How to get from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 by bus?
From 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 by bus
To get from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 in Shanghai, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 申川专线 bus from 川沙路新源路 station to 德平路浦东大道 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 机场四线 bus and finally take the 118路 bus from 邯郸路运光路 station to 岭南路景凤路 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 58 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station川沙镇
- 2Wait for bus申川专线上海火车站(南广场)
- 3Ride to bus station德平路浦东大道69 min
- 4Wait for bus机场四线虹口足球场(花园路)
- 5Ride to bus station邯郸路运光路15 min
- 6Wait for bus118路一二八纪念路阳曲路
- 7Ride to bus station岭南路景凤路23 min
Alternative route from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 by bus via 申川专线, 机场四线 and 749路
To get from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 in Shanghai, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 申川专线 bus from 川沙路新源路 station to 德平路浦东大道 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 机场四线 bus and finally take the 749路 bus from 五角场(邯郸路) station to 岭南路景凤路 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 2 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station川沙镇
- 2Wait for bus申川专线上海火车站(南广场)
- 3Ride to bus station德平路浦东大道69 min
- 4Wait for bus机场四线虹口足球场(花园路)
- 5Ride to bus station五角场(邯郸路)10 min
- 6Wait for bus749路虎林路(共江路)
- 7Ride to bus station岭南路景凤路31 min
Public transit directions from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道
Public transit stations close to 川沙镇
川沙镇 is located at 川沙镇, Shanghai and the nearest public transit station is 川沙路新源路.
Metro stations close to 川沙镇:
- 新中路 Middle Chuangxin Road
- 华夏东路 East Huaxia Road
- 川沙 Chuansha
Bus stations close to 川沙镇:
- 川沙路新源路
- 新川路川沙路
- 新德路川沙路
Public transit stations close to 临汾路街道, Shanghai
临汾路街道 is located at 临汾路街道, Shanghai and the nearest public transit station is 保德路岭南路.
Metro stations close to 临汾路街道:
- 通河新村 Tonghe Xincun
- 汶水路 Wenshui Road
- 彭浦新村 Pengpu Xincun
Bus stations close to 临汾路街道:
- 保德路岭南路
- 岭南路保德路
- 阳曲路保德路
Alternative route from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 by bus via 申川专线, 机场四线 and 749路
To get from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 in Shanghai, you’ll need to take 3 bus lines: take the 申川专线 bus from 川沙路新源路 station to 德平路浦东大道 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 机场四线 bus and finally take the 749路 bus from 五角场(邯郸路) station to 岭南路景凤路 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 2 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus station川沙镇
- 2Wait for bus申川专线上海火车站(南广场)
- 3Ride to bus station德平路浦东大道69 min
- 4Wait for bus机场四线虹口足球场(花园路)
- 5Ride to bus station五角场(邯郸路)10 min
- 6Wait for bus749路虎林路(共江路)
- 7Ride to bus station岭南路景凤路31 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道?
The fastest way takes 118 minutes, using Bus line 申川专线, Bus line 机场四线, Bus line 118路.
What is the alternative route to get from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道?
The alternative route takes 122 minutes, using Bus line 申川专线, Bus line 机场四线, Bus line 749路.
Is there a direct bus between 川沙镇 and 临汾路街道 in Shanghai?
No, you’ll have to take 3 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 58 min.
Which bus line goes from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 in Shanghai?
The 申川专线 bus line goes from 上海火车站(南广场) station near 川沙镇 to 德平路浦东大道 station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till 德平路浦东大道 station near 临汾路街道 in Shanghai
How long does it take to travel from 川沙镇 to 临汾路街道 in Shanghai by bus?
The total travel time between 川沙镇 and 临汾路街道 in Shanghai by bus is about 1 hr 58 min.
Where do I get on the bus near 川沙镇 to get to 临汾路街道 in Shanghai?
Get on the 申川专线 bus from the 上海火车站(南广场) stop near 川沙镇 in Shanghai.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between 川沙镇 and 临汾路街道 in Shanghai?
Get off the bus at the 德平路浦东大道 stop, which is closest to 临汾路街道 in Shanghai.