How to get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun by bus?
From 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun by bus
To get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun in Hong Kong, take the 290 bus from 梁潔華小學 Leung Kit Wah Primary School station to 荃灣眾安街 Chung on Street Tsuen Wan station. Next, take the 67M bus from 荃灣眾安街 Chung on Street Tsuen Wan station to 兆康路 Siu Hong Road station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 37 min. The ride fare is HK$22.50.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station梁潔華小學 Leung Kit Wah Primary SchoolID 001683230 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for bus290荃灣西站 Tsuen Wan West Station
- 3Ride to bus station荃灣眾安街 Chung on Street Tsuen Wan52 min
- 4Wait for bus67M屯門(兆康苑) Tuen Mun (Siu Hong Court)
- 5Ride to bus station兆康路 Siu Hong Road40 min
From 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun by subway
To get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun in Hong Kong, you’ll need to take 3 subway lines: take the 將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE subway from 寶琳 Po Lam station to 調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE subway and finally take the 屯馬綫 TUEN MA LINE subway from 鑽石山 Diamond Hill station to 兆康 Siu Hong station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 32 min. The ride fare is HK$24.70.
Step by Step
- 1Start from subway station寶琳 Po Lam
- 2Wait for subway將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE北角 North Point
- 3Ride to subway station調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng7 min
- 4Wait for subway觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE黃埔 Whampoa
- 5Ride to subway station鑽石山 Diamond HillID DIH16 min
- 6Wait for subway屯馬綫 TUEN MA LINE屯門 Tuen Mun
- 7Ride to subway station兆康 Siu Hong45 min
- 8Walk to屯門 Tuen Mun460 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun
Public transit stations close to 寶琳 Po Lam
寶琳 Po Lam is located at 寶琳 Po Lam, Hong Kong and the nearest public transit station is 寶豐路, 新都城外 Po Fung Road, Outside Metro City.
Subway stations close to 寶琳 Po Lam:
- 坑口 Hang Hau
Bus stations close to 寶琳 Po Lam:
- 寶豐路, 新都城外 Po Fung Road, Outside Metro City
- 寶豐路, 新都城二期外 Metro City Phase 2
- 新都城 Metro City
Public transit stations close to 屯門 Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
屯門 Tuen Mun is located at 屯門 Tuen Mun, Hong Kong and the nearest public transit station is 青麟路, 兆康苑兆麗閣外 Tsing Lun Road, Outside Siu Lai House Of Siu Hong Court.
Bus stations close to 屯門 Tuen Mun:
- 青麟路, 兆康苑兆麗閣外 Tsing Lun Road, Outside Siu Lai House Of Siu Hong Court
- 屯門公路, 近兆康站 Tuen Mun Road, Near Siu Hong Station
- 虎地 Fu Tei
Related Routes
- 沙田 Sha Tin to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 深水埗 Sham Shui Po to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 九龍 Kowloon City to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 灣仔 Wan Chai to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 觀塘 Kwun Tong to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 元朗區 to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 大埔區 to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 深水埗 to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 油尖旺區 to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 黃大仙區 to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 西貢總站 Sai Kung B/T to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 東涌纜車站 Tung Chung Cable Car Terminal to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 皇后像廣場 Statue Square to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 旺角登打士街 Dundas Street Mong Kok to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 沙田第一城 City One Shatin to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 形點 II Yoho Mall II to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 鑽石山站總站 Diamond Hill Station B/T to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 上水站 Sheung Shui Station to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 大欖隧道 Tai Lam Tunnel to 屯門 Tuen Mun
- 畢架山花園 Beacon Heights to 屯門 Tuen Mun
From 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun by subway
To get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun in Hong Kong, you’ll need to take 3 subway lines: take the 將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE subway from 寶琳 Po Lam station to 調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE subway and finally take the 屯馬綫 TUEN MA LINE subway from 鑽石山 Diamond Hill station to 兆康 Siu Hong station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 1 hr 32 min. The ride fare is HK$24.70.
Step by Step
- 1Start from subway station寶琳 Po Lam
- 2Wait for subway將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE北角 North Point
- 3Ride to subway station調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng7 min
- 4Wait for subway觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE黃埔 Whampoa
- 5Ride to subway station鑽石山 Diamond HillID DIH16 min
- 6Wait for subway屯馬綫 TUEN MA LINE屯門 Tuen Mun
- 7Ride to subway station兆康 Siu Hong45 min
- 8Walk to屯門 Tuen Mun460 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun?
The fastest way takes 97 minutes, using Bus line 290, Bus line 67M.
What is the alternative route to get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun?
The alternative route takes 92 minutes, using Bus line 將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE, Bus line 觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE, Bus line 屯馬綫 TUEN MA LINE.
Is there a direct bus between 寶琳 Po Lam and 屯門 Tuen Mun?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines in total. The total travelling time is 1 hr 37 min.
Which bus line goes from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun?
The 290 bus line goes from 梁潔華小學 Leung Kit Wah Primary School station near 寶琳 Po Lam in 西貢 Sai Kung to 荃灣西站 Tsuen Wan West Station station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till 荃灣西站 Tsuen Wan West Station station near 屯門 Tuen Mun in Hong Kong.
How long does it take to travel from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun by bus?
The total travel time between 寶琳 Po Lam in 西貢 Sai Kung and 屯門 Tuen Mun in Hong Kong by bus is about 1 hr 37 min.
Where do I get on the bus near 寶琳 Po Lam to get to 屯門 Tuen Mun?
Get on the 290 bus from the 梁潔華小學 Leung Kit Wah Primary School stop near 寶琳 Po Lam in 西貢 Sai Kung.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between 寶琳 Po Lam and 屯門 Tuen Mun?
Get off the bus at the 荃灣西站 Tsuen Wan West Station stop, which is closest to 屯門 Tuen Mun in Hong Kong.
How much is the bus fare from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun?
The ride from 寶琳 Po Lam to 屯門 Tuen Mun costs HK$22.50.