How to get from Lowther to Wollongong by bus and train?
From Lowther to Wollongong by bus and train
To get from Lowther to Wollongong in Sydney, you’ll need to take one bus line and 2 train lines: take the S359 bus from 935 Jenolan Caves Rd station to Donald St after Union St station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 428 train and finally take the SCO train from Central Station station to Wollongong Station station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 hr 3 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLowther
- 2Wait for busS359School Bus
- 3Ride to bus stationDonald St after Union StID 279041347 min
- 4Walk to train stationLithgow StationID 279010930 m • 12 min
- 5Wait for train428Central
- 6Ride to train stationCentral StationID 200060167 min
- 7Wait for trainSCOKiama
- 8Ride to train stationWollongong StationID 25002088 min
- 9Walk toWollongong950 m • 13 min
Alternative route from Lowther to Wollongong by bus and train via S363, 428 and SCO
To get from Lowther to Wollongong in Sydney, you’ll need to take one bus line and 2 train lines: take the S363 bus from 935 Jenolan Caves Rd station to Donald St after Union St station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 428 train and finally take the SCO train from Central Station station to Wollongong Station station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 hr 7 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLowther
- 2Wait for busS363School Bus
- 3Ride to bus stationDonald St after Union StID 279041381 min
- 4Walk to train stationLithgow StationID 279010930 m • 12 min
- 5Wait for train428Central
- 6Ride to train stationCentral StationID 200060167 min
- 7Wait for trainSCOKiama
- 8Ride to train stationWollongong StationID 25002088 min
- 9Walk toWollongong950 m • 13 min
Public transport directions from Lowther to Wollongong
Public transport stations close to Lowther
Lowther is located at Lowther, Sydney and the nearest public transport station is 935 Jenolan Caves Rd.
Bus stations close to Lowther:
- 935 Jenolan Caves Rd
Public transport stations close to Wollongong, Sydney
Wollongong is located at Wollongong, Sydney and the nearest public transport station is Corrimal St at Bank St.
Train stations close to Wollongong:
- Coniston Station
- Towradgi Station
- North Wollongong Station
Bus stations close to Wollongong:
- Corrimal St at Bank St
- Corrimal St after Market St
- WIN Entertainment Centre, Crown St
Related Routes
- Camellia to Wollongong
- Caerleon to Wollongong
- Good Forest to Wollongong
- Hartley (NSW) to Wollongong
- Greenwich Park to Wollongong
- Dargan to Wollongong
- Doctors Gap to Wollongong
- Little Hartley to Wollongong
- McKellars Park to Wollongong
- Maitland Vale to Wollongong
- Middle Arm to Wollongong
- Stewarts River to Wollongong
- Sugarloaf (NSW) to Wollongong
- Stroud Hill to Wollongong
- Sodwalls to Wollongong
- Salisbury (NSW) to Wollongong
- Tabbil Creek to Wollongong
- Pomeroy to Wollongong
- Oakhampton to Wollongong
- Purfleet to Wollongong
Alternative route from Lowther to Wollongong by bus and train via S363, 428 and SCO
To get from Lowther to Wollongong in Sydney, you’ll need to take one bus line and 2 train lines: take the S363 bus from 935 Jenolan Caves Rd station to Donald St after Union St station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 428 train and finally take the SCO train from Central Station station to Wollongong Station station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 8 hr 7 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationLowther
- 2Wait for busS363School Bus
- 3Ride to bus stationDonald St after Union StID 279041381 min
- 4Walk to train stationLithgow StationID 279010930 m • 12 min
- 5Wait for train428Central
- 6Ride to train stationCentral StationID 200060167 min
- 7Wait for trainSCOKiama
- 8Ride to train stationWollongong StationID 25002088 min
- 9Walk toWollongong950 m • 13 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Lowther to Wollongong?
The fastest way takes 483 minutes, using Bus line S359, Bus line 428, Bus line SCO.
What is the alternative route to get from Lowther to Wollongong?
The alternative route takes 487 minutes, using Bus line S363, Bus line 428, Bus line SCO.
Is there a direct bus between Lowther and Wollongong in Sydney?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and 2 train lines in total. The total travelling time is 8 hr 3 min.
Which bus line goes from Lowther to Wollongong in Sydney?
The S359 bus line goes from School Bus station near Lowther to Donald St after Union St station. From there you’ll have to take 2 train lines till Donald St after Union St station near Wollongong in Sydney
How long does it take to travel from Lowther to Wollongong in Sydney by bus and train?
The total travel time between Lowther and Wollongong in Sydney by bus and train is about 8 hr 3 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Lowther to get to Wollongong in Sydney?
Get on the S359 bus from the School Bus stop near Lowther in Sydney.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Lowther and Wollongong in Sydney?
Get off the bus at the Donald St after Union St station, which is closest to Wollongong in Sydney.