How to get from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" by bus and metro?
From Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" by bus and metro
To get from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" in Бибирево, you’ll need to take 2 metro lines and one bus line: take the 5 metro from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) station to Новослободская (Novoslobodskaya) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 9 metro and finally take the 278 bus from Бибирево station to Ул. Плещеева, 14 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 40 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationКраснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya)
- 2Wait for metro5Киевская (Kievskaya)
- 3Ride to metro stationНовослободская (Novoslobodskaya)5 min
- 4Wait for metro9Алтуфьево (Altufyevo)
- 5Ride to metro stationБибирево (Bibirevo)17 min
- 6Walk to bus stationБибирево80 m • 2 min
- 7Wait for bus278Отделение связи № 224
- 8Ride to bus stationУл. Плещеева, 143 min
- 9Walk toМФЮА УК ""Бибирево""улица Плещеева (дублёр)240 m • 4 min
From Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" by metro
To get from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" in Бибирево, take the 5 metro from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) station to Новослободская (Novoslobodskaya) station. Next, take the 9 metro from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) station to Бибирево (Bibirevo) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 41 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationКраснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya)
- 2Wait for metro5Киевская (Kievskaya)
- 3Ride to metro stationНовослободская (Novoslobodskaya)5 min
- 4Wait for metro9Алтуфьево (Altufyevo)
- 5Ride to metro stationБибирево (Bibirevo)17 min
- 6Walk toМФЮА УК ""Бибирево""улица Плещеева (дублёр)790 m • 11 min
Public transit directions from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
Public transit stations close to Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya)
Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) is located at Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya), Бибирево and the nearest public transit station is Баррикадная (Barrikadnaya).
Metro stations close to Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya):
- Баррикадная (Barrikadnaya)
- Улица 1905 Года (Ulitsa 1905 Goda)
- Смоленская (Smolenskaya)
Bus stations close to Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya):
- Метро "Краснопресненская"
- Метро "Баррикадная"
- Ул. Заморенова
Public transit stations close to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"", Бибирево
МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" is located at улица Плещеева (дублёр), Бибирево and the nearest public transit station is Ул. Коненкова, 8.
Metro stations close to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"":
- Бибирево (Bibirevo)
Bus stations close to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"":
- Ул. Коненкова, 8
- Метро "Бибирево"
- Аптека
Related Routes
- Партизанская (Partizanskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Щелковская (Schelkovskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Юго-Западная (Yugo-Zapadnaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Серпуховская (Serpukhovskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Сретенский Бульвар (Sretinsky Bulvar) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Метро "Братиславская" to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Метро "Теплый Стан" to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Лубянка (Lubyanka) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Китай-Город (Kitay-Gorod) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Проспект Мира (Prospekt Mira) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Комсомольская (Komsomolskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Савеловская (Savelovskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Молодежная (Molodezhnaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Щукинская (Schukinskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- ВДНХ (VDNKh) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Пражская (Prazhskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Царицыно (Tsaritsyno) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""
- Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to Даниловский
- Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to Раменский Район
- Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to Мещанский
From Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" by metro
To get from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" in Бибирево, take the 5 metro from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) station to Новослободская (Novoslobodskaya) station. Next, take the 9 metro from Менделеевская (Mendeleevskaya) station to Бибирево (Bibirevo) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 41 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationКраснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya)
- 2Wait for metro5Киевская (Kievskaya)
- 3Ride to metro stationНовослободская (Novoslobodskaya)5 min
- 4Wait for metro9Алтуфьево (Altufyevo)
- 5Ride to metro stationБибирево (Bibirevo)17 min
- 6Walk toМФЮА УК ""Бибирево""улица Плещеева (дублёр)790 m • 11 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""?
The fastest way takes 40 minutes, using Bus line 5, Bus line 9, Bus line 278.
What is the alternative route to get from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""?
The alternative route takes 41 minutes, using Bus line 5, Bus line 9.
Is there a direct metro between Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) and МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""?
No, you’ll have to take 2 metro lines and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 40 min.
Which metro line goes from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""?
The 5 metro line goes from Киевская (Kievskaya) station near Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) in Пресненский to Новослободская (Novoslobodskaya) station. From there you’ll have to take one metro line and one bus line till Новослободская (Novoslobodskaya) station near МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" in Бибирево.
How long does it take to travel from Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" by metro and bus?
The total travel time between Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) in Пресненский and МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" in Бибирево by metro and bus is about 40 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) to get to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""?
Get on the 5 metro from the Киевская (Kievskaya) station near Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) in Пресненский.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Краснопресненская (Krasnopresnenskaya) and МФЮА УК ""Бибирево""?
Get off the metro at the Новослободская (Novoslobodskaya) stop, which is closest to МФЮА УК ""Бибирево"" in Бибирево.