How to get from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων by Trolleybus and bus?
From Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων by Trolleybus and bus
To get from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων in Athens, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one Trolleybus line: take the 036 bus from Πλ Κυψέλης (Τέρμα 036) - Pl. Kypselhs (Terma 036) station to Γηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 10 Trolleybus and finally take the 460 bus from Σίδερα - Sidera station to Βριλησσια station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 55 min. The ride fare is €1.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationΚυψέλη
- 2Wait for bus036Στ.Κατεχακη-Στ.Πανορμου-Γαλατσι-Κυψελη
- 3Ride to bus stationΓηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio17 min
- 4Wait for Trolleybus10Τζιτζιφιες - Χαλανδρι
- 5Ride to Trolleybus stationΣίδερα - Sidera13 min
- 6Wait for bus460Στ. Χαλανδρι - Χαλανδρι - Π. Πεντελη
- 7Ride to bus stationΒριλησσια12 min
Alternative route from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων by Trolleybus and bus via 036, 18 and 460
To get from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων in Athens, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one Trolleybus line: take the 036 bus from Πλ Κυψέλης (Τέρμα 036) - Pl. Kypselhs (Terma 036) station to Γηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 18 Trolleybus and finally take the 460 bus from Σίδερα - Sidera station to Βριλησσια station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 55 min. The ride fare is €1.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationΚυψέλη
- 2Wait for bus036Στ.Κατεχακη-Στ.Πανορμου-Γαλατσι-Κυψελη
- 3Ride to bus stationΓηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio17 min
- 4Wait for Trolleybus18Μουσειο - Χαλανδρι [Μεσω Εθν. Αντιστασεωσ]
- 5Ride to Trolleybus stationΣίδερα - Sidera13 min
- 6Wait for bus460Στ. Χαλανδρι - Χαλανδρι - Π. Πεντελη
- 7Ride to bus stationΒριλησσια12 min
Public transit directions from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων
Public transit stations close to Κυψέλη
Κυψέλη is located at Κυψέλη, Athens and the nearest public transit station is Πλ Κυψέλης (Τέρμα 036) - Pl. Kypselhs (Terma 036).
Bus stations close to Κυψέλη:
- Πλ Κυψέλης (Τέρμα 036) - Pl. Kypselhs (Terma 036)
- Πλ. Κυψελης
- Κολοσσαίον - Kolossaion
Trolleybus stations close to Κυψέλη:
- Πλ. Κυψέλης - Pl. Kypselhs
- Σκύρου - Skyroy
- Πυθωνος
Public transit stations close to Βριλησσίων, Athens
Βριλησσίων is located at Βριλησσίων, Athens and the nearest public transit station is Κυπρίων Αγωνιστών.
Subway stations close to Βριλησσίων:
- Δουκίσσης Πλακεντίας - Doukissis Plakentias
- Χαλάνδρι - Halandri
Train stations close to Βριλησσίων:
- Δουκίσσης Πλακεντίας - Doukissis Plakentias
- Πεντέλης - Pentelis
Bus stations close to Βριλησσίων:
- Κυπρίων Αγωνιστών
- Κυπριων Αγωνιστων
- Φλωρινης
Trolleybus stations close to Βριλησσίων:
- Στ. Χαλανδρι
Related Routes
- Λαυρεωτικής to Βριλησσίων
- Μέγαρα to Βριλησσίων
- Αιγάλεω to Βριλησσίων
- Γκύζη to Βριλησσίων
- Ευαγγελισμός to Βριλησσίων
- Ηλιούπολης to Βριλησσίων
- Ηρακλείου to Βριλησσίων
- Κηφισιάς to Βριλησσίων
- Μαραθώνος to Βριλησσίων
- Μεταμορφώσεως to Βριλησσίων
- Ομόνοια to Βριλησσίων
- Παγκρατι to Βριλησσίων
- Πεντέλης to Βριλησσίων
- Χίλτον to Βριλησσίων
- Ψυρρή to Βριλησσίων
- Ωρωπού to Βριλησσίων
- Αγίας Παρασκευής to Βριλησσίων
- Αττικό Άλσος to Βριλησσίων
- Κάτω Πατήσια to Βριλησσίων
- Μαρκοπούλου Μεσογαίας to Βριλησσίων
Alternative route from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων by Trolleybus and bus via 036, 18 and 460
To get from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων in Athens, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one Trolleybus line: take the 036 bus from Πλ Κυψέλης (Τέρμα 036) - Pl. Kypselhs (Terma 036) station to Γηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 18 Trolleybus and finally take the 460 bus from Σίδερα - Sidera station to Βριλησσια station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 55 min. The ride fare is €1.20.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationΚυψέλη
- 2Wait for bus036Στ.Κατεχακη-Στ.Πανορμου-Γαλατσι-Κυψελη
- 3Ride to bus stationΓηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio17 min
- 4Wait for Trolleybus18Μουσειο - Χαλανδρι [Μεσω Εθν. Αντιστασεωσ]
- 5Ride to Trolleybus stationΣίδερα - Sidera13 min
- 6Wait for bus460Στ. Χαλανδρι - Χαλανδρι - Π. Πεντελη
- 7Ride to bus stationΒριλησσια12 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων?
The fastest way takes 55 minutes, using Bus line 036, Bus line 10, Bus line 460.
What is the alternative route to get from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων?
The alternative route takes 55 minutes, using Bus line 036, Bus line 18, Bus line 460.
Is there a direct bus between Κυψέλη and Βριλησσίων in Athens?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one Trolleybus line in total. The total travelling time is 55 min.
Which bus line goes from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων in Athens?
The 036 bus line goes from Στ.Κατεχακη-Στ.Πανορμου-Γαλατσι-Κυψελη station near Κυψέλη to Γηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one Trolleybus line till Γηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio station near Βριλησσίων in Athens
How long does it take to travel from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων in Athens by bus and Trolleybus?
The total travel time between Κυψέλη and Βριλησσίων in Athens by bus and Trolleybus is about 55 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Κυψέλη to get to Βριλησσίων in Athens?
Get on the 036 bus from the Στ.Κατεχακη-Στ.Πανορμου-Γαλατσι-Κυψελη stop near Κυψέλη in Athens.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Κυψέλη and Βριλησσίων in Athens?
Get off the bus at the Γηροκομείο - Ghrokomeio stop, which is closest to Βριλησσίων in Athens.
When is the first subway from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων in Athens?
The first subway from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων in Athens is ΠΕΙΡΑΙΑΣ - ΚΗΦΙΣΙΑ / PEIRAIAS - KIFISIA. It leaves the Άγιος Νικόλαος - Aghios Nikolaos station at 2:26 AM.
How much is the total bus and Trolleybus fare from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων?
The ride from Κυψέλη to Βριλησσίων costs €1.20.