How to get from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia by train?
From Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia by train
Take one direct train from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia in Marion: take the SEAFRD train from Edwardstown station to Marion station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 21 min. The ride fare is A$4.25.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationEdwardstown
- 2Wait for trainSEAFRDSeaford
- 3Ride to train stationMarion6 min
- 4Walk toMarion SA Australia990 m • 13 min
Alternative route from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia by train via FLNDRS
Take one direct train from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia in Marion: take the FLNDRS train from Edwardstown station to Tonsley station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min. The ride fare is A$4.25.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationEdwardstown
- 2Wait for trainFLNDRSFlinders
- 3Ride to train stationTonsley7 min
- 4Walk toMarion SA Australia1.62 km • 21 min
Public transport directions from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia
Public transport stations close to Edwardstown
Edwardstown is located at Edwardstown, Marion and the nearest public transport station is Stop School Cross Rd / South Rd.
Train stations close to Edwardstown:
- Emerson
- Woodlands Park
Bus stations close to Edwardstown:
- Stop School Cross Rd / South Rd
- Stop 10 South Rd - East side
- Stop 179 Cross Rd - North side
Public transport stations close to Marion SA Australia, Marion
Marion SA Australia is located at Marion SA Australia, Marion and the nearest public transport station is Marion.
Train stations close to Marion SA Australia:
- Marion
- Mitchell Park
- Tonsley
Bus stations close to Marion SA Australia:
- Stop 28 Finniss St - South East side
- Stop School Westminster School Alison Av
- Stop 25 Marion Rd - East side
Related Routes
- Stop 36 First Ave - South side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 26 North East Rd - North West side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 27 Hanson Rd - West side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 12 Belair Rd - East side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 11 South Rd - East side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 13A Towers Tce - West side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 16 Marion Rd - East side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 28 Main South Rd - South East side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 62 Waterloo Corner Rd - South West side to Marion SA Australia
- Stop 112 Rowley Rd - East side to Marion SA Australia
- Woodlands Park to Marion SA Australia
- Warradale to Marion SA Australia
- Hove to Marion SA Australia
- Seacliff to Marion SA Australia
- Marino Rocks to Marion SA Australia
- Hallett Cove Beach to Marion SA Australia
- Coromandel to Marion SA Australia
- Belair to Marion SA Australia
- Ethelton to Marion SA Australia
- Taperoo to Marion SA Australia
Alternative route from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia by train via FLNDRS
Take one direct train from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia in Marion: take the FLNDRS train from Edwardstown station to Tonsley station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min. The ride fare is A$4.25.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationEdwardstown
- 2Wait for trainFLNDRSFlinders
- 3Ride to train stationTonsley7 min
- 4Walk toMarion SA Australia1.62 km • 21 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia?
The fastest way takes 21 minutes, using Bus line SEAFRD.
What is the alternative route to get from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia?
The alternative route takes 30 minutes, using Bus line FLNDRS.
Is there a direct train between Edwardstown and Marion SA Australia?
Yes, there’s a direct train going from Edwardstown in Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia in Marion in 21 min.
Which train line goes from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia?
The SEAFRD train line goes from Seaford station near Edwardstown in Edwardstown to Marion station near Marion SA Australia in Marion.
How long does it take to travel from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia by train?
The total travel time between Edwardstown in Edwardstown and Marion SA Australia in Marion by train is about 21 min.
Where do I get on the train near Edwardstown to get to Marion SA Australia?
Get on the SEAFRD train from the Seaford station near Edwardstown in Edwardstown.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Edwardstown and Marion SA Australia?
Get off the train at the Marion station, which is closest to Marion SA Australia in Marion.
When is the first train from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia?
The first train from Edwardstown in Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia in Marion is Seaford to City. It leaves the Edwardstown station at 10:43.
How much is the train fare from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia?
The ride from Edwardstown to Marion SA Australia costs A$4.25.