 - 10:59 11:24 11:59 - 13:00 - 14:00 14:59 - 15:30 - 16:28 - 16:58 - - 17:37 18:00 18:27 19:14 19:39 20:05 20:37 21:14 - - - Du Conseil / Du Verger - 06:43 07:05 - 07:21 07:39 07:44 - - 08:24 - - - - - 10:03 - 11:00 11:25 12:00 - 13:01 - 14:01 15:00 - 15:31 - 16:29 - 16:59 - - 17:38 18:01 18:28 19:15 19:40 20:06 20:38 21:15 - - - Du Conseil / Jean-Talon - 06:43 07:05 - 07:21 07:39 07:45 - - 08:25 - - - - - 10:03 - 11:00 11:25 12:00 - 13:01 - 14:01 15:00 - 15:31 - 16:29 - 16:59 - - 17:38 18:01 18:28 19:15 19:40 20:06 20:38 21:15 - - - Du Conseil / De Normandie - 06:44 07:06 - 07:22 07:40 07:46 - - 08:26 - - - - - 10:04 - 11:01 11:26 12:01 - 13:02 - 14:02 15:01 - 15:32 - 16:30 - 17:00 - - 17:39 18:02 18:29 19:16 19:41 20:07 20:39 21:16 - - - Du Conseil / 13e Av. Sud - 06:45 07:07 - 07:23 07:41 07:47 - - 08:27 - - - - - 10:05 - 11:02 11:27 12:02 - 13:03 - 14:03 15:02 - 15:33 - 16:31 - 17:01 - - 17:40 18:03 18:30 19:17 19:42 20:08 20:40 21:16 - - - 12e Av. Sud / Chalifoux - 06:45 07:07 - 07:23 07:41 07:47 - - 08:27 - - - - - 10:05 - 11:02 11:27 12:02 - 13:03 - 14:03 15:02 - 15:33 - 16:31 - 17:01 - - 17:40 18:03 18:30 19:17 19:42 20:08 20:40 21:17 - - - Boul. Lavigerie / Woodward - 06:46 07:08 - 07:24 07:42 07:48 - - 08:28 - - - - - 10:06 - 11:03 11:28 12:03 - 13:04 - 14:04 15:03 - 15:34 - 16:32 - 17:02 - - 17:41 18:04 18:31 19:18 19:43 20:09 20:41 21:18 - - - Woodward / 10e Av. Sud - 06:47 07:09 - 07:25 07:43 07:49 - - 08:29 - - - - - 10:07 - 11:04 11:29 12:04 - 13:05 - 14:05 15:04 - 15:35 - 16:33 - 17:03 - - 17:42 18:05 18:32 19:19 19:44 20:10 20:42 21:18 - - - Parc Philippe-Desranleau - 06:48 07:10 - 07:26 07:44 07:50 - - 08:30 - - - - - 10:08 - 11:05 11:30 12:05 - 13:06 - 14:06 15:05 - 15:36 - 16:34 - 17:04 - - 17:43 18:06 18:33 19:20 19:45 20:11 20:43 21:19 - - - Murray / Woodward - 06:48 07:10 - 07:26 07:44 07:50 - - 08:30 - - - - - 10:08 - 11:05 11:30 12:05 - 13:06 - 14:06 15:05 - 15:36 - 16:34 - 17:04 - - 17:43 18:06 18:33 19:20 19:45 20:11 20:43 21:19 - - - Murray (Chus - Hôtel-Dieu) - 06:49 07:11 - 07:27 07:45 07:51 - - 08:31 - - - - - 10:09 - 11:06 11:31 12:06 - 13:07 - 14:07 15:06 - 15:37 - 16:35 - 17:05 - - 17:44 18:07 18:34 19:21 19:46 20:12 20:44 21:20 - - - Parc Antonio-Montour - 06:49 07:11 - 07:27 07:45 07:51 - - 08:31 - - - - - 10:09 - 11:06 11:31 12:06 - 13:07 - 14:07 15:06 - 15:37 - 16:35 - 17:05 - - 17:44 18:07 18:34 19:21 19:46 20:12 20:44 21:20 - - - Murray / Du Conseil - 06:50 07:12 - 07:28 07:47 07:53 - - 08:32 - - - - - 10:10 - 11:07 11:32 12:07 - 13:08 - 14:08 15:08 - 15:39 - 16:36 - 17:06 - - 17:45 18:08 18:35 19:22 19:47 20:13 20:45 21:21 - - - Murray (No.162) - 06:51 07:13 - 07:29 07:48 07:54 - - 08:33 - - - - - 10:12 - 11:09 11:34 12:09 - 13:10 - 14:10 15:09 - 15:40 - 16:38 - 17:07 - - 17:46 18:09 18:36 19:23 19:48 20:14 20:46 21:22 - - - King Est / Murray - 06:52 07:14 - 07:30 07:49 07:55 - - 08:34 - - - - - 10:13 - 11:10 11:35 12:10 - 13:11 - 14:11 15:10 - 15:41 - 16:39 - 17:08 - - 17:47 18:10 18:37 19:24 19:49 20:15 20:47 21:23 - - - King Est / Curtis - 06:52 07:14 - 07:30 07:50 07:56 - - 08:34 - - - - - 10:13 - 11:10 11:35 12:10 - 13:11 - 14:11 15:11 - 15:42 - 16:39 - 17:08 - - 17:47 18:10 18:37 19:24 19:49 20:15 20:47 21:23 - - - Complexe Saint-Vincent-De-Paul - 06:53 07:15 - 07:31 07:51 07:57 - - 08:35 - - - - - 10:14 - 11:11 11:36 12:11 - 13:12 - 14:12 15:12 - 15:43 - 16:40 - 17:09 - - 17:48 18:11 18:38 19:25 19:50 20:16 20:48 21:24 - - - Du Cégep / Mont-Plaisant - 06:54 07:16 - 07:32 07:52 07:58 - - 08:36 - - - - - 10:15 - 11:12 11:37 12:12 - 13:13 - 14:13 15:13 - 15:44 - 16:41 - 17:10 - - 17:49 18:12 18:39 19:26 19:51 20:17 20:49 21:25 - - - Édifice Expo-Sherbrooke - 06:54 07:16 - 07:32 07:53 07:59 - - 08:37 - - - - - 10:15 - 11:12 11:37 12:12 - 13:13 - 14:13 15:13 - 15:44 - 16:41 - 17:10 - - 17:49 18:12 18:39 19:26 19:51 20:17 20:49 21:25 - - - Station Du Cégep 06:35 06:59 07:21 07:10 07:37 07:58 08:04 07:48 08:12 08:42 08:22 08:30 08:55 09:05 09:40 10:20 10:40 11:17 11:42 12:18 12:40 13:19 13:38 14:19 15:19 15:00 15:50 16:07 16:47 16:33 17:16 17:05 17:25 17:55 18:17 18:44 19:31 19:58 20:23 20:54 21:30 21:48 22:37 23:38 Plateau Sylvie-Daigle 06:35 06:59 07:21 07:10 07:37 07:58 08:04 07:48 08:12 08:42 08:22 08:30 08:55 09:05 09:40 10:20 10:40 11:17 11:42 12:18 12:41 13:19 13:39 14:19 15:19 15:01 15:50 16:08 16:47 16:34 17:16 17:06 17:26 17:55 18:17 18:44 19:31 19:58 20:23 20:54 21:30 21:48 22:37 23:38 Terrill / Du Cégep 06:36 07:00 07:22 07:11 07:38 07:59 08:05 07:49 08:13 08:43 08:23 08:31 08:56 09:06 09:41 10:21 10:41 11:18 11:43 12:19 12:42 13:20 13:40 14:20 15:20 15:02 15:51 16:09 16:48 16:35 17:17 17:07 17:27 17:56 18:18 18:45 19:32 19:59 20:24 20:55 21:30 21:48 22:37 23:38 Kennedy Nord / Terrill 06:37 07:01 07:23 07:12 07:39 08:00 08:06 07:50 08:14 08:44 08:24 08:32 08:57 09:07 09:42 10:22 10:42 11:19 11:44 12:20 12:43 13:21 13:41 14:21 15:21 15:03 15:52 16:10 16:49 16:36 17:18 17:08 17:28 17:57 18:19 18:46 19:33 20:00 20:25 20:56 21:31 21:49 22:38 23:39 De Montréal / Dufferin - - - - - 08:01 08:07 - 08:15 08:45 08:25 08:33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Musée Des Beaux-Arts De Sherbrooke - - - - - 08:01 08:07 - 08:15 08:45 08:25 08:33 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Parc James-S.-Mitchell 06:37 07:01 07:23 07:12 07:40 - - 07:51 - - - - 08:58 09:08 09:43 10:23 10:43 11:20 11:45 12:21 12:44 13:22 13:42 14:22 15:22 15:04 15:53 - 16:50 16:37 17:19 17:09 17:29 17:57 18:19 18:46 19:33 20:00 20:25 20:56 21:31 21:49 22:38 23:39 Moore (No.361) 06:38 07:02 07:24 07:13 07:40 - - 07:51 - - - - 08:58 09:08 09:43 10:23 10:43 11:20 11:45 12:21 12:44 13:22 13:42 14:22 15:22 15:04 15:53 - 16:50 16:37 17:19 17:09 17:29 17:58 18:20 18:47 19:34 20:01 20:26 20:57 21:32 21:50 22:39 23:40 École Mitchell-Montcalm - Pavillon Mitchell 06:38 07:02 07:24 07:13 07:41 - - 07:52 - - - - 08:59 09:09 09:44 10:24 10:44 11:21 11:46 12:22 12:45 13:23 13:43 14:23 15:23 15:05 15:54 - 16:51 16:38 17:20 17:10 17:30 17:58 18:20 18:47 19:34 20:01 20:26 20:57 21:32 21:50 22:39 23:40 Pont Gilbert-Hyatt - - - - - 08:02 08:08 - 08:16 08:46 08:26 08:34 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Musée De La Nature Et Des Sciences De Sherbrooke - - - - - 08:02 08:08 - 08:16 08:46 08:26 08:34 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:13 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Frontenac / Belvédère Nord - - - - - 08:03 08:09 - 08:17 08:47 08:27 08:35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boul. De Portland / Belvédère Nord - - - - - 08:03 08:09 - 08:17 08:47 08:27 08:35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16:15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Boul. De Portland / Belvédère Nord 06:39 07:03 07:25 07:14 07:42 08:04 08:10 07:53 08:18 08:48 08:28 08:36 09:00 09:10 09:45 10:25 10:45 11:22 11:47 12:23 12:46 13:24 13:44 14:24 15:24 15:06 15:55 16:16 16:52 16:39 17:21 17:11 17:31 17:59 18:21 18:48 19:35 20:02 20:27 20:58 21:33 21:51 22:40 23:41 Parc Du Domaine-Howard 06:40 07:04 07:27 07:15 07:44 08:06 08:12 07:55 08:20 08:50 08:30 08:38 09:01 09:11 09:46 10:26 10:46 11:23 11:48 12:24 12:47 13:25 13:45 14:25 15:25 15:07 15:56 16:17 16:53 16:40 17:22 17:12 17:32 18:00 18:22 18:49 19:36 20:03 20:28 20:59 21:34 21:52 22:41 23:42 Serres Du Parc Du Domaine-Howard 06:40 07:04 07:27 07:15 07:44 08:06 08:12 07:55 08:20 08:50 08:30 08:38 09:01 09:11 09:46 10:26 10:46 11:23 11:48 12:24 12:47 13:25 13:45 14:25 15:25 15:07 15:56 16:17 16:53 16:40 17:22 17:12 17:32 18:00 18:22 18:49 19:36 20:03 20:28 20:59 21:34 21:52 22:41 23:42 Csss-Iugs Pavillon Argyll 06:41 07:05 07:28 07:16 07:45 08:07 08:13 07:56 08:21 08:51 08:31 08:39 09:01 09:11 09:46 10:26 10:46 11:23 11:48 12:24 12:47 13:25 13:45 14:26 15:26 15:08 15:57 16:18 16:54 16:41 17:22 17:12 17:32 18:00 18:22 18:49 19:36 20:03 20:28 20:59 21:34 21:52 22:41 23:42 Boul. Jacques-Cartier Nord / Boul. De Portland 06:42 07:06 07:29 07:17 07:46 08:08 08:14 07:57 08:22 08:52 08:32 08:40 09:02 09:12 09:47 10:27 10:47 11:24 11:49 12:25 12:48 13:26 13:46 14:27 15:27 15:09 15:58 16:19 16:55 16:42 17:23 17:13 17:33 18:01 18:23 18:50 19:37 20:04 20:29 21:00 21:35 21:53 22:42 23:43 Boul. De Portland / Wood 06:42 07:06 07:29 07:17 07:46 08:08 08:14 07:57 08:22 08:52 08:32 08:40 09:02 09:12 09:47 10:27 10:47 11:24 11:49 12:25 12:48 13:26 13:46 14:27 15:27 15:09 15:58 16:20 16:55 16:42 17:23 17:13 17:33 18:01 18:23 18:50 19:37 20:04 20:29 21:00 21:35 21:53 22:42 23:43 École Mitchell-Montcalm - Pavillon Montcalm 06:42 07:06 07:29 07:17 07:47 08:09 08:15 07:58 08:23 08:53 08:33 08:41 09:02 09:12 09:47 10:28 10:48 11:25 11:50 12:26 12:49 13:27 13:47 14:28 15:28 15:10 15:59 16:21 16:56 16:43 17:24 17:14 17:34 18:02 18:24 18:51 19:37 20:04 20:29 21:00 21:35 21:53 22:42 23:43 Boul. De Portland / Farwell 06:43 07:07 07:30 07:18 07:48 08:10 08:16 07:59 08:24 08:54 08:34 08:42 09:03 09:13 09:48 10:28 10:48 11:26 11:51 12:27 12:50 13:27 13:47 14:28 15:29 15:10 16:00 16:22 16:57 16:44 17:24 17:15 17:34 18:02 18:24 18:51 19:38 20:05 20:30 21:01 21:36 21:54 22:43 23:44 Boul. De Portland / Meilleur 06:43 07:08 07:31 07:19 07:49 08:11 08:18 08:00 08:26 08:55 08:36 08:43 09:04 09:14 09:49 10:29 10:49 11:27 11:52 12:28 12:51 13:28 13:48 14:29 15:30 15:11 16:02 16:24 16:58 16:45 17:25 17:16 17:35 18:03 18:25 18:52 19:39 20:06 20:30 21:01 21:36 21:54 22:43 23:44 Boul. De Portland / Lauzon 06:44 07:08 07:31 07:19 07:50 08:12 08:19 08:01 08:27 08:56 08:37 08:44 09:04 09:14 09:49 10:30 10:50 11:28 11:53 12:29 12:52 13:29 13:49 14:30 15:31 15:12 16:03 16:25 16:59 16:46 17:26 17:17 17:36 18:04 18:26 18:53 19:39 20:06 20:31 21:02 21:37 21:55 22:44 23:45 Boul. De Portland / Wilson 06:44 07:09 07:32 07:20 07:51 08:13 08:20 08:02 08:28 08:57 08:38 08:46 09:05 09:15 09:50 10:31 10:51 11:29 11:54 12:30 12:53 13:30 13:50 14:31 15:32 15:13 16:04 16:26 17:00 16:47 17:27 17:18 17:37 18:05 18:27 18:54 19:40 20:07 20:31 21:02 21:37 21:55 22:44 23:45 Boul. De Portland / Boul. Lionel-Groulx 06:45 07:10 07:33 07:21 07:52 08:14 08:22 08:03 08:30 08:58 08:40 08:47 09:06 09:16 09:51 10:32 10:52 11:30 11:55 12:31 12:54 13:31 13:51 14:32 15:33 15:14 16:06 16:28 17:01 16:48 17:28 17:19 17:38 18:06 18:28 18:55 19:41 20:08 20:32 21:03 21:38 21:56 22:45 23:46 Saaq 06:46 07:11 07:34 07:22 07:53 08:15 08:23 08:04 08:31 08:59 08:41 08:48 09:07 09:17 09:52 10:33 10:53 11:31 11:56 12:32 12:55 13:32 13:52 14:33 15:34 15:15 16:08 16:30 17:02 16:50 17:29 17:20 17:39 18:07 18:29 18:56 19:42 20:09 20:33 21:04 21:39 21:57 22:46 23:47 Boul. De Portland (No.3025) 06:46 07:11 07:34 07:22 07:53 08:15 08:23 08:04 08:31 08:59 08:41 08:48 09:07 09:17 09:52 10:33 10:53 11:31 11:56 12:32 12:55 13:32 13:52 14:33 15:34 15:15 16:09 16:31 17:03 16:51 17:30 17:21 17:40 18:07 18:29 18:56 19:42 20:09 20:33 21:04 21:39 21:57 22:46 23:47 Carrefour De L'Estrie 06:49 07:14 07:37 07:25 07:56 08:18 08:26 08:07 08:34 09:02 08:44 08:51 09:10 09:20 09:55 10:36 10:56 11:34 11:59 12:35 12:58 13:35 13:55 14:36 15:37 15:18 16:13 16:35 17:06 16:55 17:33 17:24 17:43 18:10 18:32 18:59 19:45 20:12 20:36 21:07 21:42 22:00 22:49 23:49
Sunday and Saturday Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Departure #9 Departure #10 Departure #11 Departure #12 Departure #13 Departure #14 Departure #15 Departure #16 Departure #17 Departure #18 Departure #19 Departure #20 Departure #21 Departure #22 Departure #23 Departure #24 Departure #25 Departure #26 Departure #27 Departure #28 Departure #29 Allard / Galvin - - - 08:05 - 09:31 - 10:30 - 11:30 - 12:30 - 13:30 - 14:30 - 15:31 - 16:31 - 17:28 17:49 18:09 - - - - - Parc Gilles-Charland - - - 08:05 - 09:31 - 10:30 - 11:30 - 12:30 - 13:30 - 14:30 - 15:31 - 16:31 - 17:28 17:49 18:09 - - - - - Galvin / Raby - - - 08:06 - 09:32 - 10:31 - 11:31 - 12:31 - 13:31 - 14:31 - 15:32 - 16:32 - 17:29 17:50 18:10 - - - - - Galvin / Lucien-Brunelle - - - 08:07 - 09:33 - 10:32 - 11:32 - 12:32 - 13:32 - 14:32 - 15:33 - 16:33 - 17:30 17:51 18:11 - - - - - Parc Desranleau - - - 08:08 - 09:34 - 10:33 - 11:33 - 12:33 - 13:33 - 14:33 - 15:34 - 16:34 - 17:31 17:52 18:12 - - - - - Du Conseil / Galt Est - - - 08:08 - 09:34 - 10:33 - 11:33 - 12:33 - 13:33 - 14:33 - 15:34 - 16:34 - 17:31 17:52 18:12 - - - - - Du Conseil (No.1500) - - - 08:08 - 09:34 - 10:33 - 11:33 - 12:33 - 13:33 - 14:33 - 15:34 - 16:34 - 17:31 17:52 18:12 - - - - - Du Conseil / Du Verger - - - 08:09 - 09:35 - 10:34 - 11:34 - 12:34 - 13:34 - 14:34 - 15:35 - 16:35 - 17:32 17:53 18:13 - - - - - Du Conseil / Jean-Talon - - - 08:10 - 09:36 - 10:35 - 11:35 - 12:35 - 13:35 - 14:35 - 15:36 - 16:36 - 17:33 17:54 18:14 - - - - - Du Conseil / De Normandie - - - 08:11 - 09:37 - 10:36 - 11:36 - 12:36 - 13:36 - 14:36 - 15:37 - 16:37 - 17:34 17:55 18:15 - - - - - Du Conseil / 13e Av. Sud - - - 08:11 - 09:37 - 10:36 - 11:36 - 12:36 - 13:36 - 14:36 - 15:37 - 16:37 - 17:34 17:55 18:15 - - - - - 12e Av. Sud / Chalifoux - - - 08:12 - 09:38 - 10:37 - 11:37 - 12:37 - 13:37 - 14:37 - 15:38 - 16:38 - 17:35 17:56 18:16 - - - - - Boul. Lavigerie / Woodward - - - 08:13 - 09:39 - 10:38 - 11:38 - 12:38 - 13:38 - 14:38 - 15:39 - 16:39 - 17:36 17:57 18:17 - - - - - Woodward / 10e Av. Sud - - - 08:13 - 09:39 - 10:38 - 11:38 - 12:38 - 13:38 - 14:38 - 15:39 - 16:39 - 17:36 17:57 18:17 - - - - - Parc Philippe-Desranleau - - - 08:14 - 09:40 - 10:39 - 11:39 - 12:39 - 13:39 - 14:39 - 15:40 - 16:40 - 17:37 17:58 18:18 - - - - - Murray / Woodward - - - 08:14 - 09:40 - 10:39 - 11:39 - 12:39 - 13:39 - 14:39 - 15:40 - 16:40 - 17:37 17:58 18:18 - - - - - Murray (Chus - Hôtel-Dieu) - - - 08:15 - 09:41 - 10:40 - 11:40 - 12:40 - 13:40 - 14:40 - 15:41 - 16:41 - 17:38 17:59 18:19 - - - - - Parc Antonio-Montour - - - 08:15 - 09:41 - 10:40 - 11:40 - 12:40 - 13:40 - 14:40 - 15:41 - 16:41 - 17:38 17:59 18:19 - - - - - Murray / Du Conseil - - - 08:16 - 09:42 - 10:41 - 11:41 - 12:41 - 13:41 - 14:41 - 15:42 - 16:42 - 17:39 18:00 18:20 - - - - - Murray (No.162) - - - 08:18 - 09:44 - 10:43 - 11:43 - 12:43 - 13:43 - 14:43 - 15:43 - 16:43 - 17:40 18:01 18:21 - - - - - King Est / Murray - - - 08:19 - 09:45 - 10:44 - 11:44 - 12:44 - 13:44 - 14:44 - 15:44 - 16:44 - 17:41 18:02 18:22 - - - - - King Est / Curtis - - - 08:19 - 09:45 - 10:44 - 11:44 - 12:44 - 13:44 - 14:44 - 15:44 - 16:44 - 17:41 18:02 18:22 - - - - - Complexe Saint-Vincent-De-Paul - - - 08:20 - 09:46 - 10:45 - 11:45 - 12:45 - 13:45 - 14:45 - 15:45 - 16:45 - 17:42 18:03 18:23 - - - - - Du Cégep / Mont-Plaisant - - - 08:21 - 09:47 - 10:46 - 11:46 - 12:46 - 13:46 - 14:46 - 15:46 - 16:46 - 17:43 18:04 18:24 - - - - - Édifice Expo-Sherbrooke - - - 08:21 - 09:47 - 10:46 - 11:46 - 12:46 - 13:46 - 14:46 - 15:46 - 16:46 - 17:43 18:04 18:24 - - - - - Station Du Cégep 07:05 07:31 08:03 08:28 09:05 09:52 10:22 10:51 11:21 11:51 12:21 12:51 13:22 13:51 14:23 14:51 15:23 15:51 16:22 16:51 17:25 17:48 18:09 18:29 19:32 20:32 21:32 22:32 23:32 Plateau Sylvie-Daigle 07:05 07:31 08:03 08:28 09:05 09:52 10:22 10:51 11:21 11:51 12:21 12:51 13:22 13:51 14:23 14:51 15:23 15:51 16:22 16:51 17:25 17:48 18:09 18:29 19:32 20:32 21:32 22:32 23:32 Terrill / Du Cégep 07:06 07:32 08:04 08:29 09:06 09:53 10:23 10:52 11:22 11:52 12:22 12:52 13:23 13:52 14:24 14:52 15:24 15:52 16:23 16:52 17:26 17:49 18:10 18:30 19:32 20:32 21:32 22:32 23:32 Kennedy Nord / Terrill 07:07 07:33 08:05 08:30 09:07 09:54 10:24 10:53 11:23 11:53 12:23 12:53 13:24 13:53 14:25 14:53 15:25 15:53 16:24 16:53 17:27 17:50 18:11 18:31 19:33 20:33 21:33 22:33 23:33 Parc James-S.-Mitchell 07:07 07:33 08:05 08:31 09:08 09:55 10:25 10:54 11:24 11:54 12:24 12:54 13:25 13:54 14:26 14:54 15:26 15:54 16:25 16:54 17:27 17:50 18:11 18:31 19:33 20:33 21:33 22:33 23:33 Moore (No.361) 07:08 07:34 08:06 08:31 09:08 09:55 10:25 10:54 11:24 11:54 12:24 12:54 13:25 13:54 14:26 14:54 15:26 15:54 16:25 16:54 17:28 17:51 18:12 18:32 19:34 20:34 21:34 22:34 23:34 École Mitchell-Montcalm - Pavillon Mitchell 07:08 07:34 08:06 08:32 09:09 09:56 10:26 10:55 11:25 11:55 12:25 12:55 13:26 13:55 14:27 14:55 15:27 15:55 16:26 16:55 17:28 17:51 18:12 18:32 19:34 20:34 21:34 22:34 23:34 Boul. De Portland / Belvédère Nord 07:09 07:35 08:07 08:33 09:10 09:57 10:27 10:56 11:26 11:56 12:26 12:56 13:27 13:56 14:28 14:56 15:28 15:56 16:27 16:56 17:29 17:52 18:13 18:33 19:35 20:35 21:35 22:35 23:35 Parc Du Domaine-Howard 07:10 07:36 08:08 08:34 09:11 09:58 10:28 10:57 11:27 11:57 12:27 12:57 13:28 13:57 14:29 14:57 15:29 15:57 16:28 16:57 17:30 17:53 18:14 18:34 19:36 20:36 21:36 22:36 23:36 Serres Du Parc Du Domaine-Howard 07:10 07:36 08:08 08:34 09:11 09:58 10:28 10:57 11:27 11:57 12:27 12:57 13:28 13:57 14:29 14:57 15:29 15:57 16:28 16:57 17:30 17:53 18:14 18:34 19:36 20:36 21:36 22:36 23:36 Csss-Iugs Pavillon Argyll 07:10 07:36 08:08 08:34 09:11 09:58 10:28 10:57 11:27 11:58 12:28 12:58 13:29 13:58 14:30 14:58 15:30 15:57 16:28 16:57 17:30 17:53 18:14 18:34 19:36 20:36 21:36 22:36 23:36 Boul. Jacques-Cartier Nord / Boul. De Portland 07:11 07:37 08:09 08:35 09:12 09:59 10:29 10:58 11:28 11:59 12:29 12:59 13:30 13:59 14:31 14:59 15:31 15:58 16:29 16:58 17:31 17:54 18:15 18:35 19:37 20:37 21:37 22:37 23:37 Boul. De Portland / Wood 07:11 07:37 08:09 08:35 09:12 09:59 10:29 10:58 11:28 11:59 12:29 12:59 13:30 13:59 14:31 14:59 15:31 15:58 16:29 16:58 17:31 17:54 18:15 18:35 19:37 20:37 21:37 22:37 23:37 École Mitchell-Montcalm - Pavillon Montcalm 07:11 07:37 08:09 08:35 09:12 09:59 10:29 10:58 11:28 11:59 12:29 12:59 13:30 13:59 14:31 14:59 15:31 15:58 16:29 16:58 17:31 17:54 18:15 18:35 19:37 20:37 21:37 22:37 23:37 Boul. De Portland / Farwell 07:12 07:38 08:10 08:36 09:13 10:00 10:30 10:59 11:29 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:31 14:00 14:32 15:00 15:32 15:59 16:30 16:59 17:32 17:55 18:16 18:36 19:38 20:38 21:38 22:38 23:38 Boul. De Portland / Meilleur 07:12 07:38 08:10 08:36 09:13 10:01 10:31 11:00 11:30 12:01 12:31 13:01 13:32 14:01 14:33 15:01 15:33 16:00 16:31 17:00 17:33 17:56 18:17 18:37 19:39 20:39 21:38 22:38 23:38 Boul. De Portland / Lauzon 07:13 07:39 08:11 08:37 09:14 10:01 10:31 11:00 11:30 12:01 12:31 13:01 13:32 14:01 14:33 15:01 15:33 16:00 16:31 17:00 17:33 17:56 18:17 18:37 19:39 20:39 21:39 22:39 23:39 Boul. De Portland / Wilson 07:13 07:39 08:11 08:37 09:14 10:02 10:32 11:01 11:31 12:02 12:32 13:02 13:33 14:02 14:34 15:02 15:34 16:01 16:32 17:01 17:34 17:57 18:18 18:38 19:40 20:40 21:39 22:39 23:39 Boul. De Portland / Boul. Lionel-Groulx 07:14 07:40 08:12 08:38 09:15 10:03 10:33 11:02 11:32 12:03 12:33 13:03 13:34 14:03 14:35 15:03 15:35 16:02 16:33 17:02 17:35 17:58 18:19 18:39 19:41 20:41 21:40 22:40 23:40 Saaq 07:15 07:41 08:13 08:39 09:16 10:04 10:34 11:03 11:33 12:04 12:34 13:04 13:35 14:04 14:36 15:04 15:36 16:03 16:34 17:03 17:36 17:59 18:20 18:40 19:42 20:42 21:41 22:41 23:41 Boul. De Portland (No.3025) 07:15 07:41 08:13 08:39 09:16 10:04 10:34 11:03 11:33 12:04 12:35 13:05 13:36 14:05 14:37 15:05 15:36 16:03 16:34 17:03 17:36 17:59 18:20 18:40 19:42 20:42 21:41 22:41 23:41 Carrefour De L'Estrie 07:17 07:43 08:15 08:41 09:19 10:07 10:37 11:06 11:36 12:07 12:38 13:08 13:39 14:08 14:40 15:08 15:39 16:06 16:37 17:06 17:39 18:02 18:23 18:43 19:45 20:45 21:44 22:44 23:44
Société de Transport de Sherbrooke bus schedule - 4 (Carrefour De L'Estrie) The Société de Transport de Sherbrooke bus schedule for the 4 route, Carrefour De L'Estrie, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Allard / Galvin station to Carrefour De L'Estrie station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.
You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date Société de Transport de Sherbrooke schedule. We update the schedule of 4, from Allard / Galvin to Carrefour De L'Estrie, daily at midnight.
Last updated on October 27, 2024
4 Alternative Directions Schedules