How to get from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б by metro?
From Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б by metro
Take one direct metro from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево: take the 9 metro from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) station to Бибирево (Bibirevo) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationМенделеевская (Mendeleevskaya)
- 2Wait for metro9Алтуфьево (Altufyevo)
- 3Ride to metro stationБибирево (Bibirevo)17 min
- 4Walk toКоненкова 10БКоненкова 10Б1.09 km • 14 min
From Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б by bus and train
To get from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the М40 bus from Метро "Менделеевская" station to Савёловский вокзал station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the САВЕЛОВСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ train and finally take the 909 bus from Платформа Лианозово station to Улица Лескова station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationМенделеевская (Mendeleevskaya)
- 2Wait for busМ40Больница
- 3Ride to bus stationСавёловский вокзал9 min
- 4Walk to train stationМосква Савёловская90 m • 2 min
- 6Ride to train stationЛианозово19 min
- 7Walk to bus stationПлатформа Лианозово20 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for bus909Метро "Медведково"
- 9Ride to bus stationУлица Лескова12 min
- 10Walk toКоненкова 10БКоненкова 10Б400 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б
Public transit stations close to Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya)
Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) is located at Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya), Бибирево and the nearest public transit station is Новослободская (Novoslobodskaya).
Metro stations close to Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya):
- Новослободская (Novoslobodskaya)
Bus stations close to Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya):
- Метро "Новослободская"
- 2-й Лесной переулок
- 2-Й Лесной Пер. (Ул. Бутырский Вал)
Public transit stations close to Коненкова 10Б, Бибирево
Коненкова 10Б is located at Коненкова 10Б, Бибирево and the nearest public transit station is Ул. Коненкова.
Metro stations close to Коненкова 10Б:
- Бибирево (Bibirevo)
Bus stations close to Коненкова 10Б:
- Ул. Коненкова
- Ул. Лескова, 30
- Ул. Коненкова, 12
Shuttle stations close to Коненкова 10Б:
- Илимская
- Костромская (Алтуфьевское шоссе)
- Алтуфьевское шоссе д.87
Related Routes
- Ховрино (Khovrino) to Коненкова 10Б
- Улица Старокачаловская (Ulitsa Starokachalovskaya) to Коненкова 10Б
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Даниловский
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Лыткарино
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Раменский Район
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Арбат
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Басманный
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Отрадное
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Царицыно
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Краснознаменск
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Краснопахорское
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Подольск
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Щёлково
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Бутырский
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Щербинка
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Видное
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Ярославский
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Восточный
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Лианозово
- Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Лобня
From Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б by bus and train
To get from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one train line: take the М40 bus from Метро "Менделеевская" station to Савёловский вокзал station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the САВЕЛОВСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ train and finally take the 909 bus from Платформа Лианозово station to Улица Лескова station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 56 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationМенделеевская (Mendeleevskaya)
- 2Wait for busМ40Больница
- 3Ride to bus stationСавёловский вокзал9 min
- 4Walk to train stationМосква Савёловская90 m • 2 min
- 6Ride to train stationЛианозово19 min
- 7Walk to bus stationПлатформа Лианозово20 m • 1 min
- 8Wait for bus909Метро "Медведково"
- 9Ride to bus stationУлица Лескова12 min
- 10Walk toКоненкова 10БКоненкова 10Б400 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б?
The fastest way takes 34 minutes, using Bus line 9.
What is the alternative route to get from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б?
The alternative route takes 56 minutes, using Bus line М40, Bus line САВЕЛОВСКОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕ, Bus line 909.
Is there a direct metro between Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) and Коненкова 10Б?
Yes, there’s a direct metro going from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) in Тверской to Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево in 34 min.
Which metro line goes from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б?
The 9 metro line goes from Алтуфьево (Altufyevo) station near Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) in Тверской to Бибирево (Bibirevo) station near Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево.
How long does it take to travel from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б by metro?
The total travel time between Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) in Тверской and Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево by metro is about 34 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to get to Коненкова 10Б?
Get on the 9 metro from the Алтуфьево (Altufyevo) station near Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) in Тверской.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) and Коненкова 10Б?
Get off the metro at the Бибирево (Bibirevo) station, which is closest to Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево.
When is the first metro from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б?
The first metro from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) in Тверской to Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево is Серпуховско-Тимирязевская (Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya). It leaves the Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) station at 3:02 AM.
When is the first train from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) to Коненкова 10Б?
The first train from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) in Тверской to Коненкова 10Б in Бибирево is Белорусско-Савёловский диаметр. It leaves the Москва Белорусская (Belorussky Station) station at 3:23 AM.