How to get from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας by bus and train?
From Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας by bus and train
To get from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας in Athens, take the 640 bus from Αφετηρία 640 (Ηράκλειο) station to Στ. Προαστ. Ηρακλειο station. Next, take the ΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟ train from Ηράκλειο - Irakleio station to Κορωπί - Koropi station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 45 min. The ride fare is €1.20.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationΑφετηρία 640 (Ηράκλειο)40 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus640Τοπικη Ηρακλειου
- 3Ride to bus stationΣτ. Προαστ. Ηρακλειο12 min
- 4Walk to train stationΗράκλειο - Irakleio20 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for trainΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟΑεροδρόμιο
- 6Ride to train stationΚορωπί - Koropi20 min
Alternative route from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας by bus and train via 642 and ΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟ
To get from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας in Athens, take the 642 bus from Τοπική Ηρακλείου station to 1η Πεύκης station. Next, take the ΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟ train from Ηράκλειο - Irakleio station to Κορωπί - Koropi station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min. The ride fare is €1.20.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationΤοπική Ηρακλείου510 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus642Ηρακλειο - Αγ. Νεκταριος - Πευκη
- 3Ride to bus station1η Πεύκης7 min
- 4Walk to train stationΗράκλειο - Irakleio280 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for trainΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟΑεροδρόμιο
- 6Ride to train stationΚορωπί - Koropi20 min
Public transit directions from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας
Public transit stations close to Ηράκλειο - Iraklio
Ηράκλειο - Iraklio is located at Ηράκλειο - Iraklio, Athens and the nearest public transit station is Δημαρχείο.
Subway stations close to Ηράκλειο - Iraklio:
- Ειρήνη - Irini
- Πευκάκια - Pefkakia
- Νέα Ιωνία - Nea Ionia
Train stations close to Ηράκλειο - Iraklio:
- Μεταμόρφωση - Metamorfosi
- Ηράκλειο - Irakleio
Bus stations close to Ηράκλειο - Iraklio:
- Δημαρχείο
- Αφετηρία 640 (Ηράκλειο)
- Σταθμός Ησαπ Ηράκλειο
Public transit stations close to Κρωπίας, Athens
Κρωπίας is located at Κρωπίας, Athens and the nearest public transit station is Προαστιακός - Proastiakos.
Train stations close to Κρωπίας:
- Κορωπί - Koropi
Bus stations close to Κρωπίας:
- Προαστιακός - Proastiakos
- Προαστιακός 1
- Προαστιακός 2
Related Routes
- Κόρινθος to Κρωπίας
- Λουτράκι - Άγιο Θεόδωροι to Κρωπίας
- Αχαρνών to Κρωπίας
- Ελευσίνας to Κρωπίας
- Ευαγγελισμός to Κρωπίας
- Κορυδαλλού to Κρωπίας
- Πεντέλης to Κρωπίας
- Περάματος to Κρωπίας
- Άνω Πατήσια to Κρωπίας
- Άνω Πετράλωνα to Κρωπίας
- Αγίου Δημητρίου to Κρωπίας
- Νέος Κόσμος to Κρωπίας
- Σταθμός Λαρίσης to Κρωπίας
- Συνταγμα to Κρωπίας
- Αγ. Βαρβαρα to Κρωπίας
- Σύνταγμα - Syntagma to Κρωπίας
- Κάτω Αχαρναί - Kato Acharnai to Κρωπίας
- Νέο Φάληρο - Neo Faliro to Κρωπίας
- Ομονοια - Omonoia to Κρωπίας
- Ναρκισσου - Τερμα 314 to Κρωπίας
Alternative route from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας by bus and train via 642 and ΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟ
To get from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας in Athens, take the 642 bus from Τοπική Ηρακλείου station to 1η Πεύκης station. Next, take the ΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟ train from Ηράκλειο - Irakleio station to Κορωπί - Koropi station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 46 min. The ride fare is €1.20.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationΤοπική Ηρακλείου510 m • 7 min
- 2Wait for bus642Ηρακλειο - Αγ. Νεκταριος - Πευκη
- 3Ride to bus station1η Πεύκης7 min
- 4Walk to train stationΗράκλειο - Irakleio280 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for trainΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟΑεροδρόμιο
- 6Ride to train stationΚορωπί - Koropi20 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας?
The fastest way takes 45 minutes, using Bus line 640, Bus line ΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟ.
What is the alternative route to get from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας?
The alternative route takes 46 minutes, using Bus line 642, Bus line ΆΝΩ ΛΙΌΣΙΑ - ΑΕΡΟΔΡΌΜΙΟ.
Is there a direct bus between Ηράκλειο - Iraklio and Κρωπίας?
No, you’ll have to take one bus line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 45 min.
Which bus line goes from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας?
The 640 bus line goes from Αφετηρία 640 (Ηράκλειο) station near Ηράκλειο - Iraklio in Ηρακλείου to Τοπικη Ηρακλειου station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Τοπικη Ηρακλειου station near Κρωπίας in Athens.
How long does it take to travel from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας by bus and train?
The total travel time between Ηράκλειο - Iraklio in Ηρακλείου and Κρωπίας in Athens by bus and train is about 45 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to get to Κρωπίας?
Get on the 640 bus from the Αφετηρία 640 (Ηράκλειο) stop near Ηράκλειο - Iraklio in Ηρακλείου.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Ηράκλειο - Iraklio and Κρωπίας?
Get off the bus at the Τοπικη Ηρακλειου station, which is closest to Κρωπίας in Athens.
When is the first train from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας?
The first train from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio in Ηρακλείου to Κρωπίας in Athens is Αθήνα - Αεροδρόμιο. It leaves the Ηράκλειο - Irakleio station at 6:32 AM.
How much is the bus fare from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας?
The ride from Ηράκλειο - Iraklio to Κρωπίας costs €1.20.