How to get from Pancar to Ödemiş by train?
From Pancar to Ödemiş by train
Take one direct train from Pancar to Ödemiş in Izmir - Aydin: take the B37 train from Pancar station to Ödemiş Şehir station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationPancar
- 2Wait for trainB37Ödemiş
- 3Ride to train stationÖdemiş Şehir93 min
- 4Walk toÖdemiş260 m • 4 min
Public transit directions from Pancar to Ödemiş
Public transit stations close to Pancar
Pancar is located at Pancar, Izmir - Aydin and the nearest public transit station is Pancar.
Train stations close to Pancar:
- Pancar
Bus stations close to Pancar:
- Pancar Aktarma
- Defne
- Pancar Pazaryeri
Public transit stations close to Ödemiş, Izmir - Aydin
Ödemiş is located at Ödemiş, Izmir - Aydin and the nearest public transit station is Beşgöz.
Train stations close to Ödemiş:
- Ödemiş Şehir
- Ödemiş
Bus stations close to Ödemiş:
- Beşgöz
- Ekin Pazarı
- Ödemiş Hükümet Konağı
Related Routes
- Karpuzlu to Ödemiş
- Nazilli to Ödemiş
- Çine to Ödemiş
- İncirliova to Ödemiş
- Koçarlı to Ödemiş
- Köşk to Ödemiş
- Sultanhisar to Ödemiş
- Bozdoğan to Ödemiş
- Didim to Ödemiş
- Buca to Ödemiş
- Foça to Ödemiş
- Çigli to Ödemiş
- Karsiyaka to Ödemiş
- Menderes to Ödemiş
- Seferihisar to Ödemiş
- Selçuk to Ödemiş
- Tire to Ödemiş
- Bayraklı to Ödemiş
- Bergama to Ödemiş
- Çiğli to Ödemiş
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Pancar to Ödemiş?
The fastest way takes 100 minutes, using Bus line B37.
Is there a direct train between Pancar and Ödemiş?
Yes, there’s a direct train going from Pancar in Torbali to Ödemiş in Izmir - Aydin in 1 hr 40 min.
Which train line goes from Pancar to Ödemiş?
The B37 train line goes from Ödemiş station near Pancar in Torbali to Ödemiş Şehir station near Ödemiş in Izmir - Aydin.
How long does it take to travel from Pancar to Ödemiş by train?
The total travel time between Pancar in Torbali and Ödemiş in Izmir - Aydin by train is about 1 hr 40 min.
Where do I get on the train near Pancar to get to Ödemiş?
Get on the B37 train from the Ödemiş station near Pancar in Torbali.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Pancar and Ödemiş?
Get off the train at the Ödemiş Şehir station, which is closest to Ödemiş in Izmir - Aydin.
When is the last train from Pancar to Ödemiş?
The last train from Pancar in Torbali to Ödemiş in Izmir - Aydin is the Basmane - Ödemiş line. It leaves the Pancar station at 12:54 AM.