How to get from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη by ?
From Χαιμαντα to Βάθη by
Take one direct from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens: take the 18 from Γκινη (Χαλανδρι) - Gkini (Xalandri) station to Αφετηρια 18,19 (Μουσειο) - Mousεio station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 37 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toΓκινη (Χαλανδρι) - Gkini (Xalandri)230 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for18Χαλανδρι - Μουσειο [Εθν. Αντιστασεωσ] / Chalandri - Mouseio [Via Ethn.Antistaseos]
- 3Ride toΑφετηρια 18,19 (Μουσειο) - Mousεio26 min
- 4Walk toΒάθη520 m • 7 min
Alternative route from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη by via 19Β
Take one direct from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens: take the 19Β from Πλ. Χαλανδριου - Pl. Χalandrioy station to Αφετηρια 18,19 (Μουσειο) - Mousεio station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toΠλ. Χαλανδριου - Pl. Χalandrioy260 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for19ΒΜουσειο - Χαλανδρι (Σιδερα) / Moyseio - Chalandri (Sidera)
- 3Ride toΑφετηρια 18,19 (Μουσειο) - Mousεio24 min
- 4Walk toΒάθη520 m • 7 min
Public transit directions from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη
Related Routes
- Ελαιώνας to Βάθη
- Πετρούπολης to Βάθη
- Σταθμός Λαρίσης to Βάθη
- Βάρης - Βούλας - Βουλιαγμένης to Βάθη
- Συνταγμα to Βάθη
- Αγ. Βαρβαρα to Βάθη
- Ομονοια - Omonoia to Βάθη
- Στ. Συγγρου-Φιξ - St. Syggrou-Fix to Βάθη
- Στ. Υπεραστικων Λεωφορειων Κηφισου - Kifisos Intercity Bus Station to Βάθη
- Στ. Αττικη to Βάθη
- Στροφη to Βάθη
- Πλ. Αγ. Παρασκευης - Pl. Ag. Paraskeyhs to Βάθη
- Νοσ. Θωρακος - Nos. Thorakos to Βάθη
- Ικα - Ika to Βάθη
- Στ. Εθν.Αμυνα - Στ. Εθν.Αμυνα - St. Ethn. Amyna to Βάθη
- Βενιζελου - Βenizeloy to Βάθη
- Βυζαντινο Μουσειο - Ρηγιλλης to Βάθη
- Ακταιον - Aktaion to Βάθη
- Κηπος - Kipos to Βάθη
- Οτε Πεδιου Αρεως - Ote Pedioy Areos to Βάθη
Alternative route from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη by via 19Β
Take one direct from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens: take the 19Β from Πλ. Χαλανδριου - Pl. Χalandrioy station to Αφετηρια 18,19 (Μουσειο) - Mousεio station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk toΠλ. Χαλανδριου - Pl. Χalandrioy260 m • 4 min
- 2Wait for19ΒΜουσειο - Χαλανδρι (Σιδερα) / Moyseio - Chalandri (Sidera)
- 3Ride toΑφετηρια 18,19 (Μουσειο) - Mousεio24 min
- 4Walk toΒάθη520 m • 7 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη?
The fastest way takes 37 minutes, using Bus line 18.
What is the alternative route to get from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη?
The alternative route takes 35 minutes, using Bus line 19Β.
Is there a direct between Χαιμαντα and Βάθη in Athens?
Yes, there is a direct going from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens in 37 min.
Which line goes from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens?
The line goes from Γκινη (Χαλανδρι) - Gkini (Xalandri) station near Χαιμαντα to Χαλανδρι - Μουσειο [Εθν. Αντιστασεωσ] / Chalandri - Mouseio [Via Ethn.Antistaseos] station near Βάθη in Athens.
How long does it take to travel from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens by ?
The total travel time between Χαιμαντα and Βάθη in Athens by is about 37 min.
Where do I get on the near Χαιμαντα to get to Βάθη in Athens?
Where do I get off the when travelling between Χαιμαντα and Βάθη in Athens?
Get off the at the Χαλανδρι - Μουσειο [Εθν. Αντιστασεωσ] / Chalandri - Mouseio [Via Ethn.Antistaseos] stop, which is closest to Βάθη in Athens.
When is the first bus from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens?
The first bus from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens is ΣΤΟΥΡΝΑΡΗ - ΚΗΦΙΣΙΑ (ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΠΛΑΤΑΝΟΥ). It leaves the Περιπτερο - Periptero stop at 10:23 AM.
When is the first Trolleybus from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens?
The first Trolleybus from Χαιμαντα to Βάθη in Athens is ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ - ΧΑΛΑΝΔΡΙ (ΜΕΣΩ ΕΘΝ. ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΕΩΣ) / MOUSEIO - CHALANDRI (VIA ETHN.ANTISTASEOS). It leaves the Γκινη (Χαλανδρι) - Gkini (Xalandri) station at 10:10 AM.