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How to get from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет by Trolleybus and light rail?

From Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет by Trolleybus and light rail

To get from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет in Кв. Полигона, take the 3 light rail from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948) station to Ул. Опълченска / Opalchenska St. (2084) station. Next, take the 5 Trolleybus from Бул. Ал. Стамболийски / Al. Stamboliyski Blvd. (0283) station to Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1696) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 48 min. The ride fare is BGN1.60.

Walk to light rail station
Light Rail - 33
Trolleybus - 5
Walk to Су Философски Факултет
Leaves from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948)

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to light rail station
    Walk to light rail station
    Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948)
    80 m • 1 min
  • 2
    Light Rail - 33
    Wait for light rail
    Орландовци / Orlandovtsi
  • 3
    Ride to light rail station
    Ride to light rail station
    Ул. Опълченска / Opalchenska St. (2084)
    10 min
  • 4
    Walk to Trolleybus station
    Walk to Trolleybus station
    Бул. Ал. Стамболийски / Al. Stamboliyski Blvd. (0283)
    110 m • 2 min
  • 5
    Trolleybus - 55
    Wait for Trolleybus
    Умбал Св. Анна / St. Anna Hospital
  • 6
    Ride to Trolleybus station
    Ride to Trolleybus station
    Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1696)
    22 min
  • 7
    Walk to Су Философски Факултет
    Walk to
    Су Философски Факултет
    Христо Чернопеев
    340 m • 5 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

From Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет by bus, light rail and metro

To get from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет in Кв. Полигона, you’ll need to take one light rail line, one metro line and one bus line: take the 3 light rail from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948) station to Метростанция К. Величков / K. Velichkov Metro Station (1051) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the М1 metro and finally take the 84 bus from Софийски Университет / Sofia University (1700) station to Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1696) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min. The ride fare is BGN1.60.

Walk to light rail station
Light Rail - 33
Metro - М1
Bus - 8484
Walk to Су Философски Факултет
Leaves from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948)

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to light rail station
    Walk to light rail station
    Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948)
    80 m • 1 min
  • 2
    Light Rail - 33
    Wait for light rail
    Орландовци / Orlandovtsi
  • 3
    Ride to light rail station
    Ride to light rail station
    Метростанция К. Величков / K. Velichkov Metro Station (1051)
    4 min
  • 4
    Walk to metro station
    Walk to metro station
    Константин Величков / Konstantin Velichkov
    120 m • 2 min
  • 5
    Metro - М1
    Wait for metro
    Бизнес Парк София / Sofia Business Park
  • 6
    Ride to metro station
    Ride to metro station
    Су Св. Климент Охридски / Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
    6 min
  • 7
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Софийски Университет / Sofia University (1700)
    10 m • 1 min
  • 8
    Bus - 8484
    Wait for bus
    Летище София Терминал 2 / Sofia Airport Terminal 2
  • 9
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1696)
    7 min
  • 10
    Walk to Су Философски Факултет
    Walk to
    Су Философски Факултет
    Христо Чернопеев
    340 m • 5 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic
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Public transit directions from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет

The distance between Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949), Кв. Полигона and Су Философски Факултет, Кв. Полигона is approximately 9.19 km, which can typically be travelled in 48 min. Moovit will show you the directions from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет by Trolleybus and light rail, so no matter how you choose to travel in Кв. Полигона – you will always have plenty of easy options.

Public transit stations close to Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949)

Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) is located at Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949), Кв. Полигона and the nearest public transit station is Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948).

Bus stations close to Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949):

  • Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948)
  • Ул. Цар Симеон / Tsar Simeon St. (2251)
  • Ул. Хайдут Сидер / Haydut Sider St. (2228)

Trolleybus stations close to Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949):

  • Бул. К. Величков / K. Velichkov Blvd. (0328)

Public transit stations close to Су Философски Факултет, Кв. Полигона

Су Философски Факултет is located at Христо Чернопеев, Кв. Полигона and the nearest public transit station is Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1696).

Bus stations close to Су Философски Факултет:

  • Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1696)
  • Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1695)
  • Ну За Танцово Изкуство / National School Of Dance Art (0719)

Trolleybus stations close to Су Философски Факултет:

  • Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1695)
  • Площад На Авиацията / Aviation Square (1259)

Related Routes

From Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет by bus, light rail and metro

To get from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет in Кв. Полигона, you’ll need to take one light rail line, one metro line and one bus line: take the 3 light rail from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948) station to Метростанция К. Величков / K. Velichkov Metro Station (1051) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the М1 metro and finally take the 84 bus from Софийски Университет / Sofia University (1700) station to Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1696) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min. The ride fare is BGN1.60.

Walk to light rail station
Light Rail - 33
Metro - М1
Bus - 8484
Walk to Су Философски Факултет
Leaves from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948)

Step by Step

  • 1
    Walk to light rail station
    Walk to light rail station
    Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948)
    80 m • 1 min
  • 2
    Light Rail - 33
    Wait for light rail
    Орландовци / Orlandovtsi
  • 3
    Ride to light rail station
    Ride to light rail station
    Метростанция К. Величков / K. Velichkov Metro Station (1051)
    4 min
  • 4
    Walk to metro station
    Walk to metro station
    Константин Величков / Konstantin Velichkov
    120 m • 2 min
  • 5
    Metro - М1
    Wait for metro
    Бизнес Парк София / Sofia Business Park
  • 6
    Ride to metro station
    Ride to metro station
    Су Св. Климент Охридски / Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
    6 min
  • 7
    Walk to bus station
    Walk to bus station
    Софийски Университет / Sofia University (1700)
    10 m • 1 min
  • 8
    Bus - 8484
    Wait for bus
    Летище София Терминал 2 / Sofia Airport Terminal 2
  • 9
    Ride to bus station
    Ride to bus station
    Ж.К. Изток / Iztok Qr (1696)
    7 min
  • 10
    Walk to Су Философски Факултет
    Walk to
    Су Философски Факултет
    Христо Чернопеев
    340 m • 5 min
*Duration based on 8am traffic

Questions & Answers

  • What is the fastest way to get from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет?

    The fastest way takes 48 minutes, using Bus line 3, Bus line 5.

  • What is the alternative route to get from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет?

    The alternative route takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 3, Bus line М1, Bus line 84.

  • Is there a direct light rail between Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) and Су Философски Факултет?

    No, you’ll have to take one light rail line and one Trolleybus line in total. The total travelling time is 48 min.

  • Which light rail line goes from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет?

    The 3 light rail line goes from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948) station near Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) in Sofia to Орландовци / Orlandovtsi station. From there you’ll have to take one Trolleybus line till Орландовци / Orlandovtsi station near Су Философски Факултет in Кв. Полигона.

  • How long does it take to travel from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет by light rail and Trolleybus?

    The total travel time between Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) in Sofia and Су Философски Факултет in Кв. Полигона by light rail and Trolleybus is about 48 min.

  • Where do I get on the light rail near Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to get to Су Философски Факултет?

    Get on the 3 light rail from the Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1948) station near Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) in Sofia.

  • Where do I get off the light rail when travelling between Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) and Су Философски Факултет?

    Get off the light rail at the Орландовци / Orlandovtsi station, which is closest to Су Философски Факултет in Кв. Полигона.

  • When is the last bus from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет?

    The last bus from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) in Sofia to Су Философски Факултет in Кв. Полигона is the ЛЮЛИН 1,2 / LYULIN 1,2 - МЛАДОСТ 4 / MLADOST 4 line. It leaves the Метростанция Вардар / Vardar Metro Station (6453) stop at 2:48 AM.

  • When is the first metro from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет?

    The first metro from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) in Sofia to Су Философски Факултет in Кв. Полигона is ЛЕТИЩЕ СОФИЯ / SOFIA AIRPORT - ОБЕЛЯ / OBELYA. It leaves the Константин Величков / Konstantin Velichkov station at 8:16 AM.

  • How much is the light rail fare from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет?

    The ride from Ул. Зографски Манастир / Zografski Manastir St. (1949) to Су Философски Факултет costs BGN1.60.