How to get from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) by train?
From Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) by train
To get from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) in Sydney, take the T1 train from Chatswood Station station to Hornsby Station station. Next, take the CCN train from Hornsby Station station to Wyong Station station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 15 min. The ride fare is A$9.84.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to train stationChatswood StationID 20671080 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for trainT1Hornsby
- 3Ride to train stationHornsby StationID 20772025 min
- 4Wait for trainCCNNewcastle Interchange
- 5Ride to train stationWyong StationID 22592061 min
- 6Walk toAlison (Central Coast - NSW)3 km • 39 min
From Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) by metro and train
To get from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) in Sydney, take the M metro from Chatswood Station station to Epping Station station. Next, take the CCN train from Epping Station station to Wyong Station station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 16 min. The ride fare is A$9.84.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to metro stationChatswood StationID 20671080 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for metroMTallawong
- 3Ride to metro stationEpping StationID 21211014 min
- 4Wait for trainCCNNewcastle Interchange
- 5Ride to train stationWyong StationID 22592074 min
- 6Walk toAlison (Central Coast - NSW)3 km • 39 min
Public transport directions from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)
Public transport stations close to Chatswood Station, Stand C
Chatswood Station, Stand C is located at Chatswood Station, Stand C, Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Chatswood Station, Stand D.
Train stations close to Chatswood Station, Stand C:
- Artarmon Station
- Lindfield Station
- Roseville Station
Bus stations close to Chatswood Station, Stand C:
- Chatswood Station, Stand D
- Chatswood Station, Stand B
- Chatswood Station, Stand A
Public transport stations close to Alison (Central Coast - NSW), Sydney
Alison (Central Coast - NSW) is located at Alison (Central Coast - NSW), Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Alison Rd after Cape Rd.
Train stations close to Alison (Central Coast - NSW):
- Wyong Station
- Warnervale Station
- Tuggerah Station
Bus stations close to Alison (Central Coast - NSW):
- Alison Rd after Cape Rd
- 121 Alison Rd
- Yarramalong Rd before Hue Hue Rd
Related Routes
- Bankstown Central, The Mall, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)
- Chatswood Station to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)
- Cabramatta Station to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)
- Merrylands Station to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)
- Hornsby Station to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Bayview (NSW)
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Beemunnel
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Belfrayden
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Burroway
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Dunmore (NSW)
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Bundemar
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Brookdale (NSW)
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Broughton (NSW)
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Auburn (NSW)
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Baldry
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Forest Hill (NSW)
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Gunningbland
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Eunanoreenya
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Eurongilly
- Chatswood Station, Stand C to Gordon (NSW)
From Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) by metro and train
To get from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) in Sydney, take the M metro from Chatswood Station station to Epping Station station. Next, take the CCN train from Epping Station station to Wyong Station station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 16 min. The ride fare is A$9.84.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to metro stationChatswood StationID 20671080 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for metroMTallawong
- 3Ride to metro stationEpping StationID 21211014 min
- 4Wait for trainCCNNewcastle Interchange
- 5Ride to train stationWyong StationID 22592074 min
- 6Walk toAlison (Central Coast - NSW)3 km • 39 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)?
The fastest way takes 135 minutes, using Bus line T1, Bus line CCN.
What is the alternative route to get from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)?
The alternative route takes 136 minutes, using Bus line M, Bus line CCN.
Is there a direct train between Chatswood Station, Stand C and Alison (Central Coast - NSW)?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 15 min.
Which train line goes from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)?
The T1 train line goes from Chatswood Station station near Chatswood Station, Stand C in Chatswood to Hornsby station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Hornsby station near Alison (Central Coast - NSW) in Sydney.
How long does it take to travel from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) by train?
The total travel time between Chatswood Station, Stand C in Chatswood and Alison (Central Coast - NSW) in Sydney by train is about 2 hr 15 min.
Where do I get on the train near Chatswood Station, Stand C to get to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)?
Get on the T1 train from the Chatswood Station station near Chatswood Station, Stand C in Chatswood.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Chatswood Station, Stand C and Alison (Central Coast - NSW)?
Get off the train at the Hornsby station, which is closest to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) in Sydney.
How much is the train fare from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW)?
The ride from Chatswood Station, Stand C to Alison (Central Coast - NSW) costs A$9.84.