How to get from Mount Druitt Station to Buxton (NSW) by bus and train?
From Mount Druitt Station to Buxton (NSW) by bus and train
To get from Mount Druitt Station to Buxton (NSW) in Sydney, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the T1 train from Mount Druitt Station station to Central Station station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 631 train and finally take the 828 bus from Mittagong Station, Regent St station to West Pde at Parnwell St station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 7 hr 14 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationMount Druitt Station
- 2Wait for trainT1Berowra via Gordon
- 3Ride to train stationCentral StationID 20006050 min
- 4Wait for train631Canberra
- 5Ride to train stationMittagong StationID 25751091 min
- 6Walk to bus stationMittagong Station, Regent StID 25751110 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for bus828Picton
- 8Ride to bus stationWest Pde at Parnwell StID 25713532 min
- 9Walk toBuxton (NSW)570 m • 8 min
Public transport directions from Mount Druitt Station to Buxton (NSW)
Public transport stations close to Mount Druitt Station
Mount Druitt Station is located at Mount Druitt Station, Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Mount Druitt Station, Stand C.
Train stations close to Mount Druitt Station:
- Rooty Hill Station
- St Marys Station
Bus stations close to Mount Druitt Station:
- Mount Druitt Station, Stand C
- Mount Druitt Station, Stand E
- Mount Druitt Station, Stand B
Public transport stations close to Buxton (NSW), Sydney
Buxton (NSW) is located at Buxton (NSW), Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Buxton Shops, East Pde.
Bus stations close to Buxton (NSW):
- Buxton Shops, East Pde
- Buxton Station, East Pde
- East Pde opp Peak Rd
Related Routes
- Liverpool Station, Stand C to Buxton (NSW)
- Liverpool Station to Buxton (NSW)
- Martin Place Station to Buxton (NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Alfredtown
- Mount Druitt Station to Blaxland (NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Beemunnel
- Mount Druitt Station to Belfrayden
- Mount Druitt Station to Burroway
- Mount Druitt Station to Cabarita Beach
- Mount Druitt Station to Caddens
- Mount Druitt Station to Emu Heights (NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Bundemar
- Mount Druitt Station to Brookdale (NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Broughton (NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Balmoral (Wingecarribee - NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Auburn (NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Baldry
- Mount Druitt Station to Hexham (NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Flinders (NSW)
- Mount Druitt Station to Gunningbland
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Mount Druitt Station to Buxton (NSW)?
The fastest way takes 434 minutes, using Bus line T1, Bus line 631, Bus line 828.
Is there a direct train between Mount Druitt Station and Buxton (NSW)?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 7 hr 14 min.
Which train line goes from Mount Druitt Station to Buxton (NSW)?
The T1 train line goes from Berowra via Gordon station near Mount Druitt Station in Mount Druitt to Central Station station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line till Central Station station near Buxton (NSW) in Sydney.
How long does it take to travel from Mount Druitt Station to Buxton (NSW) by train and bus?
The total travel time between Mount Druitt Station in Mount Druitt and Buxton (NSW) in Sydney by train and bus is about 7 hr 14 min.
Where do I get on the train near Mount Druitt Station to get to Buxton (NSW)?
Get on the T1 train from the Berowra via Gordon station near Mount Druitt Station in Mount Druitt.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Mount Druitt Station and Buxton (NSW)?
Get off the train at the Central Station stop, which is closest to Buxton (NSW) in Sydney.