How to get from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân by bus?
From Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân by bus
To get from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi, take the 03A bus from (A) Bx Giáp Bát station to 13a Trần Hưng Đạo station. Next, take the 23 bus from 13a Trần Hưng Đạo station to 10-12 Quán Thánh station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min. The ride fare is ₫10,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station(A) Bx Giáp Bát30 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus03A(B) Bx Gia Lâm
- 3Ride to bus station13a Trần Hưng Đạo19 min
- 4Wait for bus23(A) Nguyễn Công Trứ
- 5Ride to bus station10-12 Quán Thánh10 min
Alternative route from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân by bus via 08A
Take one direct bus from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi: take the 08A bus from Dải Đỗ Số 3 Bến Xe Giáp Bát station to E1.1 Điểm Trung Chuyển Long Biên station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min. The ride fare is ₫10,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationDải Đỗ Số 3 Bến Xe Giáp Bát60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus08A(A) Long Biên
- 3Ride to bus stationE1.1 Điểm Trung Chuyển Long Biên24 min
- 4Walk toĐồng Xuân450 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân
Public transit stations close to Giáp Bát
Giáp Bát is located at Giáp Bát, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is (A) Bx Giáp Bát.
Metro stations close to Giáp Bát:
- Láng
Bus stations close to Giáp Bát:
- (A) Bx Giáp Bát
- 658 Trương Định
- Số 36 Kim Đồng
Public transit stations close to Đồng Xuân, Hanoi
Đồng Xuân is located at Đồng Xuân, Hanoi and the nearest public transit station is 10-12 Quán Thánh.
Metro stations close to Đồng Xuân:
- Láng
- La Thành
- Cát Linh
Bus stations close to Đồng Xuân:
- 10-12 Quán Thánh
- (A) Long Biên
- 26-28 Hàng Than
Related Routes
- Đại Thắng to Đồng Xuân
- Xuân Dương to Đồng Xuân
- Yên Viên (Xã) to Đồng Xuân
- Đông Ngạc to Đồng Xuân
- Thượng Đình to Đồng Xuân
- Thanh Nhàn to Đồng Xuân
- Thanh Trì to Đồng Xuân
- Thanh Xuân Nam to Đồng Xuân
- Sóc Sơn to Đồng Xuân
- Vân Đình to Đồng Xuân
- Văn Quán to Đồng Xuân
- Vĩnh Hưng to Đồng Xuân
- Vĩnh Phúc to Đồng Xuân
- Vĩnh Tuy to Đồng Xuân
- Việt Long to Đồng Xuân
- Tây Tựu to Đồng Xuân
- Mỹ Đình 2 to Đồng Xuân
- Như Quỳnh to Đồng Xuân
- Ninh Hiệp to Đồng Xuân
- La Khê to Đồng Xuân
Alternative route from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân by bus via 08A
Take one direct bus from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi: take the 08A bus from Dải Đỗ Số 3 Bến Xe Giáp Bát station to E1.1 Điểm Trung Chuyển Long Biên station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min. The ride fare is ₫10,000.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationDải Đỗ Số 3 Bến Xe Giáp Bát60 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus08A(A) Long Biên
- 3Ride to bus stationE1.1 Điểm Trung Chuyển Long Biên24 min
- 4Walk toĐồng Xuân450 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân?
The fastest way takes 32 minutes, using Bus line 03A, Bus line 23.
What is the alternative route to get from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân?
The alternative route takes 32 minutes, using Bus line 08A.
Is there a direct bus between Giáp Bát and Đồng Xuân in Hanoi?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 32 min.
Which bus line goes from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi?
The 03A bus line goes from (A) Bx Giáp Bát station near Giáp Bát to (B) Bx Gia Lâm station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till (B) Bx Gia Lâm station near Đồng Xuân in Hanoi
How long does it take to travel from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi by bus?
The total travel time between Giáp Bát and Đồng Xuân in Hanoi by bus is about 32 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Giáp Bát to get to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi?
Get on the 03A bus from the (A) Bx Giáp Bát stop near Giáp Bát in Hanoi.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Giáp Bát and Đồng Xuân in Hanoi?
Get off the bus at the (B) Bx Gia Lâm stop, which is closest to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi.
When is the last bus from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi?
The last bus from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân in Hanoi is the Long Biên - Đông Mỹ line. It leaves the Dải Đỗ Số 3 Bến Xe Giáp Bát stop at 2:27 PM.
How much is the bus fare from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân?
The ride from Giáp Bát to Đồng Xuân costs ₫10,000.