How to get from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра by bus?
From Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра by bus
To get from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра in Русе, take the 10 bus from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North station to Училище Йордан Йовков (Кооперативен Пазар) / Yordan Yovkov High School (Cooperative Market) station. Next, take the 15 bus from Афродита (Кооперативен Пазар) / Aphrodite (Cooperative Market) station to Пътен Възел Охлюва - Изток / Ohliuva Road Junction - East station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 50 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationЗавоя - Север / Zavoya - North
- 2Wait for bus10Дом На Културата / House of Culture
- 3Ride to bus stationУчилище Йордан Йовков (Кооперативен Пазар) / Yordan Yovkov High School (Cooperative Market)14 min
- 4Walk to bus stationАфродита (Кооперативен Пазар) / Aphrodite (Cooperative Market)180 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus15Долапите (Стрелбище) / Dolapite (Strelbishte)
- 6Ride to bus stationПътен Възел Охлюва - Изток / Ohliuva Road Junction - East6 min
- 7Walk toСилистра740 m • 10 min
Alternative route from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра by bus via 10 and 11
To get from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра in Русе, take the 10 bus from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North station to Пантеона / the Pantheon station. Next, take the 11 bus from Сердика / Serdika station to Пътен Възел Охлюва - Изток / Ohliuva Road Junction - East station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 8 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationЗавоя - Север / Zavoya - North
- 2Wait for bus10Дом На Културата / House of Culture
- 3Ride to bus stationПантеона / the Pantheon17 min
- 4Walk to bus stationСердика / Serdika130 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus11Ул. Мальовица / Malyovitsa St.
- 6Ride to bus stationПътен Възел Охлюва - Изток / Ohliuva Road Junction - East11 min
- 7Walk toСилистра740 m • 10 min
Public transit directions from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра
Public transit stations close to Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North
Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North is located at Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North, Русе and the nearest public transit station is Боровете - Юг / Borovete - South.
Bus stations close to Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North:
- Боровете - Юг / Borovete - South
- Боровете - Север / Borovete - North
- Касева Чешма, Обръщало - Север / Kaseva Chechma, Terminus - North
Public transit stations close to Силистра, Русе
Силистра is located at Силистра, Русе and the nearest public transit station is Винзавод / Winery.
Bus stations close to Силистра:
- Винзавод / Winery
- Бор / Bor
- Пътен Възел Охлюва - Изток / Ohliuva Road Junction - East
Trolleybus stations close to Силистра:
- Фазан / Pheasant
- Оргахим (Дунавска Коприна) / Orgachim (Danube Silk)
- Млекозавод / Dairy Plant
Related Routes
- Мальовица 1 - Юг to Силистра
- Мальовица 2 - Юг / Malyovitsa 2 - South to Силистра
- Помпена Станция - Изток / Pumping Station - East to Силистра
- Верила - Юг / Verila - South to Силистра
- Верила - Север / Verila - North to Силистра
- Левента - Север / Leventa - North to Силистра
- Училище Алеко Константинов - Север / Aleko Konstantinov Primary School - North to Силистра
- Мидия Енос - Юг / Media Enos - South to Силистра
- Централна Жп Гара, Ул. Борисова / Central Railway Station, Borisova Street to Силистра
- Лермонтов / Lermontov to Силистра
- Орхидея - Изток / Orhideya - East to Силистра
- Медицински Център - Изток / Medical Centre - East to Силистра
- Тутракан №32 (Пг По Транспорт) / 32 Tutrakan Boulevard (Vocational School Of Transport) to Силистра
- Еконт Експрес (Домостроене Ад) / Econt Express (Domostroene Ad) to Силистра
- Митница (Дунав Мост) / Customs (Danube Bridge) to Силистра
- Долапите, Обръщало / Dolapite Terminus to Силистра
- Дунав Мост / Danube Bridge to Силистра
- Еконт Експрес (Напорни Тръби) / Econt Express (Pressure Pipes) to Силистра
- Тутракан №19 (Тухлена Фабрика) / 19 Tutrakan Boulevard (Brick Factory) to Силистра
- Медицински Център - Запад / Medical Centre - West to Силистра
Alternative route from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра by bus via 10 and 11
To get from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра in Русе, take the 10 bus from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North station to Пантеона / the Pantheon station. Next, take the 11 bus from Сердика / Serdika station to Пътен Възел Охлюва - Изток / Ohliuva Road Junction - East station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 8 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationЗавоя - Север / Zavoya - North
- 2Wait for bus10Дом На Културата / House of Culture
- 3Ride to bus stationПантеона / the Pantheon17 min
- 4Walk to bus stationСердика / Serdika130 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus11Ул. Мальовица / Malyovitsa St.
- 6Ride to bus stationПътен Възел Охлюва - Изток / Ohliuva Road Junction - East11 min
- 7Walk toСилистра740 m • 10 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра?
The fastest way takes 50 minutes, using Bus line 10, Bus line 15.
What is the alternative route to get from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра?
The alternative route takes 68 minutes, using Bus line 10, Bus line 11.
Is there a direct bus between Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North and Силистра?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 50 min.
Which bus line goes from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра?
The 10 bus line goes from Дом На Културата / House of Culture station near Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North in Ruse to Училище Йордан Йовков (Кооперативен Пазар) / Yordan Yovkov High School (Cooperative Market) station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Училище Йордан Йовков (Кооперативен Пазар) / Yordan Yovkov High School (Cooperative Market) station near Силистра in Русе.
How long does it take to travel from Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to Силистра by bus?
The total travel time between Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North in Ruse and Силистра in Русе by bus is about 50 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North to get to Силистра?
Get on the 10 bus from the Дом На Културата / House of Culture stop near Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North in Ruse.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Завоя - Север / Zavoya - North and Силистра?
Get off the bus at the Училище Йордан Йовков (Кооперативен Пазар) / Yordan Yovkov High School (Cooperative Market) stop, which is closest to Силистра in Русе.