How to get from Epuni Station to Taita by train?
From Epuni Station to Taita by train
Take one direct train from Epuni Station to Taita in Taita South: take the HVL train from Epuni Station station to Taita Station station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 16 min. The ride fare is NZ$1.00.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationEpuni Station
- 2Wait for trainHVLUpper Hutt Station
- 3Ride to train stationTaita StationID TAIT7 min
- 4Walk toTaita400 m • 6 min
From Epuni Station to Taita by bus
Take one direct bus from Epuni Station to Taita in Taita South: take the 120 bus from Boulcott Village Opposite Mitchell Street station to Taita Station - High Street - Stop B station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min. The ride fare is NZ$0.46.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationBoulcott Village Opposite Mitchell StreetID 9224550 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus120Stokes Valley - Rakau Grove
- 3Ride to bus stationTaita Station - High Street - Stop BID 92518 min
- 4Walk toTaita200 m • 3 min
Public transport directions from Epuni Station to Taita
Public transport stations close to Epuni Station
Epuni Station is located at Epuni Station, Taita South and the nearest public transport station is Oxford Terrace at Mitchell Street.
Train stations close to Epuni Station:
- Waterloo Station
- Naenae Station
- Woburn Station
Bus stations close to Epuni Station:
- Oxford Terrace at Mitchell Street
- Oxford Terrace at Epuni Station
- Oxford Terrace at Mitchell Street (Near 118)
Public transport stations close to Taita, Taita South
Taita is located at Taita, Taita South and the nearest public transport station is Taita Station - High Street - Stop B.
Train stations close to Taita:
- Taita Station
- Wingate Station
- Pomare Station
Bus stations close to Taita:
- Taita Station - High Street - Stop B
- Taita Station - High Street - Stop A
- Taita Station - Eastern Hutt Road - Stop D
Related Routes
- Jackson Street at Te Puni Street (Eastbound) to Taita
- Cockayne Road at Nairnville Park to Taita
- Royal Street - St Joseph's School to Taita
- Churchill Drive Near Crofton Downs Shops to Taita
- Khandallah Village - Stop A to Taita
- Raumati Beach Shops - Raumati Road (Near 26) to Taita
- Karori Park Pavilion - Karori Road to Taita
- Jackson Street Near Gear Street to Taita
- John Street at Adelaide Road (Near 11) to Taita
- Alicetown Shops to Taita
- Karori Tunnel - Stop A to Taita
- Johnsonville - Stop A to Taita
- Highbury - Terminus to Taita
- Taranaki Street (Near 217) to Taita
- Riddiford Street at Newtown Shops (Opposite 157) to Taita
- Raroa Road (Near 1) to Taita
- Cambridge Terrace at Barker Street to Taita
- Cuba Street Near Montague Street to Taita
- Onepu Road at Lyall Bay Shops to Taita
- Hutt Road at Rangiora Avenue to Taita
From Epuni Station to Taita by bus
Take one direct bus from Epuni Station to Taita in Taita South: take the 120 bus from Boulcott Village Opposite Mitchell Street station to Taita Station - High Street - Stop B station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 18 min. The ride fare is NZ$0.46.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationBoulcott Village Opposite Mitchell StreetID 9224550 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus120Stokes Valley - Rakau Grove
- 3Ride to bus stationTaita Station - High Street - Stop BID 92518 min
- 4Walk toTaita200 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Epuni Station to Taita?
The fastest way takes 16 minutes, using Bus line HVL.
What is the alternative route to get from Epuni Station to Taita?
The alternative route takes 18 minutes, using Bus line 120.
Is there a direct train between Epuni Station and Taita?
Yes, there’s a direct train going from Epuni Station in Epuni East to Taita in Taita South in 16 min.
Which train line goes from Epuni Station to Taita?
The HVL train line goes from Upper Hutt Station station near Epuni Station in Epuni East to Taita Station station near Taita in Taita South.
How long does it take to travel from Epuni Station to Taita by train?
The total travel time between Epuni Station in Epuni East and Taita in Taita South by train is about 16 min.
Where do I get on the train near Epuni Station to get to Taita?
Get on the HVL train from the Upper Hutt Station station near Epuni Station in Epuni East.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Epuni Station and Taita?
Get off the train at the Taita Station station, which is closest to Taita in Taita South.
When is the first train from Epuni Station to Taita?
The first train from Epuni Station in Epuni East to Taita in Taita South is Hutt Valley Line (Upper Hutt - Wellington). It leaves the Epuni Station station at 04:27.
When is the last bus from Epuni Station to Taita?
The last bus from Epuni Station in Epuni East to Taita in Taita South is the Stokes Valley - Taita - Epuni - Lower Hutt line. It leaves the Boulcott Village Opposite Mitchell Street stop at 23:44.
How much is the train fare from Epuni Station to Taita?
The ride from Epuni Station to Taita costs NZ$1.00.