How to get from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский by metro?
From Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский by metro
To get from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский in Moscow, take the 2 metro from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) station to Тверская (Tverskaya) station. Next, take the 7 metro from Пушкинская (Pushkinskaya) station to Пролетарская (Proletarskaya) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 39 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationБеломорская (Belomorskaya)
- 2Wait for metro2Алма-Атинская (Alma-Atinskaya)
- 3Ride to metro stationТверская (Tverskaya)21 min
- 4Wait for metro7Котельники (Kotelniki)
- 5Ride to metro stationПролетарская (Proletarskaya)10 min
- 6Walk toТаганский60 m • 1 min
Alternative route from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский by metro via 2, 5 and 10
To get from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский in Moscow, you’ll need to take 3 metro lines: take the 2 metro from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) station to Белорусская (Belorusskaya) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 5 metro and finally take the 10 metro from Чкаловская (Chkalovskaya) station to Крестьянская Застава (Krestyanskaya Zastava) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 43 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationБеломорская (Belomorskaya)
- 2Wait for metro2Алма-Атинская (Alma-Atinskaya)
- 3Ride to metro stationБелорусская (Belorusskaya)17 min
- 4Wait for metro5Киевская (Kievskaya)
- 5Ride to metro stationКурская (Kurskaya)10 min
- 6Wait for metro10Зябликово (Zyablikovo)
- 7Ride to metro stationКрестьянская Застава (Krestyanskaya Zastava)5 min
- 8Walk toТаганский60 m • 1 min
Public transit directions from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский
Public transit stations close to Беломорская (Belomorskaya)
Беломорская (Belomorskaya) is located at Беломорская (Belomorskaya), Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Метро "Беломорская".
Bus stations close to Беломорская (Belomorskaya):
- Метро "Беломорская"
- Ин-т Усовершенствования врачей
- Валдайский пр.
Shuttle stations close to Беломорская (Belomorskaya):
- Экономический университет
- Валдайский проезд
- Смольная д.45
Public transit stations close to Таганский, Moscow
Таганский is located at Таганский, Moscow and the nearest public transit station is Стройковская ул..
Metro stations close to Таганский:
- Пролетарская (Proletarskaya)
- Крестьянская Застава (Krestyanskaya Zastava)
Bus stations close to Таганский:
- Стройковская ул.
- Динамовская ул.
- Метро "Пролетарская"
Related Routes
- Даниловский to Таганский
- Лыткарино to Таганский
- Люберецкий Район to Таганский
- Хамовники to Таганский
- Мещанский to Таганский
- Арбат to Таганский
- Красносельский to Таганский
- Тверской to Таганский
- Отрадное to Таганский
- Первомайское to Таганский
- Перово to Таганский
- Печатники to Таганский
- Поварово to Таганский
- Подольск to Таганский
- Кубинка to Таганский
- Щукино to Таганский
- Власиха to Таганский
- Внуково to Таганский
- Кузьминки to Таганский
- Преображенское to Таганский
Alternative route from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский by metro via 2, 5 and 10
To get from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский in Moscow, you’ll need to take 3 metro lines: take the 2 metro from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) station to Белорусская (Belorusskaya) station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 5 metro and finally take the 10 metro from Чкаловская (Chkalovskaya) station to Крестьянская Застава (Krestyanskaya Zastava) station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 43 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationБеломорская (Belomorskaya)
- 2Wait for metro2Алма-Атинская (Alma-Atinskaya)
- 3Ride to metro stationБелорусская (Belorusskaya)17 min
- 4Wait for metro5Киевская (Kievskaya)
- 5Ride to metro stationКурская (Kurskaya)10 min
- 6Wait for metro10Зябликово (Zyablikovo)
- 7Ride to metro stationКрестьянская Застава (Krestyanskaya Zastava)5 min
- 8Walk toТаганский60 m • 1 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский?
The fastest way takes 39 minutes, using Bus line 2, Bus line 7.
What is the alternative route to get from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский?
The alternative route takes 43 minutes, using Bus line 2, Bus line 5, Bus line 10.
Is there a direct metro between Беломорская (Belomorskaya) and Таганский?
No, you’ll have to take 2 metro lines in total. The total travelling time is 39 min.
Which metro line goes from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский?
The 2 metro line goes from Алма-Атинская (Alma-Atinskaya) station near Беломорская (Belomorskaya) in Левобережный to Тверская (Tverskaya) station. From there you’ll have to take one metro line till Тверская (Tverskaya) station near Таганский in Moscow.
How long does it take to travel from Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to Таганский by metro?
The total travel time between Беломорская (Belomorskaya) in Левобережный and Таганский in Moscow by metro is about 39 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Беломорская (Belomorskaya) to get to Таганский?
Get on the 2 metro from the Алма-Атинская (Alma-Atinskaya) station near Беломорская (Belomorskaya) in Левобережный.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Беломорская (Belomorskaya) and Таганский?
Get off the metro at the Тверская (Tverskaya) station, which is closest to Таганский in Moscow.