How to get from Aspendale to Maribyrnong by train and tram?
From Aspendale to Maribyrnong by train and tram
To get from Aspendale to Maribyrnong in Maribyrnong, you’ll need to take 2 train lines and one tram line: take the FRANKSTON train from Aspendale station to Flinders Street station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the WERRIBEE train and finally take the 82 tram from 64-Footscray Station/Leeds St (Footscray) station to 45-Randall St/Raleigh Rd (Maribyrnong) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 29 min. The ride fare is A$5.30.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationAspendale
- 2Wait for trainFRANKSTONCity (Flinders Street)
- 3Ride to train stationFlinders Street49 min
- 4Wait for trainWERRIBEEWerribee
- 5Ride to train stationFootscray12 min
- 6Walk to tram station64-Footscray Station/Leeds St (Footscray)ID 1793450 m • 1 min
- 7Wait for tram82Moonee Ponds
- 8Ride to tram station45-Randall St/Raleigh Rd (Maribyrnong)ID 1555918 min
- 9Walk toMaribyrnongBloomfield Avenue140 m • 2 min
Alternative route from Aspendale to Maribyrnong by train and tram via FRANKSTON and 57
To get from Aspendale to Maribyrnong in Maribyrnong, take the FRANKSTON train from Aspendale station to Flinders Street station. Next, take the 57 tram from 1-Flinders Street Railway Station/Elizabeth St (Melbourne City) station to 45-Maribyrnong Community Centre/Raleigh Rd (Maribyrnong) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 49 min. The ride fare is A$5.30.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationAspendale
- 2Wait for trainFRANKSTONCity (Flinders Street)
- 3Ride to train stationFlinders Street49 min
- 4Walk to tram station1-Flinders Street Railway Station/Elizabeth St (Melbourne City)ID 17850270 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for tram57West Maribyrnong
- 6Ride to tram station45-Maribyrnong Community Centre/Raleigh Rd (Maribyrnong)ID 1848939 min
- 7Walk toMaribyrnongBloomfield Avenue80 m • 1 min
Public transport directions from Aspendale to Maribyrnong
Public transport stations close to Aspendale
Aspendale is located at Aspendale, Maribyrnong and the nearest public transport station is Aspendale Station/Station St (Aspendale).
Train stations close to Aspendale:
- Edithvale
- Parkdale Railway Station
- Chelsea
Bus stations close to Aspendale:
- Aspendale Station/Station St (Aspendale)
- Ross St/Station St (Aspendale)
- Laura St/Station St (Aspendale)
Public transport stations close to Maribyrnong, Maribyrnong
Maribyrnong is located at Bloomfield Avenue, Maribyrnong and the nearest public transport station is Highpoint Sc/Rosamond Rd (Maribyrnong).
Bus stations close to Maribyrnong:
- Highpoint Sc/Rosamond Rd (Maribyrnong)
- Homemaker City/Rosamond Rd (Maribyrnong)
- Randall St/Raleigh Rd (Maribyrnong)
Related Routes
- Melbourne Airport to Maribyrnong
- Alphington to Maribyrnong
- Altona to Maribyrnong
- Armadale to Maribyrnong
- Ascot Vale to Maribyrnong
- Clifton Hill to Maribyrnong
- Coburg to Maribyrnong
- Eltham to Maribyrnong
- Hampton to Maribyrnong
- Kensington to Maribyrnong
- Mount Waverley to Maribyrnong
- Parliament to Maribyrnong
- Williamstown to Maribyrnong
- Wyndham Vale to Maribyrnong
- Bacchus Marsh to Maribyrnong
- 7-Rmit University/Swanston St (Melbourne City) to Maribyrnong
- 25-Commercial Rd/St Kilda Rd (Melbourne City) to Maribyrnong
- 131-Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre/Albert Rd (Albert Park) to Maribyrnong
- 21-Church St/Victoria St (Richmond) to Maribyrnong
- 33-Barkly St/Carlisle St (St Kilda) to Maribyrnong
Alternative route from Aspendale to Maribyrnong by train and tram via FRANKSTON and 57
To get from Aspendale to Maribyrnong in Maribyrnong, take the FRANKSTON train from Aspendale station to Flinders Street station. Next, take the 57 tram from 1-Flinders Street Railway Station/Elizabeth St (Melbourne City) station to 45-Maribyrnong Community Centre/Raleigh Rd (Maribyrnong) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 49 min. The ride fare is A$5.30.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationAspendale
- 2Wait for trainFRANKSTONCity (Flinders Street)
- 3Ride to train stationFlinders Street49 min
- 4Walk to tram station1-Flinders Street Railway Station/Elizabeth St (Melbourne City)ID 17850270 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for tram57West Maribyrnong
- 6Ride to tram station45-Maribyrnong Community Centre/Raleigh Rd (Maribyrnong)ID 1848939 min
- 7Walk toMaribyrnongBloomfield Avenue80 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Aspendale to Maribyrnong?
The fastest way takes 89 minutes, using Bus line FRANKSTON, Bus line WERRIBEE, Bus line 82.
What is the alternative route to get from Aspendale to Maribyrnong?
The alternative route takes 109 minutes, using Bus line FRANKSTON, Bus line 57.
Is there a direct train between Aspendale and Maribyrnong?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines and one tram line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 29 min.
Which train line goes from Aspendale to Maribyrnong?
The FRANKSTON train line goes from City (Flinders Street) station near Aspendale in Aspendale to Flinders Street station. From there you’ll have to take one train line and one tram line till Flinders Street station near Maribyrnong in Maribyrnong.
How long does it take to travel from Aspendale to Maribyrnong by train and tram?
The total travel time between Aspendale in Aspendale and Maribyrnong in Maribyrnong by train and tram is about 1 hr 29 min.
Where do I get on the train near Aspendale to get to Maribyrnong?
Get on the FRANKSTON train from the City (Flinders Street) station near Aspendale in Aspendale.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Aspendale and Maribyrnong?
Get off the train at the Flinders Street station, which is closest to Maribyrnong in Maribyrnong.
How much is the total train and tram fare from Aspendale to Maribyrnong?
The ride from Aspendale to Maribyrnong costs A$5.30.