How to get from Ewell West to Reigate by train?
From Ewell West to Reigate by train
To get from Ewell West to Reigate in London, take the SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY train from Ewell West station to Dorking station. Next, take the GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY train from Dorking Deepdene station to Reigate station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 57 min. The ride fare is £8.80.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationEwell West
- 2Wait for trainSOUTH WESTERN RAILWAYDorking
- 3Ride to train stationDorking18 min
- 4Walk to train stationDorking Deepdene250 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for trainGREAT WESTERN RAILWAYGatwick Airport
- 6Ride to train stationReigate8 min
Public transport directions from Ewell West to Reigate
Public transport stations close to Ewell West
Ewell West is located at Ewell West, London and the nearest public transport station is Meadowview Road.
Train stations close to Ewell West:
- West Sutton
- Banstead
Bus stations close to Ewell West:
- Meadowview Road
- The Spring
- Spring Hotel
Public transport stations close to Reigate, London
Reigate is located at Reigate, London and the nearest public transport station is Red Cross, Reigate.
Bus stations close to Reigate:
- Red Cross, Reigate
- High Street, Reigate
- Morrisons, Reigate
Related Routes
- Barkingside to Reigate
- Cheam to Reigate
- Chelsea to Reigate
- Chesham (Bucks) to Reigate
- Croydon to Reigate
- Hammersmith to Reigate
- Hastings to Reigate
- Hatfield (Herts) to Reigate
- Leatherhead to Reigate
- Mayfair to Reigate
- Surbiton to Reigate
- Wimbledon to Reigate
- Easirent London Heathrow Airport Lhr to Reigate
- Premier Inn London Victoria to Reigate
- South Croydon to Reigate
- East Croydon to Reigate
- Epsom to Reigate
- Wimbledon Chase to Reigate
- Waterloo to Reigate
- Ewell West to Hammersmith
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Ewell West to Reigate?
The fastest way takes 57 minutes, using Bus line SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY, Bus line GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY.
Is there a direct train between Ewell West and Reigate?
No, you’ll have to take 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 57 min.
Which train line goes from Ewell West to Reigate?
The SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY train line goes from Dorking station near Ewell West in Ewell to Dorking station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Dorking station near Reigate in London.
How long does it take to travel from Ewell West to Reigate by train?
The total travel time between Ewell West in Ewell and Reigate in London by train is about 57 min.
Where do I get on the train near Ewell West to get to Reigate?
Get on the SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY train from the Dorking station near Ewell West in Ewell.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Ewell West and Reigate?
Get off the train at the Dorking station, which is closest to Reigate in London.
How much is the train fare from Ewell West to Reigate?
The ride from Ewell West to Reigate costs £8.80.