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How to get from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί by bus and subway?

By bus and subway

To get from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί in Κρωπίας, take the Μ3 subway from Δημοτικό Θέατρο station to Νομισματοκοπείο - Nomismatokopio station. Next, take the ΑΘΉΝΑ - ΛΑΎΡΙΟ / ATHENS - LAVRIO bus from Στ. Νομισματοκοπείο station to Πλατεία Κορωπίου (Κτελ) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 34 min.

Walk to subway stationSubway - Μ3
Walk to Κορωπί
Leaves from Δημοτικό Θέατρο

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to subway station
    Walk to subway station
    Δημοτικό Θέατρο
    470 m • 7 min
  • 2
    Subway - Μ3Μ3
    Wait for subway
    Δημοτικο Θεατρο - Δουκ. Πλακεντιας / Dhmotiko Theatro - Douk. Plakentias
  • 3
    Ride to subway station
    Ride to subway station
    Νομισματοκοπείο - Nomismatokopio
    35 min
  • 4
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Στ. Νομισματοκοπείο
    140 m • 2 min
  • 5
    Wait for bus
    Αθήνα - Λαύριο (Νέα Οδός) / Athens - Lavrio (Via Nea Odos)
  • 6
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Πλατεία Κορωπίου (Κτελ)
    35 min
  • 7
    Walk to Κορωπί
    Walk to
    570 m • 8 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

By bus

To get from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί in Κρωπίας, take the X96 bus from Πλ. Τερψιθεας - Pl. Terpsitheas station to Κτιριο Διοικησης - Administration Building station. Next, take the X96 bus from Κτιριο Διοικησης - Administration Building station to Διασταυρωση Κορωπιου - Diastayrosh Koropioy station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 32 min.

Walk to bus station
Bus - X96X96
Bus - X96X96
Walk to Κορωπί
Leaves from Πλ. Τερψιθεας - Pl. Terpsitheas

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Πλ. Τερψιθεας - Pl. Terpsitheas
    100 m • 2 min
  • 2
    Bus - X96X96
    Wait for bus
    Πειραιας - Αερ/Νας Αθηνων [Express] / Peiraias - Aerolimenas Athinon [Express]
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Κτιριο Διοικησης - Administration Building
    62 min
  • 4
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Κτιριο Διοικησης - Administration Building
    80 m • 2 min
  • 5
    Bus - X96X96
    Wait for bus
    Αερ/Νας Αθηνων - Πειραιας [Express] / Aer/Nas Athinon - Peiraias [Express]
  • 6
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Διασταυρωση Κορωπιου - Diastayrosh Koropioy
    8 min
  • 7
    Walk to Κορωπί
    Walk to
    1.27 km • 17 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί

The distance between Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea, Κρωπίας and Κορωπί, Κρωπίας is approximately 39.45 km, which can typically be travelled in 94 min. Moovit will show you the directions from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί by bus and subway, so no matter how you choose to travel in Κρωπίας – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea

Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea is located at Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea, Κρωπίας and the nearest public transit station is Σκουζέ.

Bus stations close to Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea:

  • Σκουζέ
  • Σκουζε - Skoyze
  • Τερψιθέα

Trolleybus stations close to Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea:

  • Πλ. Τερψιθεας - Pl. Terpsitheas
  • Καραϊσκου - Karaiskoy
  • Δικαστηρια - Dikastηria

Public transit stations close to Κορωπί, Κρωπίας

Κορωπί is located at Κορωπί, Κρωπίας and the nearest public transit station is Πλατεία Κορωπίου (Κτελ).

Train stations close to Κορωπί:

  • Κορωπί - Koropi

Bus stations close to Κορωπί:

  • Πλατεία Κορωπίου (Κτελ)
  • Πλατεια - Plateia
  • Αγαλμα

By bus

To get from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί in Κρωπίας, take the X96 bus from Πλ. Τερψιθεας - Pl. Terpsitheas station to Κτιριο Διοικησης - Administration Building station. Next, take the X96 bus from Κτιριο Διοικησης - Administration Building station to Διασταυρωση Κορωπιου - Diastayrosh Koropioy station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 32 min.

Walk to bus station
Bus - X96X96
Bus - X96X96
Walk to Κορωπί
Leaves from Πλ. Τερψιθεας - Pl. Terpsitheas

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Πλ. Τερψιθεας - Pl. Terpsitheas
    100 m • 2 min
  • 2
    Bus - X96X96
    Wait for bus
    Πειραιας - Αερ/Νας Αθηνων [Express] / Peiraias - Aerolimenas Athinon [Express]
  • 3
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Κτιριο Διοικησης - Administration Building
    62 min
  • 4
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Κτιριο Διοικησης - Administration Building
    80 m • 2 min
  • 5
    Bus - X96X96
    Wait for bus
    Αερ/Νας Αθηνων - Πειραιας [Express] / Aer/Nas Athinon - Peiraias [Express]
  • 6
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Διασταυρωση Κορωπιου - Diastayrosh Koropioy
    8 min
  • 7
    Walk to Κορωπί
    Walk to
    1.27 km • 17 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί?

    The fastest way takes 94 minutes, using Bus line Μ3, Bus line ΑΘΉΝΑ - ΛΑΎΡΙΟ / ATHENS - LAVRIO.

  • What is the alternative route to get from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί?

    The alternative route takes 92 minutes, using Bus line X96, Bus line X96.

  • Is there a direct subway between Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea and Κορωπί?

    No, you’ll have to take one subway line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 34 min.

  • Which subway line goes from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί?

    The Μ3 subway line goes from Δημοτικό Θέατρο station near Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea in Πειραιώς to Δημοτικο Θεατρο - Δουκ. Πλακεντιας / Dhmotiko Theatro - Douk. Plakentias station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Κορωπί station near Κορωπί in Κρωπίας.

  • How long does it take to travel from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί by subway and bus?

    The total travel time between Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea in Πειραιώς and Κορωπί in Κρωπίας by subway and bus is about 1 hr 34 min.

  • Where do I get on the subway near Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to get to Κορωπί?

    Get on the Μ3 subway from the Δημοτικό Θέατρο station near Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea in Πειραιώς.

  • Where do I get off the subway when travelling between Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea and Κορωπί?

    Get off the subway at the Κορωπί stop, which is closest to Κορωπί in Κρωπίας.

  • When is the last subway from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί?

    The last subway from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea in Πειραιώς to Κορωπί in Κρωπίας is the ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΘΕΑΤΡΟ - ΔΟΥΚ. ΠΛΑΚΕΝΤΙΑΣ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΟΜΙΟ / DHMOTIKO THEATRO - PLAKENTIAS - AIRPORT line. It leaves the Δημοτικό Θέατρο station at 1:55 AM.

  • When is the first train from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea to Κορωπί?

    The first train from Τερψιθεα - Terpsithea in Πειραιώς to Κορωπί in Κρωπίας is Πειραιάς - Αεροδρόμιο. It leaves the Πειραιάς - Piraeus station at 10:44 AM.

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