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681 - Ruwais Adnoc Compound Bus Station Schedule

Friday Schedule

StationDeparture #1Departure #2Departure #3Departure #4Departure #5Departure #6Departure #7Departure #8
Camel Farms Terminus-٠٨:٥٦١٠:٥٦١٢:٥٦١٤:٥٦١٦:٥٦١٨:٥٦٢٠:٥٦
Ghayathi - Camel Farms Road - Camel Farms Shops-٠٨:٥٨١٠:٥٧١٢:٥٧١٤:٥٧١٦:٥٨١٨:٥٨٢٠:٥٧
Ghayathi - Camel Race Track Road - Camel Race Track-٠٩:٠٠١٠:٥٩١٢:٥٩١٤:٥٩١٧:٠٠١٩:٠٠٢٠:٥٩
Ghayathi - Camel Race Track Road - Camel Race Track Farms 2-٠٩:٠٣١١:٠٢١٣:٠٢١٥:٠٢١٧:٠٣١٩:٠٣٢١:٠١
Ghayathi - Camel Race Track Road - Camel Race Track Farms 1-٠٩:٠٦١١:٠٤١٣:٠٤١٥:٠٥١٧:٠٦١٩:٠٦٢١:٠٣
Ghayathi Farms - E15 - Farm No. 123-٠٩:٠٨١١:٠٦١٣:٠٦١٥:٠٧١٧:٠٨١٩:٠٨٢١:٠٥
Ghayathi - E15 - Farmers Service Center-٠٩:١٤١١:١١١٣:١١١٥:١٣١٧:١٤١٩:١٤٢١:١٠
Ghayathi - Lulu Express٠٧:١٣٠٩:١٧١١:١٤١٣:١٤١٥:١٦١٧:١٧١٩:١٧٢١:١٣
Ghayathi - Ghayathi Road - Bayat Al Redhwan School٠٧:١٤٠٩:١٩١١:١٦١٣:١٦١٥:١٨١٧:١٩١٩:١٩٢١:١٤
Ghayathi - Ghayathi Road - Ghayathi School٠٧:١٦٠٩:٢٠١١:١٧١٣:١٧١٥:١٩١٧:٢٠١٩:٢٠٢١:١٥
Ghayathi - Ghayathi Road - Ghayathi Teacher Accommodation٠٧:١٩٠٩:٢٣١١:١٩١٣:١٩١٥:٢٢١٧:٢٣١٩:٢٣٢١:١٧
Ghayathi - E15 -Ghayathi Souq٠٧:٢١٠٩:٢٦١١:٢٢١٣:٢٢١٥:٢٥١٧:٢٦١٩:٢٦٢١:١٩
Ghayathi - E15 -Ghayathi Municipality٠٧:٢٣٠٩:٢٨١١:٢٣١٣:٢٣١٥:٢٧١٧:٢٨١٩:٢٨٢١:٢١
Ghayathi Bus Station٠٧:٢٥٠٩:٢٩١١:٢٤١٣:٢٤١٥:٢٨١٧:٢٩١٩:٢٩٢١:٢٢
Ghayathi - E15 - Ghayathi Hotel٠٧:٢٦٠٩:٣١١١:٢٦١٣:٢٦١٥:٣٠١٧:٣١١٩:٣١٢١:٢٣
E15 Hospital٠٧:٢٩٠٩:٣٤١١:٢٨١٣:٢٨١٥:٣٣١٧:٣٤١٩:٣٤٢١:٢٦
Ghayathi - E15 - Ghayathi Mubarak Shabiya٠٧:٣٢٠٩:٣٧١١:٣٠١٣:٣٠١٥:٣٥١٧:٣٧١٩:٣٧٢١:٢٨
Ghayathi - E15 - Ghayathi Municipality Abattoir٠٧:٤٦٠٩:٥٠١١:٤٢١٣:٤٢١٥:٤٩١٧:٥٠١٩:٥٠٢١:٣٨
Ghayathi - E15 - New Police Station٠٧:٤٨٠٩:٥٢١١:٤٣١٣:٤٣١٥:٥١١٧:٥٢١٩:٥٢٢١:٤٠
Ghayathi - Shabiya Road - Mubarak Shabiya West٠٧:٤٠٠٩:٤٤١١:٣٧١٣:٣٧١٥:٤٣١٧:٤٤١٩:٤٤٢١:٣٤
Ghayathi - Shabiya Road - Mubarak Shabiya٠٧:٤١٠٩:٤٦١١:٣٨١٣:٣٨١٥:٤٥١٧:٤٦١٩:٤٦٢١:٣٥
Ghayathi - Shabiya Road - Sheikh Zayed Mosque٠٧:٤٤٠٩:٤٨١١:٤٠١٣:٤٠١٥:٤٧١٧:٤٨١٩:٤٨٢١:٣٧
Ghayathi - E15 - Ghayathi Industrial Area (Tp)٠٧:٥١٠٩:٥٦١١:٤٦١٣:٤٦١٥:٥٤١٧:٥٦١٩:٥٦٢١:٤٢
Ghayathi - E15 - Al Ghabat Camp (Tp)٠٧:٥٤٠٩:٥٩١١:٤٩١٣:٤٩١٥:٥٨١٧:٥٩١٩:٥٩٢١:٤٥
Ruwais - E15 - Al Ryuom Contracting And Gen. Transport (Tp)٠٨:٠٣١٠:٠٧١١:٥٧١٣:٥٧١٦:٠٦١٨:٠٧٢٠:٠٧٢١:٥٢
Ruwais - E15 - Al Masood Bergum (Tp)٠٨:٠٥١٠:٠٩١١:٥٩١٣:٥٩١٦:٠٨١٨:٠٩٢٠:٠٩٢١:٥٣
Ruwais - E15 - Emico (Tp)٠٨:٠٦١٠:١٠١٢:٠٠١٤:٠٠١٦:١٠١٨:١١٢٠:١٠٢١:٥٥
Ruwais - E15 - Cemix (Tp)٠٨:٠٨١٠:١٢١٢:٠١١٤:٠١١٦:١١١٨:١٣٢٠:١١٢١:٥٦
Ruwais - E15 - Target Camp (Tp)٠٨:١٠١٠:١٣١٢:٠٣١٤:٠٣١٦:١٣١٨:١٤٢٠:١٣٢١:٥٧
Ruwais - E15 - Ascon (Tp)٠٨:١٢١٠:١٥١٢:٠٥١٤:٠٥١٦:١٦١٨:١٧٢٠:١٥٢١:٥٩
Ruwais - E15 - Royal Catering (Tp)٠٨:١٦١٠:١٨١٢:٠٨١٤:٠٨١٦:١٩١٨:٢٠٢٠:١٧٢٢:٠٢
Timing Point (Tp)٠٨:١٨١٠:٢٠١٢:١٠١٤:١٠١٦:٢١١٨:٢٣٢٠:١٩٢٢:٠٤
Ruwais Bus Station٠٨:١٨١٠:٢١١٢:١٠١٤:١٠١٦:٢٢١٨:٢٣٢٠:٢٠٢٢:٠٤
Ruwais - E11 - Adnoc Fod٠٨:٢١١٠:٢٣١٢:١٢١٤:١٢١٦:٢٤١٨:٢٦٢٠:٢٢٢٢:٠٦
Ruwais Adnoc Compound- Adnoc Compound - Police Station٠٨:٢٩-------
Ruwais Adnoc Compound Bus Station٠٨:٣٢-------

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday Schedule

StationDeparture #1Departure #2Departure #3Departure #4Departure #5Departure #6Departure #7Departure #8
Camel Farms Terminus-٠٧:٥٦٠٩:٥٦١١:٥٦١٣:٥٦١٥:٥٦١٧:٥٦١٩:٥٦
Ghayathi - Camel Farms Road - Camel Farms Shops-٠٧:٥٨٠٩:٥٨١١:٥٧١٣:٥٧١٥:٥٨١٧:٥٨١٩:٥٨
Ghayathi - Camel Race Track Road - Camel Race Track-٠٨:٠٠١٠:٠٠١١:٥٩١٣:٥٩١٦:٠٠١٨:٠٠٢٠:٠٠
Ghayathi - Camel Race Track Road - Camel Race Track Farms 2-٠٨:٠٣١٠:٠٣١٢:٠٢١٤:٠٢١٦:٠٣١٨:٠٣٢٠:٠٢
Ghayathi - Camel Race Track Road - Camel Race Track Farms 1-٠٨:٠٦١٠:٠٥١٢:٠٤١٤:٠٤١٦:٠٦١٨:٠٦٢٠:٠٤
Ghayathi Farms - E15 - Farm No. 123-٠٨:٠٨١٠:٠٧١٢:٠٦١٤:٠٦١٦:٠٨١٨:٠٨٢٠:٠٦
Ghayathi - E15 - Farmers Service Center-٠٨:١٤١٠:١٢١٢:١١١٤:١١١٦:١٤١٨:١٤٢٠:١١
Ghayathi - Lulu Express٠٦:١٣٠٨:١٧١٠:١٥١٢:١٤١٤:١٤١٦:١٧١٨:١٧٢٠:١٤
Ghayathi - Ghayathi Road - Bayat Al Redhwan School٠٦:١٤٠٨:١٩١٠:١٦١٢:١٦١٤:١٦١٦:١٩١٨:١٩٢٠:١٥
Ghayathi - Ghayathi Road - Ghayathi School٠٦:١٥٠٨:٢٠١٠:١٨١٢:١٧١٤:١٧١٦:٢٠١٨:٢٠٢٠:١٦
Ghayathi - Ghayathi Road - Ghayathi Teacher Accommodation٠٦:١٧٠٨:٢٣١٠:٢٠١٢:١٩١٤:١٩١٦:٢٣١٨:٢٣٢٠:١٨
Ghayathi - E15 -Ghayathi Souq٠٦:١٩٠٨:٢٦١٠:٢٢١٢:٢٢١٤:٢٢١٦:٢٦١٨:٢٦٢٠:٢٠
Ghayathi - E15 -Ghayathi Municipality٠٦:٢١٠٨:٢٨١٠:٢٤١٢:٢٣١٤:٢٣١٦:٢٨١٨:٢٨٢٠:٢٢
Ghayathi Bus Station٠٦:٢٢٠٨:٢٩١٠:٢٥١٢:٢٤١٤:٢٤١٦:٢٩١٨:٢٩٢٠:٢٣
Ghayathi - E15 - Ghayathi Hotel٠٦:٢٣٠٨:٣١١٠:٢٧١٢:٢٦١٤:٢٦١٦:٣١١٨:٣١٢٠:٢٤
E15 Hospital٠٦:٢٦٠٨:٣٤١٠:٢٩١٢:٢٨١٤:٢٨١٦:٣٤١٨:٣٤٢٠:٢٧
Ghayathi - E15 - Ghayathi Mubarak Shabiya٠٦:٢٧٠٨:٣٧١٠:٣١١٢:٣٠١٤:٣٠١٦:٣٧١٨:٣٧٢٠:٢٩
Ghayathi - E15 - Ghayathi Municipality Abattoir٠٦:٣٨٠٨:٥٠١٠:٤٣١٢:٤٢١٤:٤٢١٦:٥٠١٨:٥٠٢٠:٣٩
Ghayathi - E15 - New Police Station٠٦:٣٩٠٨:٥٢١٠:٤٤١٢:٤٣١٤:٤٣١٦:٥٢١٨:٥٢٢٠:٤١
Ghayathi - Shabiya Road - Mubarak Shabiya West٠٦:٣٣٠٨:٤٤١٠:٣٨١٢:٣٧١٤:٣٧١٦:٤٤١٨:٤٤٢٠:٣٥
Ghayathi - Shabiya Road - Mubarak Shabiya٠٦:٣٥٠٨:٤٦١٠:٣٩١٢:٣٨١٤:٣٨١٦:٤٦١٨:٤٦٢٠:٣٦
Ghayathi - Shabiya Road - Sheikh Zayed Mosque٠٦:٣٦٠٨:٤٨١٠:٤١١٢:٤٠١٤:٤٠١٦:٤٨١٨:٤٨٢٠:٣٨
Ghayathi - E15 - Ghayathi Industrial Area (Tp)٠٦:٤٢٠٨:٥٦١٠:٤٧١٢:٤٦١٤:٤٦١٦:٥٦١٨:٥٦٢٠:٤٣
Ghayathi - E15 - Al Ghabat Camp (Tp)٠٦:٤٥٠٨:٥٩١٠:٥٠١٢:٤٩١٤:٤٩١٦:٥٩١٨:٥٩٢٠:٤٦
Ruwais - E15 - Al Ryuom Contracting And Gen. Transport (Tp)٠٦:٥٣٠٩:٠٧١٠:٥٨١٢:٥٧١٤:٥٧١٧:٠٧١٩:٠٧٢٠:٥٣
Ruwais - E15 - Al Masood Bergum (Tp)٠٦:٥٤٠٩:٠٩١٠:٥٩١٢:٥٩١٤:٥٩١٧:٠٩١٩:٠٩٢٠:٥٤
Ruwais - E15 - Emico (Tp)٠٦:٥٥٠٩:١١١١:٠١١٣:٠٠١٥:٠٠١٧:١١١٩:١١٢٠:٥٦
Ruwais - E15 - Cemix (Tp)٠٦:٥٧٠٩:١٣١١:٠٢١٣:٠١١٥:٠٢١٧:١٣١٩:١٣٢٠:٥٧
Ruwais - E15 - Target Camp (Tp)٠٦:٥٨٠٩:١٤١١:٠٣١٣:٠٣١٥:٠٣١٧:١٤١٩:١٤٢٠:٥٨
Ruwais - E15 - Ascon (Tp)٠٧:٠٠٠٩:١٧١١:٠٦١٣:٠٥١٥:٠٦١٧:١٧١٩:١٧٢١:٠٠
Ruwais - E15 - Royal Catering (Tp)٠٧:٠٤٠٩:٢٠١١:٠٨١٣:٠٨١٥:٠٩١٧:٢٠١٩:٢٠٢١:٠٣
Timing Point (Tp)٠٧:٠٦٠٩:٢٣١١:١٠١٣:١٠١٥:١١١٧:٢٣١٩:٢٣٢١:٠٥
Ruwais Bus Station٠٧:٠٧٠٩:٢٣١١:١١١٣:١٠١٥:١٢١٧:٢٣١٩:٢٣٢١:٠٥
Ruwais - E11 - Adnoc Fod٠٧:٠٩٠٩:٢٦١١:١٣١٣:١٢١٥:١٥١٧:٢٦١٩:٢٦٢١:٠٧
Ruwais Adnoc Compound- Adnoc Compound - Police Station٠٧:١٨-------
Ruwais Adnoc Compound Bus Station٠٧:٢٠-------

DARB Bus schedule - 681 (Ruwais Adnoc Compound Bus Station)

The DARB Bus schedule for the 681 route, Ruwais Adnoc Compound Bus Station, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Camel Farms Terminus station to Ruwais Adnoc Compound Bus Station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.

You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the Bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date DARB schedule.

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