How to get from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки by metro and train?
From Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки by metro and train
To get from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки in Moscow, take the 14 metro from Верхние Котлы (Verkhniye Kotly) station to Андроновка (Andronovka) station. Next, take the КАЗАНСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ train from Фрезер station to Выхино station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 51 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to metro stationВерхние Котлы (Verkhniye Kotly)370 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for metro14Владыкино (Vladykino)
- 3Ride to metro stationАндроновка (Andronovka)17 min
- 4Walk to train stationФрезер280 m • 4 min
- 5Wait for trainКАЗАНСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕКуровская
- 6Ride to train stationВыхино10 min
- 7Walk toВешняки440 m • 6 min
From Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки by light rail and metro
To get from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки in Moscow, you’ll need to take one light rail line and 2 metro lines: take the 47 light rail from МЦК Верхние Котлы station to Метро "Нагатинская" station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 9 metro and finally take the 7 metro from Пушкинская (Pushkinskaya) station to Выхино (Vykhino) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from light rail stationНагатино-Садовники
- 2Wait for light rail47Якорная ул.
- 3Ride to light rail stationМетро "Нагатинская"4 min
- 4Walk to metro stationНагатинская (Nagatinskaya)40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for metro9Алтуфьево (Altufyevo)
- 6Ride to metro stationЧеховская (Chekhovskaya)14 min
- 7Wait for metro7Котельники (Kotelniki)
- 8Ride to metro stationВыхино (Vykhino)26 min
- 9Walk toВешняки450 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки
Public transit stations close to Нагатино-Садовники
Нагатино-Садовники is located at Нагатино-Садовники, Moscow and the nearest public transit station is МЦК Верхние Котлы.
Metro stations close to Нагатино-Садовники:
- Верхние Котлы (Verkhniye Kotly)
Train stations close to Нагатино-Садовники:
- Верхние Котлы (Verkhniye Kotly)
Bus stations close to Нагатино-Садовники:
- Нагорный Проезд
- МЦК Верхние Котлы
- Нагорный проезд,6
Public transit stations close to Вешняки, Moscow
Вешняки is located at Вешняки, Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Метро "Выхино".
Bus stations close to Вешняки:
- Метро "Выхино"
- Вешняковская ул., 41
Shuttle stations close to Вешняки:
- Метро Выхино (ул. Красный Казанец)
- Вешняковская д.41
Related Routes
- Лыткарино to Вешняки
- Люберецкий Район to Вешняки
- Хамовники to Вешняки
- Раменский Район to Вешняки
- Красносельский to Вешняки
- Таганский to Вешняки
- Тверской to Вешняки
- Якиманка to Вешняки
- Первомайское to Вешняки
- Перово to Вешняки
- Царицыно to Вешняки
- Богородское to Вешняки
- Братеево to Вешняки
- Печатники to Вешняки
- Подольск to Вешняки
- Часцовское to Вешняки
- Видное to Вешняки
- Власиха to Вешняки
- Внуково to Вешняки
- Кузьминки to Вешняки
From Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки by light rail and metro
To get from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки in Moscow, you’ll need to take one light rail line and 2 metro lines: take the 47 light rail from МЦК Верхние Котлы station to Метро "Нагатинская" station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 9 metro and finally take the 7 metro from Пушкинская (Pushkinskaya) station to Выхино (Vykhino) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 4 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from light rail stationНагатино-Садовники
- 2Wait for light rail47Якорная ул.
- 3Ride to light rail stationМетро "Нагатинская"4 min
- 4Walk to metro stationНагатинская (Nagatinskaya)40 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for metro9Алтуфьево (Altufyevo)
- 6Ride to metro stationЧеховская (Chekhovskaya)14 min
- 7Wait for metro7Котельники (Kotelniki)
- 8Ride to metro stationВыхино (Vykhino)26 min
- 9Walk toВешняки450 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки?
The fastest way takes 51 minutes, using Bus line 14, Bus line КАЗАНСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ.
What is the alternative route to get from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки?
The alternative route takes 64 minutes, using Bus line 47, Bus line 9, Bus line 7.
Is there a direct metro between Нагатино-Садовники and Вешняки in Moscow?
No, you’ll have to take one metro line and one train line in total. The total travelling time is 51 min.
Which metro line goes from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки in Moscow?
The 14 metro line goes from Верхние Котлы (Verkhniye Kotly) station near Нагатино-Садовники to Владыкино (Vladykino) station. From there you’ll have to take one train line till Владыкино (Vladykino) station near Вешняки in Moscow
How long does it take to travel from Нагатино-Садовники to Вешняки in Moscow by metro and train?
The total travel time between Нагатино-Садовники and Вешняки in Moscow by metro and train is about 51 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Нагатино-Садовники to get to Вешняки in Moscow?
Get on the 14 metro from the Верхние Котлы (Verkhniye Kotly) station near Нагатино-Садовники in Moscow.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Нагатино-Садовники and Вешняки in Moscow?
Get off the metro at the Владыкино (Vladykino) station, which is closest to Вешняки in Moscow.