How to get from Bellambi to Colo Vale by bus and train?
From Bellambi to Colo Vale by bus and train
To get from Bellambi to Colo Vale in Sydney, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one bus line: take the SCO train from Bellambi Station station to Central Station station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 631 train and finally take the 828 bus from Mittagong Station, Regent St station to Railway Ave after Wattle St station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 9 hr 20 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationBellambi
- 2Wait for trainSCOMartin Place
- 3Ride to train stationCentral StationID 20006091 min
- 4Wait for train631Canberra
- 5Ride to train stationMittagong StationID 25751091 min
- 6Walk to bus stationMittagong Station, Regent StID 25751110 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for bus828Picton
- 8Ride to bus stationRailway Ave after Wattle StID 25753111 min
Public transport directions from Bellambi to Colo Vale
Public transport stations close to Bellambi
Bellambi is located at Bellambi, Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Gladstone St opp Lavender St.
Train stations close to Bellambi:
- Bellambi Station
- Woonona Station
- Corrimal Station
Bus stations close to Bellambi:
- Gladstone St opp Lavender St
- Bellambi Station, Union St
- Gladstone St opp Holy Spirit College
Public transport stations close to Colo Vale, Sydney
Colo Vale is located at Colo Vale, Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Wattle St at Banksia St.
Bus stations close to Colo Vale:
- Wattle St at Banksia St
- Banksia St after Wattle St
- Pine St at Jasmine St
Related Routes
- Camellia to Colo Vale
- Greenwich Park to Colo Vale
- McKellars Park to Colo Vale
- Middle Arm to Colo Vale
- Pomeroy to Colo Vale
- Bondi to Colo Vale
- Bowral to Colo Vale
- Dapto to Colo Vale
- Ingleburn to Colo Vale
- Marulan to Colo Vale
- Tahmoor to Colo Vale
- Towrang to Colo Vale
- Turramurra to Colo Vale
- Englorie Park to Colo Vale
- Run-O-Waters to Colo Vale
- Westmead Station to Colo Vale
- Bellambi to Amaroo (NSW)
- Bellambi to Belmore River
- Bellambi to Barraganyatti
- Bellambi to Barry (Blayney - NSW)
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Bellambi to Colo Vale?
The fastest way takes 560 minutes, using Bus line SCO, Bus line 631, Bus line 828.
Is there a direct train between Bellambi and Colo Vale in Sydney?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 9 hr 20 min.
Which train line goes from Bellambi to Colo Vale in Sydney?
The SCO train line goes from Martin Place station near Bellambi to Central Station station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line till Central Station station near Colo Vale in Sydney
How long does it take to travel from Bellambi to Colo Vale in Sydney by train and bus?
The total travel time between Bellambi and Colo Vale in Sydney by train and bus is about 9 hr 20 min.
Where do I get on the train near Bellambi to get to Colo Vale in Sydney?
Get on the SCO train from the Martin Place station near Bellambi in Sydney.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Bellambi and Colo Vale in Sydney?
Get off the train at the Central Station stop, which is closest to Colo Vale in Sydney.