How to get from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to Bridgewater TAS Australia by bus?
From Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to Bridgewater TAS Australia by bus
Take one direct bus from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to Bridgewater TAS Australia in Brighton: take the 522 bus from Stop 31, No.592 Main Rd station to Stop 55, No.107 Gunn St station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationStop 31, No.592 Main RdID 0684590 m • 8 min
- 2Wait for bus522Gagebrook
- 3Ride to bus stationStop 55, No.107 Gunn StID 277020 min
- 4Walk toBridgewater TAS Australia110 m • 2 min
Public transport directions from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to Bridgewater TAS Australia
Public transport stations close to Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr
Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr is located at Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr, Brighton and the nearest public transport station is Stop 35, No.33 Radcliffe Cres.
Bus stations close to Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr:
- Stop 35, No.33 Radcliffe Cres
- Stop 40, No.27 Berriedale Rd
- Stop 40, No.44 Berriedale Rd
Public transport stations close to Bridgewater TAS Australia, Brighton
Bridgewater TAS Australia is located at Bridgewater TAS Australia, Brighton and the nearest public transport station is Stop 56, No.2 Green Point Rd.
Bus stations close to Bridgewater TAS Australia:
- Stop 56, No.2 Green Point Rd
- Opp.No.25 Eddington St
- Stop 52, No.12 Thompson Cr
Related Routes
- Richmond Rd Near Kadina Rd to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Stop 17, No.593 Sandy Bay Rd to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Barilla (Cambridge) Caravan Park, Richmond Rd to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Southern Christian College to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Elizabeth College Warwick Street to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Stop 43, No.17 Tavistock Rd to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Macquarie St/Molle St to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- No.68-84 Kennedy Drive to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Stop 35, Channel Hwy / Lynden Rd to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Ogilvie Hs, Main Road to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- No.164 Summerleas Rd to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- No.42 Channel Hwy to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- No.80 Mary Street to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Stop 37, Opp.No.624 Channel Hwy to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Stop 36, No.629 Channel Hwy to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Summerleas Rd / Willowbend to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Stop 43, No.18 Tavistock Rd to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Esplanade Rd to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- Mary St Opposite Rsl to Bridgewater TAS Australia
- No.8-20 Kennedy Drive to Bridgewater TAS Australia
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to Bridgewater TAS Australia?
The fastest way takes 30 minutes, using Bus line 522.
Is there a direct bus between Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr and Bridgewater TAS Australia?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr in Hobart to Bridgewater TAS Australia in Brighton in 30 min.
Which bus line goes from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to Bridgewater TAS Australia?
The 522 bus line goes from Stop 31, No.592 Main Rd station near Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr in Hobart to Gagebrook station near Bridgewater TAS Australia in Brighton.
How long does it take to travel from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to Bridgewater TAS Australia by bus?
The total travel time between Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr in Hobart and Bridgewater TAS Australia in Brighton by bus is about 30 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to get to Bridgewater TAS Australia?
Get on the 522 bus from the Stop 31, No.592 Main Rd stop near Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr in Hobart.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr and Bridgewater TAS Australia?
Get off the bus at the Gagebrook stop, which is closest to Bridgewater TAS Australia in Brighton.
When is the first bus from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr to Bridgewater TAS Australia?
The first bus from Stop 35, Opposite No.5 Gould Cr in Hobart to Bridgewater TAS Australia in Brighton is Hobart City Interchange Stop A1 - Sattler St / Tottenham Rd. It leaves the Stop 31, No.592 Main Rd stop at 19:39.