How to get from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun by Tube, bus and train?
From East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun by Tube, bus and train
To get from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun in Brighton And Hove, you’ll need to take one bus line, 2 train lines and 2 Tube lines: take the 60 bus from The Crown Ph, Granborough station to Aylesbury Bus Stn, Aylesbury station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the CHILTERN RAILWAYS train, then the BAKERLOO Tube, then the VICTORIA Tube and finally take the SOUTHERN train from London Victoria station to Hove station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 10 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationThe Crown Ph, Granborough3.16 km • 40 min
- 2Wait for bus60Aylesbury
- 3Ride to bus stationAylesbury Bus Stn, AylesburyID 629 min
- 4Walk to train stationAylesbury220 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for trainCHILTERN RAILWAYSLondon Marylebone
- 6Ride to train stationMarylebone63 min
- 7Walk to Tube stationMarylebone10 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for TubeBAKERLOOElephant & Castle
- 9Ride to Tube stationOxford Circus4 min
- 10Wait for TubeVICTORIABrixton
- 11Ride to Tube stationVictoria3 min
- 12Wait for trainSOUTHERNLittlehampton
- 13Ride to train stationHove68 min
- 14Walk toBrighton & Hove parkrunBrighton840 m • 11 min
Alternative route from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun by Tube, bus and train via 60, 50, WEST MIDLANDS RAILWAY, VICTORIA and SOUTHERN
To get from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun in Brighton And Hove, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines, 2 train lines and one Tube line: take the 60 bus from The Crown Ph, Granborough station to Vicarage Road, Winslow station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 50 bus, then the WEST MIDLANDS RAILWAY train, then the VICTORIA Tube and finally take the SOUTHERN train from London Victoria station to Hove station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 21 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationThe Crown Ph, Granborough3.16 km • 40 min
- 2Wait for bus60Winslow
- 3Ride to bus stationVicarage Road, Winslow6 min
- 4Wait for bus50Central Milton Keynes
- 5Ride to bus stationBletchley Police Station, Bletchley Park34 min
- 6Walk to train stationBletchley340 m • 5 min
- 7Wait for trainWEST MIDLANDS RAILWAYLondon Euston
- 8Ride to train stationEuston Station58 min
- 9Wait for TubeVICTORIABrixton
- 10Ride to Tube stationVictoria6 min
- 11Wait for trainSOUTHERNLittlehampton
- 12Ride to train stationHove68 min
- 13Walk toBrighton & Hove parkrunBrighton840 m • 11 min
Public transport directions from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun
Public transport stations close to East Claydon
East Claydon is located at St. Mary's Road, Brighton And Hove and the nearest public transport station is Chestnut View, East Claydon.
Bus stations close to East Claydon:
- Chestnut View, East Claydon
- Post Office, Botolph Claydon
- Village Centre, Middle Claydon
Public transport stations close to Brighton & Hove parkrun, Brighton And Hove
Brighton & Hove parkrun is located at Brighton, Brighton And Hove and the nearest public transport station is Hove Park South, Hove.
Train stations close to Brighton & Hove parkrun:
- Brighton
- London Road (Brighton)
Bus stations close to Brighton & Hove parkrun:
- Hove Park South, Hove
- Hove Park North, Hove
- Hove Park Villas, Hove
Related Routes
- Docklands Light Railway Limited City Airport Hartmann Rd, North Woolwich, London, E16 2ds to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Dorchester Primary School Dorchester Primary School, Dorchester Road, Worcester Park to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Ocado Dartford to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Brighton Palace Pier to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Manor Trading Estate to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Dorchester Hotel to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Ramada London Stansted Airport to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- London St Pancras to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Travelodge London Heathrow Central Hotel to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Easirent London Heathrow Airport Lhr to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Wealden District Council to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Eastbourne College to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Tickle Me to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Rugby Club to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Ikea to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Reading College to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Brighton Naturist Beach to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Birling Gap to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Clacton-On-Sea Sailing Club to Brighton & Hove parkrun
- Aylesbury Medical Centre to Brighton & Hove parkrun
Alternative route from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun by Tube, bus and train via 60, 50, WEST MIDLANDS RAILWAY, VICTORIA and SOUTHERN
To get from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun in Brighton And Hove, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines, 2 train lines and one Tube line: take the 60 bus from The Crown Ph, Granborough station to Vicarage Road, Winslow station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 50 bus, then the WEST MIDLANDS RAILWAY train, then the VICTORIA Tube and finally take the SOUTHERN train from London Victoria station to Hove station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 4 hr 21 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationThe Crown Ph, Granborough3.16 km • 40 min
- 2Wait for bus60Winslow
- 3Ride to bus stationVicarage Road, Winslow6 min
- 4Wait for bus50Central Milton Keynes
- 5Ride to bus stationBletchley Police Station, Bletchley Park34 min
- 6Walk to train stationBletchley340 m • 5 min
- 7Wait for trainWEST MIDLANDS RAILWAYLondon Euston
- 8Ride to train stationEuston Station58 min
- 9Wait for TubeVICTORIABrixton
- 10Ride to Tube stationVictoria6 min
- 11Wait for trainSOUTHERNLittlehampton
- 12Ride to train stationHove68 min
- 13Walk toBrighton & Hove parkrunBrighton840 m • 11 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun?
The fastest way takes 250 minutes, using Bus line 60, Bus line CHILTERN RAILWAYS, Bus line BAKERLOO, Bus line VICTORIA, Bus line SOUTHERN.
What is the alternative route to get from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun?
The alternative route takes 261 minutes, using Bus line 60, Bus line 50, Bus line WEST MIDLANDS RAILWAY, Bus line VICTORIA, Bus line SOUTHERN.
Is there a direct bus between East Claydon and Brighton & Hove parkrun?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line, 2 train lines and 2 Tube lines in total. The total travelling time is 4 hr 10 min.
Which bus line goes from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun?
The 60 bus line goes from The Crown Ph, Granborough station near East Claydon in Aylesbury Vale to Aylesbury station. From there you’ll have to take 2 train lines and 2 Tube lines till Aylesbury station near Brighton & Hove parkrun in Brighton And Hove.
How long does it take to travel from East Claydon to Brighton & Hove parkrun by bus, train and Tube?
The total travel time between East Claydon in Aylesbury Vale and Brighton & Hove parkrun in Brighton And Hove by bus, train and Tube is about 4 hr 10 min.
Where do I get on the bus near East Claydon to get to Brighton & Hove parkrun?
Get on the 60 bus from the The Crown Ph, Granborough stop near East Claydon in Aylesbury Vale.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between East Claydon and Brighton & Hove parkrun?
Get off the bus at the Aylesbury station, which is closest to Brighton & Hove parkrun in Brighton And Hove.