How to get from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University by bus?
From Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University by bus
Take one direct bus from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide: take the G10 bus from Stop 12 Goodwood Rd - West side station to Stop U2 Victoria Sq - North West side station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min. The ride fare is A$4.25.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationStop 12 Goodwood Rd - West sideID 14333640 m • 9 min
- 2Wait for busG10Blair Athol
- 3Ride to bus stationStop U2 Victoria Sq - North West sideID 1629028 min
- 4Walk toCarnegie Mellon UniversityWakefield Street230 m • 4 min
From Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University by bus and light rail
To get from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide, take the W91C bus from Stop 16 Winston Ave - West side station to Stop 8 East Ave - West side station. Next, take the GLNELG light rail from Stop 4 Forestville station to Victoria Square station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min. The ride fare is A$4.25.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationStop 16 Winston Ave - West sideID 14366280 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for busW91CCity
- 3Ride to bus stationStop 8 East Ave - West sideID 1390910 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationStop 4 Forestville140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for light railGLNELGRoyal Adelaide Hospital
- 6Ride to light rail stationVictoria Square14 min
- 7Walk toCarnegie Mellon UniversityWakefield Street230 m • 3 min
Public transport directions from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University
Public transport stations close to Stop 14B Edward St - South side
Stop 14B Edward St - South side is located at Stop 14B Edward St - South side, Adelaide and the nearest public transport station is Stop 16 Winston Ave - West side.
Train stations close to Stop 14B Edward St - South side:
- Edwardstown
- Unley Park
- Clarence Park
Bus stations close to Stop 14B Edward St - South side:
- Stop 16 Winston Ave - West side
- Stop 14C Edward St - North side
- Stop 15 Winston Ave - West side
Public transport stations close to Carnegie Mellon University, Adelaide
Carnegie Mellon University is located at Wakefield Street, Adelaide and the nearest public transport station is Stop D3 Grote St - North side.
Bus stations close to Carnegie Mellon University:
- Stop D3 Grote St - North side
- Stop W Grote St - South side
- E1 - King William Street - East side
Related Routes
- Morphettville Racecourse Tram Stop to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop School Fullarton Rd / Urrbrae Agricultural High School - West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Zone A Glenelg Interchange - West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Zone B Glenelg Interchange - West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Zone C Glenelg Interchange - East side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 89 Carcoola Rd - East side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 73 Old Port Wakefield Rd - East side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 83 Maltarra Rd - East side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 83 Maltarra Rd - West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Zone A Smithfield Interchange to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 74 Hamblynn Rd - South East side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 74 Hamblynn Rd - North West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 68A Womma Rd - North side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 73 Midway Rd / Hamblynn Rd - South West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 73 Midway Rd / Hamblynn Rd - North East side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 69 Woodford Rd - West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 68A Womma Rd - South West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 73 Yorktown Rd - North West side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 68 Yorktown Rd - East side to Carnegie Mellon University
- Stop 75 Turner Dr - West side to Carnegie Mellon University
From Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University by bus and light rail
To get from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide, take the W91C bus from Stop 16 Winston Ave - West side station to Stop 8 East Ave - West side station. Next, take the GLNELG light rail from Stop 4 Forestville station to Victoria Square station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min. The ride fare is A$4.25.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationStop 16 Winston Ave - West sideID 14366280 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for busW91CCity
- 3Ride to bus stationStop 8 East Ave - West sideID 1390910 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationStop 4 Forestville140 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for light railGLNELGRoyal Adelaide Hospital
- 6Ride to light rail stationVictoria Square14 min
- 7Walk toCarnegie Mellon UniversityWakefield Street230 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University?
The fastest way takes 40 minutes, using Bus line G10.
What is the alternative route to get from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University?
The alternative route takes 35 minutes, using Bus line W91C, Bus line GLNELG.
Is there a direct bus between Stop 14B Edward St - South side and Carnegie Mellon University?
Yes, there’s a direct bus going from Stop 14B Edward St - South side in Daw Park to Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide in 40 min.
Which bus line goes from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University?
The G10 bus line goes from Stop 12 Goodwood Rd - West side station near Stop 14B Edward St - South side in Daw Park to Blair Athol station near Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide.
How long does it take to travel from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University by bus?
The total travel time between Stop 14B Edward St - South side in Daw Park and Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide by bus is about 40 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Stop 14B Edward St - South side to get to Carnegie Mellon University?
Get on the G10 bus from the Stop 12 Goodwood Rd - West side stop near Stop 14B Edward St - South side in Daw Park.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Stop 14B Edward St - South side and Carnegie Mellon University?
Get off the bus at the Blair Athol stop, which is closest to Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide.
When is the first bus from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University?
The first bus from Stop 14B Edward St - South side in Daw Park to Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide is Marion Centre Interchange to Blair Athol. It leaves the Stop 12 Goodwood Rd - West side stop at 18:39.
When is the first train from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University?
The first train from Stop 14B Edward St - South side in Daw Park to Carnegie Mellon University in Adelaide is Seaford to City. It leaves the Edwardstown station at 16:23.
How much is the bus fare from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University?
The ride from Stop 14B Edward St - South side to Carnegie Mellon University costs A$4.25.