How to get from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW) by bus and train?
From Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW) by bus and train
To get from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW) in Sydney, you’ll need to take one train line and 2 bus lines: take the 33 train from Strathfield Station station to Kempsey Station station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 348 bus and finally take the 344 bus from Belgrave St after Stuart St station to Green Hill Public School, River St station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 hr 47 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationStrathfield Station
- 2Wait for train33Casino via Strathfield
- 3Ride to train stationKempsey StationID 24401419 min
- 4Walk to bus stationKempsey Station, Coach StopID 2440220 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus348South West Rocks
- 6Ride to bus stationBelgrave St after Stuart StID 244085 min
- 7Wait for bus344Skillion Flat
- 8Ride to bus stationGreen Hill Public School, River StID 24407510 min
Alternative route from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW) by bus and train via 33 and 349
To get from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW) in Sydney, take the 33 train from Strathfield Station station to Kempsey Station station. Next, take the 349 bus from Elbow St at Tozer St station to River St And North St station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 hr 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationStrathfield Station
- 2Wait for train33Casino via Strathfield
- 3Ride to train stationKempsey StationID 24401419 min
- 4Walk to bus stationElbow St at Tozer StID 244034550 m • 8 min
- 5Wait for bus349Kempsey
- 6Ride to bus stationRiver St And North StID 2440554 min
- 7Walk toGreenhill (NSW)1.26 km • 16 min
Public transport directions from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW)
Public transport stations close to Strathfield Station
Strathfield Station is located at Strathfield Station, Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Strathfield Station, Albert Rd, Stand G.
Train stations close to Strathfield Station:
- Homebush Station
- Burwood Station
- North Strathfield Station
Bus stations close to Strathfield Station:
- Strathfield Station, Albert Rd, Stand G
- Strathfield Station, Albert Rd, Stand E
- Strathfield Station, Everton Rd, Stand D
Public transport stations close to Greenhill (NSW), Sydney
Greenhill (NSW) is located at Greenhill (NSW), Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Kempsey Station.
Bus stations close to Greenhill (NSW):
- Kempsey Station
- River St at Gordon Lane
- Queen St at Gordon Lane
Related Routes
- Parramatta Station, Stand A3 to Greenhill (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Annandale (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Abbotsford (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Biddon
- Strathfield Station to Bilgola Beach
- Strathfield Station to Bearbong
- Strathfield Station to Beemunnel
- Strathfield Station to Belfrayden
- Strathfield Station to Burroway
- Strathfield Station to Cabarita (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Eastwood (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Box Hill (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Bundemar
- Strathfield Station to Breelong
- Strathfield Station to Brookdale (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Brooklyn (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Broughton (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Ashfield (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Auburn (NSW)
- Strathfield Station to Baldry
Alternative route from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW) by bus and train via 33 and 349
To get from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW) in Sydney, take the 33 train from Strathfield Station station to Kempsey Station station. Next, take the 349 bus from Elbow St at Tozer St station to River St And North St station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 hr 19 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationStrathfield Station
- 2Wait for train33Casino via Strathfield
- 3Ride to train stationKempsey StationID 24401419 min
- 4Walk to bus stationElbow St at Tozer StID 244034550 m • 8 min
- 5Wait for bus349Kempsey
- 6Ride to bus stationRiver St And North StID 2440554 min
- 7Walk toGreenhill (NSW)1.26 km • 16 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW)?
The fastest way takes 527 minutes, using Bus line 33, Bus line 348, Bus line 344.
What is the alternative route to get from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW)?
The alternative route takes 499 minutes, using Bus line 33, Bus line 349.
Is there a direct train between Strathfield Station and Greenhill (NSW)?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 8 hr 47 min.
Which train line goes from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW)?
The 33 train line goes from Casino via Strathfield station near Strathfield Station in Strathfield (NSW) to Kempsey Station station. From there you’ll have to take 2 bus lines till Kempsey Station station near Greenhill (NSW) in Sydney.
How long does it take to travel from Strathfield Station to Greenhill (NSW) by train and bus?
The total travel time between Strathfield Station in Strathfield (NSW) and Greenhill (NSW) in Sydney by train and bus is about 8 hr 47 min.
Where do I get on the train near Strathfield Station to get to Greenhill (NSW)?
Get on the 33 train from the Casino via Strathfield station near Strathfield Station in Strathfield (NSW).
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Strathfield Station and Greenhill (NSW)?
Get off the train at the Kempsey Station stop, which is closest to Greenhill (NSW) in Sydney.