How to get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 by subway?
From 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 by subway
To get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 in Hong Kong, take the 將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE subway from 寶琳 Po Lam station to 調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng station. Next, take the 觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE subway from 調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng station to 九龍塘 Kowloon Tong station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min. The ride fare is HK$10.70.
Step by Step
- 1Start from subway station寶琳 Po Lam
- 2Wait for subway將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE北角 North Point
- 3Ride to subway station調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng7 min
- 4Wait for subway觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE黃埔 Whampoa
- 5Ride to subway station九龍塘 Kowloon Tong22 min
From 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 by bus and subway
To get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 in Hong Kong, take the 10M bus from 貿業路, 近寶琳站 Mau Yip Road, Near Po Lam Station station to 觀塘道, 官塘工業中心2期外 Kwun Tong Road, Outside Kwun Tong Industrial Centre Phase 2 station. Next, take the 觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE subway from 觀塘 Kwun Tong station to 九龍塘 Kowloon Tong station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min. The ride fare is HK$14.80.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station貿業路, 近寶琳站 Mau Yip Road, Near Po Lam StationID 2000117410 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus10M裕民坊公共運輸交匯處 Yue Man Square Public Transport Interchange
- 3Ride to bus station觀塘道, 官塘工業中心2期外 Kwun Tong Road, Outside Kwun Tong Industrial Centre Phase 2ID 2001555610 min
- 4Walk to subway station觀塘 Kwun TongID KWT90 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for subway觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE黃埔 Whampoa
- 6Ride to subway station九龍塘 Kowloon Tong15 min
Public transit directions from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗
Public transit stations close to 寶琳 Po Lam
寶琳 Po Lam is located at 寶琳 Po Lam, Hong Kong and the nearest public transit station is 寶豐路, 新都城外 Po Fung Road, Outside Metro City.
Subway stations close to 寶琳 Po Lam:
- 坑口 Hang Hau
Bus stations close to 寶琳 Po Lam:
- 寶豐路, 新都城外 Po Fung Road, Outside Metro City
- 寶豐路, 新都城二期外 Metro City Phase 2
- 新都城 Metro City
Public transit stations close to 深水埗, Hong Kong
深水埗 is located at 深水埗, Hong Kong and the nearest public transit station is 沙福道4號 Suffolk Road Outside House No. 4.
Subway stations close to 深水埗:
- 太子 Prince Edward
- 九龍塘 Kowloon Tong
- 石硤尾 Shek Kip Mei
Bus stations close to 深水埗:
- 沙福道4號 Suffolk Road Outside House No. 4
- 達之路, 近又一村花園 Sherborne Tat Chee Avenue, Near Sherborne, Village Gardens
- 香港生產力促進局 Hong Kong Productivity Council
Related Routes
- 沙田 Sha Tin to 深水埗
- 深圳口岸 Shenzhen Port to 深水埗
- 元朗 Yuen Long to 深水埗
- 西貢 Sai Kung to 深水埗
- 觀塘 Kwun Tong to 深水埗
- 黃大仙 Wong Tai Sin to 深水埗
- 元朗區 to 深水埗
- 大埔區 to 深水埗
- 沙田 to 深水埗
- 灣仔 to 深水埗
- 觀塘區 to 深水埗
- 黃大仙區 to 深水埗
- 九龍城 to 深水埗
- 怡和街 Yee Wo Street to 深水埗
- 南京街 Nanking Street to 深水埗
- 九龍灣常悅道 Sheung Yuet Road Kowloon Bay to 深水埗
- 琴行街 Kam Hong Street to 深水埗
- 崇光百貨 Sogo Department Store to 深水埗
- 沙田第一城 City One Shatin to 深水埗
- 形點 II Yoho Mall II to 深水埗
From 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 by bus and subway
To get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 in Hong Kong, take the 10M bus from 貿業路, 近寶琳站 Mau Yip Road, Near Po Lam Station station to 觀塘道, 官塘工業中心2期外 Kwun Tong Road, Outside Kwun Tong Industrial Centre Phase 2 station. Next, take the 觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE subway from 觀塘 Kwun Tong station to 九龍塘 Kowloon Tong station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 30 min. The ride fare is HK$14.80.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus station貿業路, 近寶琳站 Mau Yip Road, Near Po Lam StationID 2000117410 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus10M裕民坊公共運輸交匯處 Yue Man Square Public Transport Interchange
- 3Ride to bus station觀塘道, 官塘工業中心2期外 Kwun Tong Road, Outside Kwun Tong Industrial Centre Phase 2ID 2001555610 min
- 4Walk to subway station觀塘 Kwun TongID KWT90 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for subway觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE黃埔 Whampoa
- 6Ride to subway station九龍塘 Kowloon Tong15 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗?
The fastest way takes 35 minutes, using Bus line 將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE, Bus line 觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE.
What is the alternative route to get from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗?
The alternative route takes 30 minutes, using Bus line 10M, Bus line 觀塘綫 KWUN TONG LINE.
Is there a direct subway between 寶琳 Po Lam and 深水埗?
No, you’ll have to take 2 subway lines in total. The total travelling time is 35 min.
Which subway line goes from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗?
The 將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE subway line goes from 北角 North Point station near 寶琳 Po Lam in 西貢 Sai Kung to 調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng station. From there you’ll have to take one subway line till 調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng station near 深水埗 in Hong Kong.
How long does it take to travel from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 by subway?
The total travel time between 寶琳 Po Lam in 西貢 Sai Kung and 深水埗 in Hong Kong by subway is about 35 min.
Where do I get on the subway near 寶琳 Po Lam to get to 深水埗?
Get on the 將軍澳綫 TSEUNG KWAN O LINE subway from the 北角 North Point station near 寶琳 Po Lam in 西貢 Sai Kung.
Where do I get off the subway when travelling between 寶琳 Po Lam and 深水埗?
Get off the subway at the 調景嶺 Tiu Keng Leng station, which is closest to 深水埗 in Hong Kong.
How much is the subway fare from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗?
The ride from 寶琳 Po Lam to 深水埗 costs HK$10.70.