How to get from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza by Tube and train?
From Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza by Tube and train
To get from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza in Covent Garden, take the GREAT NORTHERN train from Hertford North station to Finsbury Park station. Next, take the PICCADILLY Tube from Finsbury Park station to Covent Garden station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 3 min. The ride fare is £16.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationHertford
- 2Wait for trainGREAT NORTHERNMoorgate
- 3Ride to train stationFinsbury Park36 min
- 4Walk to Tube stationFinsbury Park10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for TubePICCADILLYRayners Lane
- 6Ride to Tube stationCovent Garden13 min
- 7Walk toCovent Garden Piazza190 m • 3 min
Alternative route from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza by Tube and train via GREAT NORTHERN, VICTORIA and NORTHERN
To get from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza in Covent Garden, you’ll need to take one train line and 2 Tube lines: take the GREAT NORTHERN train from Hertford North station to Finsbury Park station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the VICTORIA Tube and finally take the NORTHERN Tube from Euston Station station to Leicester Square station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 6 min. The ride fare is £16.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationHertford
- 2Wait for trainGREAT NORTHERNMoorgate
- 3Ride to train stationFinsbury Park36 min
- 4Walk to Tube stationFinsbury Park10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for TubeVICTORIABrixton
- 6Ride to Tube stationEuston Station6 min
- 7Wait for TubeNORTHERNNine Elms
- 8Ride to Tube stationLeicester Square5 min
- 9Walk toCovent Garden Piazza360 m • 5 min
Public transport directions from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza
Public transport stations close to Hertford
Hertford is located at Hertford, Covent Garden and the nearest public transport station is Hertford North.
Bus stations close to Hertford:
- Hertford North
- Hertford North Railway Station, Hertford
- County Hospital, Hertford
Public transport stations close to Covent Garden Piazza, Covent Garden
Covent Garden Piazza is located at Covent Garden Piazza, Covent Garden and the nearest public transport station is Bedford Street (J).
Tube stations close to Covent Garden Piazza:
- Leicester Square
- Charing Cross
- Covent Garden
Train stations close to Covent Garden Piazza:
- Charing Cross
Bus stations close to Covent Garden Piazza:
- Bedford Street (J)
- Southampton Street / Covent Garden (A)
- Aldwych / Drury Lane (S)
Related Routes
- Battersea to Covent Garden Piazza
- Belgravia to Covent Garden Piazza
- Belsize Park to Covent Garden Piazza
- Brixton to Covent Garden Piazza
- Cheam to Covent Garden Piazza
- Colchester to Covent Garden Piazza
- Dagenham to Covent Garden Piazza
- Farnborough to Covent Garden Piazza
- Finsbury Park to Covent Garden Piazza
- Hemel Hempstead to Covent Garden Piazza
- Henley-On-Thames to Covent Garden Piazza
- Isleworth to Covent Garden Piazza
- Limehouse to Covent Garden Piazza
- Muswell Hill to Covent Garden Piazza
- New Barnet to Covent Garden Piazza
- Notting Hill to Covent Garden Piazza
- Raynes Park to Covent Garden Piazza
- Romford to Covent Garden Piazza
- Shoreditch to Covent Garden Piazza
- Sittingbourne to Covent Garden Piazza
Alternative route from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza by Tube and train via GREAT NORTHERN, VICTORIA and NORTHERN
To get from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza in Covent Garden, you’ll need to take one train line and 2 Tube lines: take the GREAT NORTHERN train from Hertford North station to Finsbury Park station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the VICTORIA Tube and finally take the NORTHERN Tube from Euston Station station to Leicester Square station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 6 min. The ride fare is £16.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationHertford
- 2Wait for trainGREAT NORTHERNMoorgate
- 3Ride to train stationFinsbury Park36 min
- 4Walk to Tube stationFinsbury Park10 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for TubeVICTORIABrixton
- 6Ride to Tube stationEuston Station6 min
- 7Wait for TubeNORTHERNNine Elms
- 8Ride to Tube stationLeicester Square5 min
- 9Walk toCovent Garden Piazza360 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza?
The fastest way takes 63 minutes, using Bus line GREAT NORTHERN, Bus line PICCADILLY.
What is the alternative route to get from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza?
The alternative route takes 66 minutes, using Bus line GREAT NORTHERN, Bus line VICTORIA, Bus line NORTHERN.
Is there a direct train between Hertford and Covent Garden Piazza?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one Tube line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 3 min.
Which train line goes from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza?
The GREAT NORTHERN train line goes from Moorgate station near Hertford in London to Finsbury Park station. From there you’ll have to take one Tube line till Finsbury Park station near Covent Garden Piazza in Covent Garden.
How long does it take to travel from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza by train and Tube?
The total travel time between Hertford in London and Covent Garden Piazza in Covent Garden by train and Tube is about 1 hr 3 min.
Where do I get on the train near Hertford to get to Covent Garden Piazza?
Get on the GREAT NORTHERN train from the Moorgate station near Hertford in London.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Hertford and Covent Garden Piazza?
Get off the train at the Finsbury Park station, which is closest to Covent Garden Piazza in Covent Garden.
How much is the train fare from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza?
The ride from Hertford to Covent Garden Piazza costs £16.20.