How to get from 佐倉市 to 世田谷区 by metro?
From 佐倉市 to 世田谷区 by metro
To get from 佐倉市 to 世田谷区 in Tokyo, you’ll need to take 2 metro lines: take the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro from 榎戸 Enokido station to 千葉 Chiba station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 総武快速線 SOBU RAPID LINE metro and finally take the 東98 from 東京駅南口 station to 等々力操車所 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro station佐倉市
- 2Wait for metro総武本線 SOBU LINE千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local]
- 3Ride to metro station千葉 Chiba27 min
- 4Wait for metro総武快速線 SOBU RAPID LINE池袋 [特急] Ikebukuro [Limited Express]
- 5Ride to metro station東京 Tokyo35 min
- 6Walk to東京駅南口250 m • 4 min
- 7Wait for東98等々力操車所
- 8Ride to等々力操車所61 min
- 9Walk to世田谷区1.96 km • 25 min
Public transit directions from 佐倉市 to 世田谷区
Public transit stations close to 佐倉市
佐倉市 is located at 佐倉市, Tokyo and the nearest public transit station is 南酒々井 Minami-Shisui.
Metro stations close to 佐倉市:
- 南酒々井 Minami-Shisui
Public transit stations close to 世田谷区, Tokyo
世田谷区 is located at 世田谷区, Tokyo and the nearest public transit station is 二子玉川緑地前.
Metro stations close to 世田谷区:
- 武蔵新城 Musashi-Shinjo
- 久地 Kuji
- 武蔵溝ノ口 Musashi-Mizonokuchi
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 佐倉市 to 世田谷区?
The fastest way takes 175 minutes, using Bus line 総武本線 SOBU LINE, Bus line 総武快速線 SOBU RAPID LINE, Bus line 東98.
Is there a direct metro between 佐倉市 and 世田谷区 in Tokyo?
No, you’ll have to take 2 metro lines in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 55 min.
Which metro line goes from 佐倉市 to 世田谷区 in Tokyo?
The 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro line goes from 千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local] station near 佐倉市 to 千葉 Chiba station. From there you’ll have to take one metro line till 千葉 Chiba station near 世田谷区 in Tokyo
How long does it take to travel from 佐倉市 to 世田谷区 in Tokyo by metro?
The total travel time between 佐倉市 and 世田谷区 in Tokyo by metro is about 2 hr 55 min.
Where do I get on the metro near 佐倉市 to get to 世田谷区 in Tokyo?
Get on the 総武本線 SOBU LINE metro from the 千葉 [普通] Chiba [Local] station near 佐倉市 in Tokyo.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between 佐倉市 and 世田谷区 in Tokyo?
Get off the metro at the 千葉 Chiba station, which is closest to 世田谷区 in Tokyo.