How to get from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank by Tube?
From Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank by Tube
Take one direct Tube from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank in Waterloo: take the BAKERLOO Tube from Oxford Circus station to Waterloo station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 25 min. The ride fare is £2.80.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to Tube stationOxford Circus220 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for TubeBAKERLOOElephant & Castle
- 3Ride to Tube stationWaterloo7 min
- 4Walk toSouth BankUpper Ground630 m • 9 min
From Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank by bus
Take one direct bus from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank in Waterloo: take the 139 bus from Oxford Circus Station (RG) station to Waterloo Bridge / South Bank (N) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min. The ride fare is £1.75.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationOxford Circus Station (RG)ID RG310 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus139Waterloo
- 3Ride to bus stationWaterloo Bridge / South Bank (N)ID N16 min
- 4Walk toSouth BankUpper Ground700 m • 9 min
Public transport directions from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank
Public transport stations close to Wahaca (Oxford Circus)
Wahaca (Oxford Circus) is located at Great Portland Street, Waterloo and the nearest public transport station is Margaret Street Oxford Circus (RD).
Tube stations close to Wahaca (Oxford Circus):
- Oxford Circus
Bus stations close to Wahaca (Oxford Circus):
- Margaret Street Oxford Circus (RD)
- John Princes St Oxford Circus (JC)
- Holles Street (OG)
Public transport stations close to South Bank, Waterloo
South Bank is located at Upper Ground, Waterloo and the nearest public transport station is Temple.
Tube stations close to South Bank:
- Southwark
- Temple
Train stations close to South Bank:
- Blackfriars
- Waterloo East
Bus stations close to South Bank:
- Temple
- Blackfriars Station / South Entrance (D)
- Waterloo Road (M)
River Bus stations close to South Bank:
- Festival Pier
Related Routes
- Waterloo Station 1 to South Bank
- Oxford Circus Station to South Bank
- L'Occitane to South Bank
- Southbank Club to South Bank
- Kings Cross to South Bank
- Vitangy to South Bank
- Margaret Street / Oxford Circus to South Bank
- Waterloo Station to South Bank
- East Croydon Bus Station to South Bank
- Kings Cross Inn Hotel to South Bank
- Southwark Pensioners Centre to South Bank
- Liverpool Street to South Bank
- East Croydon to South Bank
- Covent Garden to South Bank
- Oxford Circus to South Bank
- Stratford High Street to South Bank
- London Victoria to South Bank
- Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to Chinatown
- Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to Hammersmith
- Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to London Bridge (Northern Line)
From Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank by bus
Take one direct bus from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank in Waterloo: take the 139 bus from Oxford Circus Station (RG) station to Waterloo Bridge / South Bank (N) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 31 min. The ride fare is £1.75.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationOxford Circus Station (RG)ID RG310 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus139Waterloo
- 3Ride to bus stationWaterloo Bridge / South Bank (N)ID N16 min
- 4Walk toSouth BankUpper Ground700 m • 9 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank?
The fastest way takes 25 minutes, using Bus line BAKERLOO.
What is the alternative route to get from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank?
The alternative route takes 31 minutes, using Bus line 139.
Is there a direct Tube between Wahaca (Oxford Circus) and South Bank?
Yes, there’s a direct Tube going from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) in Fitzrovia to South Bank in Waterloo in 25 min.
Which Tube line goes from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank?
The BAKERLOO Tube line goes from Oxford Circus station near Wahaca (Oxford Circus) in Fitzrovia to Elephant & Castle station near South Bank in Waterloo.
How long does it take to travel from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank by Tube?
The total travel time between Wahaca (Oxford Circus) in Fitzrovia and South Bank in Waterloo by Tube is about 25 min.
Where do I get on the Tube near Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to get to South Bank?
Get on the BAKERLOO Tube from the Oxford Circus station near Wahaca (Oxford Circus) in Fitzrovia.
Where do I get off the Tube when travelling between Wahaca (Oxford Circus) and South Bank?
Get off the Tube at the Elephant & Castle station, which is closest to South Bank in Waterloo.
When is the first bus from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank?
The first bus from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) in Fitzrovia to South Bank in Waterloo is Waterloo - Golders Green. It leaves the Oxford Circus Station (RG) stop at 08:07.
When is the first Tube from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank?
The first Tube from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) in Fitzrovia to South Bank in Waterloo is Bakerloo. It leaves the Oxford Circus station at 00:10.
How much is the Tube fare from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank?
The ride from Wahaca (Oxford Circus) to South Bank costs £2.80.