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Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe stop - bus trip planner

Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe stop - Saturday schedule

17Newton Aycliffe10:04
17Newton Aycliffe11:04
17Newton Aycliffe12:04
17Newton Aycliffe14:04

See Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe, North East and Cumbria, on the map

Directions to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe (North East and Cumbria) with public transport

The following transport lines have routes that pass near Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe

  • BusBus:
  • TrainTrain:

How to get to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe by Bus?

Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

How to get to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe by Train?

Click on the Train route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

Bus stations near Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria

  • Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe,2 min walk,
  • Burnhill Way Garage, Woodham,5 min walk,

Train stations near Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria

  • Newton Aycliffe,21 min walk,

Bus lines to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria

  • 17,Newton Aycliffe,
  • ED5,Darlington - Houghall,
  • 7,Durham - Darlington,
  • 8,Darlington - Spennymoor,
  • 879,Newton Aycliffe - Woodham,
  • 952,Stillington - Trimdon Colliery,
Questions & Answers
  • What are the nearest stations to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe?

    The nearest stations to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe are:

    • Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe is 97 meters away, 2 min walk.
    • Burnhill Way Garage, Woodham is 305 meters away, 5 min walk.
    • Newton Aycliffe is 1604 meters away, 21 min walk.
  • Which Bus lines stop near Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe?

    These Bus lines stop near Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe: 7

  • Which Train lines stop near Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe?

    These Train lines stop near Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe: NORTHERN

  • What’s the nearest train station to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria?

    The nearest train station to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria is Newton Aycliffe. It’s a 21 min walk away.

  • What’s the nearest bus stop to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria?

    The nearest bus stop to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria is Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe. It’s a 2 min walk away.

  • What time is the first Train to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria?

    The NORTHERN is the first Train that goes to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria. It stops nearby at 07:51.

  • What time is the last Train to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria?

    The NORTHERN is the last Train that goes to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria. It stops nearby at 20:38.

  • What time is the first Bus to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria?

    The 7 is the first Bus that goes to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria. It stops nearby at 08:49.

  • What time is the last Bus to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria?

    The 7 is the last Bus that goes to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria. It stops nearby at 00:11.

See Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe, North East and Cumbria, on the map

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Public transport to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe stop (ID: durdtdta) in North East and Cumbria

Looking for directions to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria, United Kingdom?

Download the Moovit App to find the current schedule and step-by-step directions for Bus or Train routes that pass through Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe.

Looking for the nearest stops closest to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe ? Check out this list of closest stops to your destination: Burn Lane - Care Centre; Burnhill Way Garage; Newton Aycliffe.


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Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe stop’s code is durdtdta

The first line to this stop is 17, at 10:04, and the last line is 17 at 14:04.

This stop serves Hodgsons’s lines

Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe

Public transport routes with stations closest to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria

Train lines with stations closest to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria

Bus lines with stations closest to Burn Lane - Care Centre, Newton Aycliffe in North East and Cumbria

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