How to get from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي by bus and train?
From Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي by bus and train
To get from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي in الدار البيضاء, take the TNR train from Mohammédia station to Casa-Port station. Next, take the 9E bus from Gare Casa-Port - Houphouët-Boigny station to Pâtisserie La Pensée station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 53 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationMohammédia
- 2Wait for trainTNRCasa-Port
- 3Ride to train stationCasa-Port21 min
- 4Walk to bus stationGare Casa-Port - Houphouët-Boigny230 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus9EEnnassim
- 6Ride to bus stationPâtisserie La Pensée20 min
- 7Walk toمصحة غانديشارع غاندي الحي الحسني, الدار البيضاء350 m • 5 min
Alternative route from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي by bus and train via TNR and 84
To get from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي in الدار البيضاء, take the TNR train from Mohammédia station to Casa-Port station. Next, take the 84 bus from Gare Casa-Port - Houphouët-Boigny station to Royal Golf Anfa station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 3 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationMohammédia
- 2Wait for trainTNRCasa-Port
- 3Ride to train stationCasa-Port21 min
- 4Walk to bus stationGare Casa-Port - Houphouët-Boigny230 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus84Jnan Louz
- 6Ride to bus stationRoyal Golf Anfa18 min
- 7Walk toمصحة غانديشارع غاندي الحي الحسني, الدار البيضاء570 m • 8 min
Public transit directions from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي
Public transit stations close to Mohammédia
Mohammédia is located at Mohammédia, الدار البيضاء and the nearest public transit station is Pharmacie De L'Avenue.
Bus stations close to Mohammédia:
- Pharmacie De L'Avenue
- El Matahine
- Hôpital Moulay Abdellah
Public transit stations close to مصحة غاندي, الدار البيضاء
مصحة غاندي is located at شارع غاندي الحي الحسني, الدار البيضاء, الدار البيضاء and the nearest public transit station is Pâtisserie La Pensée.
Bus stations close to مصحة غاندي:
- Pâtisserie La Pensée
- Lycée Ziryab
- Clinique Normandie
Related Routes
- Casa-Voyageurs to مصحة غاندي
- Mohammédia to بن سليمان
- Mohammédia to Clinique Anoual
- Mohammédia to مستشفى اهل الغلام الأزهر
- Mohammédia to Clinique Ghandi
- Mohammédia to Ofppt
- Mohammédia to Stade El-Bachir
- Mohammédia to Nouaceur
- Mohammédia to Sidi Moumen
- Mohammédia to Iscae
- Mohammédia to مطار الدارالبيضاء تيط ملّيل
- Mohammédia to EMSI Maarif
- Jnane Oulfa to Casablanca
- Jnane Oulfa to Bouskoura
- Jnane Oulfa to L Oasis Morocco
- Kasbat Lamine to Casablanca
- Kasbat Lamine to Bouskoura
- Kasbat Lamine to L Oasis Morocco
- Hay Nassim 2 to L Oasis Morocco
- Hay Nassim 2 to Mers Sultan
Alternative route from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي by bus and train via TNR and 84
To get from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي in الدار البيضاء, take the TNR train from Mohammédia station to Casa-Port station. Next, take the 84 bus from Gare Casa-Port - Houphouët-Boigny station to Royal Golf Anfa station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 3 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from train stationMohammédia
- 2Wait for trainTNRCasa-Port
- 3Ride to train stationCasa-Port21 min
- 4Walk to bus stationGare Casa-Port - Houphouët-Boigny230 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus84Jnan Louz
- 6Ride to bus stationRoyal Golf Anfa18 min
- 7Walk toمصحة غانديشارع غاندي الحي الحسني, الدار البيضاء570 m • 8 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي?
The fastest way takes 53 minutes, using Bus line TNR, Bus line 9E.
What is the alternative route to get from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي?
The alternative route takes 63 minutes, using Bus line TNR, Bus line 84.
Is there a direct train between Mohammédia and مصحة غاندي?
No, you’ll have to take one train line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 53 min.
Which train line goes from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي?
The TNR train line goes from Casa-Port station near Mohammédia in المحمدية to Casa-Port station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Casa-Port station near مصحة غاندي in الدار البيضاء.
How long does it take to travel from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي by train and bus?
The total travel time between Mohammédia in المحمدية and مصحة غاندي in الدار البيضاء by train and bus is about 53 min.
Where do I get on the train near Mohammédia to get to مصحة غاندي?
Get on the TNR train from the Casa-Port station near Mohammédia in المحمدية.
Where do I get off the train when travelling between Mohammédia and مصحة غاندي?
Get off the train at the Casa-Port stop, which is closest to مصحة غاندي in الدار البيضاء.
When is the first train from Mohammédia to مصحة غاندي?
The first train from Mohammédia in المحمدية to مصحة غاندي in الدار البيضاء is القنيطرة ـ مراكش | Kenitra - Marrakech. It leaves the Mohammédia station at 4:55 AM.